Upskill and reskill your government talent
Develop skilled professionals and improve service delivery with world-class training from leading universities and companies.
Upskilling fewer than 125 employees? Get Coursera for Teams
Join public sector leaders from around the world
Government and nonprofit leaders from more than 100 countries partner with Coursera to upskill and reskill their public officials.
- Public Service Academies
Abu Dhabi School of Government
- Education
National Center for e-Learning
- Central Banks and Public Investment Funds
Central Bank of Brazil
- Digital Transformation
Guyana Office of the Prime Minister
- U.S. Defense and Intelligence
Defense Acquisition University
- U.S. Civilian
U.S. Census Bureau
Coursera Academies
Upskill every department in your organization
Provide your workforce with job-based learning to develop impactful skills that support your greatest goals.
Browse Coursera Academies
World-Class Training
Empower your learners with training from 350+ leading universities and companies
Recommend on-demand courses, short videos, and Professional Certificates to help public sector officials upskill in their current roles or reskill for new positions. Content is available in over 10 different languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Arabic.

In-Demand Skills
Support professional development and increase organizational impact
Pinpoint relevant skills for learners based on an organization’s most critical skill needs. Close skill gaps by assessing proficiency and then recommending targeted learning content.

Hands-on learning
Enable your public workforce with applied learning
Give learners access to thousands of practical assessments and projects with step-by-step expert guidance to gain firsthand knowledge of key skills. Design your own hands-on projects tailored to your organization’s unique needs and delivered in the local language.
Team up for excellence
Through its partnership with Coursera, DAU can quickly connect workforce members with best-in-class online content from leading educational providers.

Actionable Insights
Track, measure, and benchmark learning
Identify your skills gaps with skills-based assessments. Track skills development over time based on actual learner performance. Then benchmark your employees’ skills against those of more than 150 countries to measure the effectiveness of your workforce.
Increased skills depth
Skills mapping is an essential piece of our remit to enhance the capabilities of Abu Dhabi government employees, and ensure they are prepared to navigate evolving market conditions. We seek to develop both the technical and behavioral skills of our learners to build the next generation of leaders. Our blended in-person and online training strategy enables us to reach a large group of our stakeholders.

Choose a plan that fits your goals
Upskill at every level of your organization.
For 125+ Users
Tailored to your company
- Access catalog of 8,400+ from top universities and companies
- 140+ Professional Certificates and recognized credentials
- Interactive AI Coach for personalized learning guidance
- Custom, AI-assisted course building that saves time
- Single sign-on, API and partner integration
- Ongoing support from a dedicated customer success manager to help get the most from your Coursera investment
Build cybersecurity skills across your agency
Train the next generation of cybersecurity talent with world-class content.
Harnessing the Power of AI to Transform Government Training
Discover how AI is reshaping government training and enhancing public service delivery.
Online Training Provider Guide
Learn how investing in online training can help you close skill gaps and boost employee retention.