Why Choose Coursera for Business?
Prepare your employees for Generative AI and other tech accelerations with job-aligned skills, data-driven insights, and trusted content and credentials.
Upskilling fewer than 125 employees? Get Coursera for Teams
Join thousands of industry leaders building organizational agility with Coursera
Enhance your adaptability
Leverage our skill-based content and trusted credentials to create a skilled and agile company that can harness emerging technology and succeed through any change.
Learning that learners want
Courses from top institutions like Microsoft, Google and Meta deliver valuable skills and credentials. 62% of learners increased their confidence.
Skills for real growth
Our extensive library covers essential tech, data, and business skills. 77% of learners report career benefits.
Stackable content for continuous learning
Encourage employees to build knowledge step-by-step. 75% of learners plan to enroll in another course.
An employee benefit with lifetime value
High-quality courses provide lasting value. 95% of learners report personal benefits.
Customize learning with AI
Boost productivity with AI-driven, custom learning for your entire team.
- AI-powered guidance: Use Coursera Coach to learn and advance with real-time thought partnership.
- Language access: Translate over 4,000 courses into 20+ languages instantly.
- Custom course creation: Use Course Builder to create and integrate custom courses.
- Role-based recommendations: Use AI-powered content authoring and learning recommendations to tailor content to careers.

Advance your company’s skills with recognized credentials
Invest in your team with well-known certifications that support career growth.
- Professional Certificates: Choose from 140+ credentials from industry leaders and top universities.
- Micro-credentials: Validate skills with smaller, stackable achievements.
- Learning pathways: Guide continuous learning toward significant certificates.
- Co-branded badges: Offer joint credentials from Coursera and top institutions.

Deliver trusted content and credentials
Enhance learning outcomes with world-class content and trusted credentials from 350+ leading companies and universities. Our instructional design experts ensure that each piece of content promotes effective learning.
The Coursera courses helped me to build a variety of skills in Data Science in a considerably short period. The added bonus is knowing you are gaining this knowledge and credentials from the world’s top universities.

Ready to equip your company for success?
Learn more about how Coursera can help your business stay ahead, engage your team, and foster growth.
Upskilling fewer than 125 employees? Get Coursera for Teams
The Job Skills of 2025 Report
Discover the fastest-growing job skills for 2025.
The Global Skills Report 2024
Identify critical skills and drive career outcomes for a competitive workforce.
Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Study of Coursera for Business
Discover how organizations use Coursera for Business to achieve measurable business outcomes and explore practical insights from global industry leaders.