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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Cryptography I by Stanford University

4,398 ratings

About the Course

Cryptography is an indispensable tool for protecting information in computer systems. In this course you will learn the inner workings of cryptographic systems and how to correctly use them in real-world applications. The course begins with a detailed discussion of how two parties who have a shared secret key can communicate securely when a powerful adversary eavesdrops and tampers with traffic. We will examine many deployed protocols and analyze mistakes in existing systems. The second half of the course discusses public-key techniques that let two parties generate a shared secret key. Throughout the course participants will be exposed to many exciting open problems in the field and work on fun (optional) programming projects. In a second course (Crypto II) we will cover more advanced cryptographic tasks such as zero-knowledge, privacy mechanisms, and other forms of encryption....

Top reviews


Dec 16, 2017

This course gives is perfect to start learning cryptography, explanations are detailed, topics carefully selected combining theory with real world examples and making emphasis in important details.


Jan 14, 2020

Provides a comprehensive introduction to cryptographic history, current technology, best practices and known attacker techniques. A great deal of material is covered in a relatively compact program.

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126 - 150 of 907 Reviews for Cryptography I

By Chloe E G

Jun 15, 2020

Really good explainations of each concept throughout the videos. Would really recommend to anyone, even those with little to no mathematical skill beforehand. Haven't used maths in years but with these videos and the extra reading recommended I managed to understand each concept and pass. :)

By Qi N

Jul 3, 2017

Great Course! It is hard and mind-energy consuming while listening to the video (sometimes I have to repeat again and again to get what he says), but gives me a good intro to cryptography. I would probably read the articles he recommended and finish those optional programming projects later.

By Peter O

Nov 15, 2017

I got a great overview of crypto. Most interesting thing is that the developer should be very careful on every even small detail during the implementation due to different possible types of attack. Big plus are also the (non mandatory) homeworks. I'm excited to continue with Crypto II - ho

By Sajjad A

Apr 14, 2019

The Best Course for The one who really want to be skilled with CryptoGraphy, as it is the only and best way of learning cryptography.

This course is simply life changing, I suggest to everyone that enrolled here as soon as possible, else you will get old to learn these techniques later.

By Fred X

Jan 7, 2019

LOVE this course and cannot wait to start Part II: Professor Boneh is a wonderful professor and he truly enjoys teaching this course. Some mathematical background is required, however, and some of the formulation at this points look unnecessary (but also necessary for being rigorous)

By Konstantinos G

Nov 10, 2017

Thank you very much professor Dan Boneh it was an honor.

Manu thanks to Stanford University for giving me the chance to participate in this amazing course.

Looking forward to Cryprography II.

Have a nice day and continue making our dreams come true step by step.

Greetings from Greece.

By Rehan V

Aug 1, 2019

Amazing course. I learnt a good deal about the vast cryptography world. Dan Boneh is an amazing teacher, there's so much more that I have to learn to understand the complex crypto world. This course helped me design products which meet cryptography standards. Thank you very much

By Vishwas P

Jul 12, 2017

Exceptional course on getting basics of cryptography. Not only teaches the theory, also gives practical advice on what is the right choice as of today. Looking forwarding to Cryptography II class stating September. I only wish, I had more time to finishing programming exercises.

By Kedar J

Jan 5, 2018

Initial lectures set the stage for building more complex schemes. One of the most intense courses I have taken. Prof. Boneh is so passionate about the topic and a great teacher. He really wants you to get the topic. Awesome course! Thank you and looking forward to Crypto II.

By Nazim

Dec 20, 2016

Usually cryptography is something what developers don't like to touch or pay attention to. Fortunately, most crypto features are available: just use openssl. But understanding is still important, though the course was very helpful for me. Thank you very much, Dan Boneh.

By Geoff E

Jan 9, 2017

A great introduction to cryptography. The material is all contained in the lecture videos making it easy to work through. The notation becomes a little hard to keep track of following week 4 but that's probably my fault for not committing it to memory thoroughly enough

By Tobin H

Jan 19, 2021

I found this course really challenging. Dan's explanations are amazing and the speed of the course is great. Highly recommend. I'll be back to do this course again because the material is so good (and I did not do the optional programming tasks which I want to do).

By Filip R

Nov 20, 2016

The course is very well structured and gives overview of whole flow and systematically prepares us to understand each of the part. I am really looking forward to Crypto II, where will be described more things about certificate and new exchange protocols. Thank you.

By Vlastimil P

Jan 14, 2017

This course is definitely worth the time -- the explanations are very logical with refined transitions from topic to topic. I enjoyed every part of it including the tests and programming assignments. Thank you very much for filling many gaps in my knowledge!

By Manana M H

Mar 7, 2019

This is the best course for a beginner especially in terms of understanding the concept of security in relation to encryption schemes that are used in practice today. This course best explains security of encryption algorithms. Looking forward to crypto II.

By Jason M

Jun 25, 2017

Honestly, a great course in Cryptography. The professor is very lucid and clear. Notation isn't too heavy and the ideas in this course are explained very clearly. Yes, you might have to pause and rewind some of the videos, but that's just because it's math.

By Albert L

Nov 17, 2021

Great class that provides the basic understandingof cryptography and what the common pitfalls (and reasoning behind) that most developers encountered. Strongly recommend for anyone who needs to deal with security and/or privacy issues in system design.

By Chano28

Sep 13, 2022

buen curso la verdad , si buscas ciertas bases de criptografia y no sabes para donde ir , este curso esta bien de partida, tener en consideracion ciertas parametros de matematicas discretas , que se usan en un par de modulos.

buen curso , recomendado

By Jayamine A

Aug 20, 2017

It was awesome! I learned a lot and the professor pointed out useful additional reading. Since I'm going to do my PhD in cryptography, it's really important to me. And I god financial support to finish the course. Thanks professor and coursera team!

By Ben E

Jun 22, 2018

This course was an excellent way to put all the ad hoc crypto knowledge I've picked up over the years on to a sound footing. It was very nicely structured and presented, and the optional programming challenges were great. Looking forward to Part 2!

By Umberto B

Mar 31, 2023

A very well made course. Everything is well thought: the order in which the topics are covered, the quality of the examples, the hands-on exercises, the questions, and so on. It's not easy, but it's so well explained that all information sunks in.

By Manish M

May 6, 2020

At first, it seems like there is a lot of concepts to digest but as the weeks pass, we can recognize some patterns in the various encryptions and way in which we create a challenger-adversary game. It was interesting and truly informative. Thanks!

By Henrik B

Nov 15, 2016

I always wanted to know a bit more about cryptography, and this course is perfect as a starting point. It balances theory with practice. The part I enjoyed the most was the programming exercises where you could use some of the theory in practice.

By Алексей К

Oct 12, 2017

Great course. The amount of math is just enough for providing a solid theory background. All the materials are presented in a logical order and enhanced with good examples. The size of the course allows get accounted with essential fundamentals.

By Asaf S

Aug 6, 2022

Thank you Prof. Dan Boneh and all coursera team, very mutch for a greate course, greate exams and lectures.

This course teaches you a lot through the lectures, excersises and exams and you get a greate academic study experience.

Yeshar koach!!!