Aug 23, 2017
It was a very nice course. We were able to understand the basics of music theory and how the notations and chords work. Thank you so much to the entire staff of Edinburgh University and Coursera..:-)
Apr 2, 2021
Very good course which hammers home the essentials.Good enthusiastic lecturing and importantly on completion progressed onto Coursera Musicianship Specialisation which I have now almost completed
By Emma R ( P
•Jan 19, 2018
I found this very difficult but the videos and information were very helpful. I kept coming back to it, as it has everything you need to learn the fundamentals.
By Dominic G J
•Dec 17, 2019
This was a very good course (even with the terminology differences). I do have a better appreciation to what I am required to know about music from this course
By Beatriz d C R
•Nov 9, 2018
Very useful to start leaning about music. The professors are really clear and passionate. I have not finished it yet, but I have learned a lot so far. Thanks!
By Debbie G
•Nov 22, 2016
Great class! It filled in a lot of gaps for me on things I had picked up on my own. The explanations were great, and the amount of work and pace were perfect.
By Frederic L
•Oct 22, 2017
Phenomenal course packed with info and knowledge delivered in great fashion.
Not an easy course but well worth the time. I learned so much...
A huge thank you!
By MensahLavishMawuena
•Aug 18, 2018
Good tutorials. The lessons really cover the Fundamentals of Music Theory coupled with very challenging quizzes. I am glad to have enrolled for this course.
By 包容
•Jan 16, 2018
A very comprehensive course to music theories and thank you lecturers for explaining the concepts so clearly and stringing them up into a neat structure!
By Roman P
•Mar 14, 2017
I'm not a professional musician, but I am a music lover, and always wanted to understand the math behind the music.
This course exceeded my expectations.
By beige
•Dec 28, 2016
I have taken many other basic music theory but they are so hard to understand! But this one totally works!! What an excellent course!! Thanks so much!
By Carlos J M P
•Dec 15, 2016
me encanta aprender musica, nunca lo había intentado, pero los maestros son muy buenos y con este curso puedo aprender desde México de donde yo soy.
By Denis D
•Nov 17, 2020
As a self-taught amateur musician for the last 30 years, it filled a lot of holes in my knowledge and makes me more confident about reading music
By Lauro K J
•Jan 5, 2019
With simple language and didactic explanation, all complicated concepts are understandable and available for everyone who intends to learn music.
By Pavel T
•Dec 16, 2017
Really great course. The second half was really challenging and the final exam reminded me about my university times and real university exams :)
By Lin H
•Aug 30, 2017
This course is good for beginners, it offers detailed explanations. The final exam can be designed to match the previous course content better.
By Raja K
•Jun 13, 2017
It was really a nice course for someone who wants an intermediate knowledge in Music Theory. I would recommend everyone to go for this course.
By Hung
•May 28, 2022
The course is very useful. I now have more understanding on music notes when I play guitar. I thank you for the effort of all instructors.
By Blanka K
•Jan 5, 2020
Great course! The excercises were definitely challenging, but worth it. I feel like I've learned a lot, and I enjoyed every second of it.
By Singer A P
•Jan 26, 2023
I must say that this course is life-changing. Your knowledge of music is really going to be upgraded. Interesting lecturers too. Great!
By Elijah K
•Oct 22, 2019
Great course content with highly skilled lecturers explaining every topics, making it very simple to understand the rudiments of music.
By Sara C
•Oct 6, 2016
Great course with excellent teachers. I learned so much. Thanks Coursera, and thanks to all involved in develloping this great project.
By Michelle S
•Mar 28, 2017
Great approach to the hard part of music understanding making it easy to follow and gain more appreciation of such an amazing subject
By Luis D T B
•Jul 30, 2020
Excelent course. It gives you a complete intruduction to musical lecture which can be applied in composition. Sometimes difficult.
By Ludmila K
•Sep 23, 2017
The course is just great. It helps to understand the system of music. It contributes to developing of playing and singing skills.
By Kaizen C
•May 29, 2021
A well designed course with amazing instructors! Learnt a lot and wished there was a follow up course for intermediate learners
By Diana B
•Jun 27, 2020
It's quite challenging for people with no music background but definitely worth it! It focuses a lot on modulation and harmony.