Nov 6, 2020
The course was so fascinating and it deserves everybody's time and effort. I have really enjoyed it and will confidently recommend it to anyone who is looking for a course on grammar and punctuations.
Oct 7, 2016
This course had an outstanding syllabus and i have learned a lot about punctuation rules and regulations in English Language; which will excel my capabilities for my future endeavors and study plan.
By Mohammed S
•Apr 18, 2019
For me, this training course has clarified that how to use correct verb tenses, correct punctuation, good parallel structure, and good sentence variety ,better than before. Really participated in this session makes significant impact in my writing skills. In addition, driven by an awesome constriction of the lesson modules and excellent explanation of the instructor, I have became very passionate to enrolling in any advance classes. thank you very much for making education available for people across the world.
By Sheryl H
•Jan 30, 2017
This course was wonderful. I learned new things about grammar and punctuation I don't recall learning in grade school while blending and improving my known knowledge. A tip for those thinking of just enrolling in one or two random courses of the five specialized courses, enroll in all. It is worth it even if you think you know. For instance, some of the papers in Advance Writing expect you to know some of the previous courses info and that could lead to some misunderstandings or struggles on quiz/peer reviews.
By Khan Q
•Jun 3, 2023
The course in the Academic English: Writing specialization provides an excellent foundation for students preparing to study in an American college or university. The module begins by encouraging learners to introduce themselves and interact with fellow participants. It also includes a diagnostic grammar test to ensure suitability for the course. Engaging video lectures, informative readings, interactive exercises, and quizzes further enhance the learning experience, making it comprehensive and well-rounded.
By Shauna B
•Jul 18, 2020
I really enjoyed this course! It was a lovely, concise, quick summary of the skills I wanted to get up to speed on. I already knew grammar rules intuitively but needed to revisit how to formulate and provide rationales for my choices, particularly when I work with students. This course fit the bill entirely. It also helped me to tweak some things that had fallen into disrepair. I'm looking forward to the next course in your series on academic writing. Thank you for the excellent instruction and format.
By Vanessa G
•Oct 2, 2020
I would Like to say that this course has been amazing. I have learned things that I thought I knew but I did not actually know. I have learned a lot about all different kinds of sentences and how many there are. I learned about punctuation. I was able to properly teach my kids how to do their writing and what they are doing wrong. I still need to work on these skills some more. But without this class I would not have gained the knowledge that I know now. Thank you very much. this was amazing!!
By Mohammad H S
•Feb 22, 2021
The Grammar and Punctuation course in the Writing Specialization was the most effective course for me to enhance my writing skills. It vastly helped me to learn some great components of a persuasive writing. Before taking this course, I used to punctuate my sentences by guess and intuition, but now I know the rules how to punctuate my sentences correctly and consider variety in sentences to make my writing more effective and persuasive for my readers. Thank you Coursera.
By kartik k
•Jan 1, 2023
After completing this course,I feel more confident about my grammar and punctuation.The tutor taught all the topics perfectly.Because of the peer graded assignments and exercises,I got good practice of the learnt concepts. Interestingly,I had been using some of the techniques unconsciously without knowing the actual rules;however,I have learnt them now,thanks to this course.
I am looking forward to completing the specialization and using the concepts in actual practice.
By Abhay p s R
•May 14, 2020
First of all, I am very thankful to the Coursera team and the University of Colombia that they give me financial aid. Due to the financial aid that I received from the Coursera, I was able to learn a new skill that I wanted to learn for so long. This course is quite good and I learned many new things in this course. I requested to the Team Coursera and the University of Colombia that they give me aid for their next course so that I can learn the new skill fully.
By Cris A R
•Oct 27, 2020
This course was a good refresher for me. Even if I have good English communication skills, I believe that there is always room for improvement. Through the lectures, I was able to revisit the different tenses of the verb, the correct placement of punctuations, and the ways of writing more effectively. The lessons were explained in a clear and organized manner. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn, and I hope that more students can learn from this course.
By Krishnendu B
•May 14, 2020
With instructors delineated; easy to understand and well-designed lectures and numerous learning resources, from the very beginning till the end of the course I was able to learn a lot of things; moreover, I interacted with a very active and curious peer group, sometimes they corrected my errors and sometimes I did the same for them. looking forward to learning new things from this engaging website and to implement them in my life. Lastly thank you, Coursera.
By Ghulam M
•Jul 8, 2021
This is an amazing course. First, This has helped me a lot in writing better essays. Furthermore, I already knew most of the things taught in this course, but I did not know the names of the things taught. I am a 14-year old Pakistani student who is going to high school. I am sure this course will help me in writing better essays and with my university scholarship later in the future. I am thankful to Tamy Chapman, Helen Nam, and Brad Gilpin for teaching me.
By Anuj S
•Jul 31, 2016
This course is beneficial for a person who wants to write well or to pursue career in writing. The teacher is very good. The course is very informative and productive. She prepared the course very well. Assignments and exercises will help you to learn things easily. Each and every second of lecture is worth to listen and they are very precise also. The professor has provided useful material which you can read later. I'm so glad that I took this course.
By Morelli G
•May 8, 2020
In this course, I've learnt many things, which will be very useful, if not essential, when I'll have to do the writing part in my exams. Learning how to punctuate correctly is the key to succeed in the accademic world, so it worth the effort doing this course; besides, it isn't so long, so you can easily go through it and, therefore, learn at you leisure. In conclusion, I would recommend it, and you can take this review as an example of its usefulness.
By Daria S G
•Aug 1, 2022
This course was amazing and helpful! I didn't realize how much I had forgotten as a Native English speaker. My professor of my MFA English program insisted I study grammar to help my writing skills. Finally, I gave in half way in my first course and found this course. It helped me so much already and I can see the benefits in my academic writing. Two A's so far! I plan to take another course like this focusing on Grammar skills! Yeah! Thanks!
By Muhammad S
•Apr 29, 2019
It was a wonderful course. I not only enjoyed the course but also learned a lot. There are a few suggestions I would like to make:
1. Instead of using green or red color for correct or incorrect, please design tick for correct and cross for incorrect.
2. Quizzes don't have any explanation for their answers. I would be very beneficial for students if the correct version of the answers is also provided, which will help to clarify any misconception.
By Navneet N
•Aug 21, 2023
The many and varied topics covered pertaining to Grammar and Punctuation were well taught and explained. The Vast majority of even Native English speakers rely on a lot of guesswork or fall back on instinct when it comes to applying grammar or punctuation in their writing. This course did an excellent job at explaining the fundamentals of punctuation and grammar, and have done an arguably more effective job than my school has ever done.
By thiago b d a
•May 6, 2023
When I started this course was bnecause I wish learning exactly it. Grammar and ponctuin when Igoing to do a essay or others texts and I wish this course open in my mind a vision more than I has been expected about . I saw thinks I dont knew and I look my texts has been more cih after his, so I really thankful to all teachers and the coursera group for this change. I pretender to do more courses in this system. thanks and see you later
By Abdullah A M
•Aug 29, 2017
This course was sweet and sour for me. It was sour, because, after each lesson, I came to know how shallow my skills were in English. On the other hand, it was sweet, as it guided me to overcome my mistakes in a non-intimidating way. Sometime I felt like, this course understands me very well. The lessons were well organized. And, there were additional materials after each lesson; they were instrumental for learning.
By Ajeet K R
•May 22, 2020
This course was really awesome. This course cleared my lots of confusions like how to join sentences and that would be helpful for me in my academic life. But it creates lots of confusions that generates interest to take another course. The teaching style and presentations of Instructors of this course are really awesome. I enjoyed the course very much. Thanks to my lovely instructors and Coursera for this course.
By Naveen N
•Aug 3, 2020
Most of the people for whom English is secondary language and are working in academia, writing a standard article whether it's a research article or usual report is a tough job. This course which is a part of a specialization course: Academic English writing starts at a very sweet introductory topic punctuation. Believe me, after attending this course you will surely see the drastic changes in your writing style.
By Samah A
•Sep 25, 2020
it was very interesting course, I learn ,briefly , the verb tenses and some comparative between the similar ones. Also I learned how to form a compound and complex sentences by adding conjunctions and transitions. Finally, I learned about how to make the parallel sentences when we use the conjunction and transitions; In addition, I learned how to variate my sentences to avoid repetition and write good essays.
•Jul 7, 2020
This Course has been really Amazing. I enjoyed it and I learnt something new and as for the Grammer section, there were things that I've forgotten but that I've been thought. but as a result of taking these classes it has rekindled in my spirit and has even given me a deeper understanding. Thank You, Coursera for this Great Opportunity to learn on your platform. I really appreciate it.
By Shi W
•May 2, 2020
Thank you for all the information in this course. This is the first time that I clearly understand what is compound sentence and how to use comma. Even though I am still not perfectly flexible in controlling my sentence, I believe I have already improved a lot than my past. At the same time, reviewing peers' work is an extremely helpful way to test what I learnt and help to strengthen my study.
By Anahita H
•Oct 4, 2019
The course was fantastic. Even though it seems simple and clear, but it includes all the essential elements in writing which I always have not paid too much attention to that. A perfect review on verb tenses, different types of all conjunctions, correct uses of punctuation, and a variety of sentence structures make the course unique and useful for everybody who wants to start academic writing.
By juliana g h
•May 27, 2020
i would have liked to have received feedback not only from the other students but also from the teachers , but in my opinion the explanations were clear, the activities were easy to comprehend, and the comments i was able to make on the classmates works helped me to understand better what i was doing, and not just because the way i was writing felt right. overall it was a good experience