Sep 30, 2020
Fascinating - really filled out my knowledge and understanding and introduced me to new music - despite having lived through much of the history. Enjoyed the laid back but informed videos.
Sep 24, 2017
Excelent. Actually now is more fun to read about musicans (recently Iggy Pop & Black Sabbath) because context is better understood. (A bit weird that Tom Waits is not even mentioned)
By Blue C R
•Jun 15, 2017
By daniel p
•Jul 6, 2017
By 현석 김
•Jan 11, 2018
By Fatih O
•Jan 6, 2016
By Paula S
•Jan 11, 2021
This course was interesting but not nearly so interesting as "History of Rock, Part One. This may have more to do with my age than anything else. I grew up in the '50s and '60s.
Again, I want to say that I would have learned more if we had been tested once a week, rather than every two weeks. Since the quizzes are so heavily peppered with song titles and dates, two weeks' worth of material is just too much to remember.
Another criticism is the text that comes with the videos. I like to read them while watching the videos, to kind of cement my learning. However, this course had really bad text with the videos! Many words were translated from voice, incorrectly. If I were deaf or English were not my first language, I would have a really hard time following the written text. Now that many years have passed, is there another rock or music history class coming up from John Covach? I hope so. Thank you for the interesting course..
By Gerry A
•Jul 16, 2021
I enjoyed it, but not so much as Part 1 which I really enjoyed. Presentation, difficulty, etc was all equally good, but what I found was it became more oriented toward various genres of the popular music of the times, not toward what I would personally consider "rock" music. What I had to confront was my own musical narrowmindedness (snobbishness?). I found it hard to maintain the pace and absorb the info when it got into disco, boy/girl bands, rap, hip hop, punk.... genres that I have never had interest in.
By H L C
•Nov 27, 2016
I enjoyed Part Two, but not nearly as much as Part One. This change is not due to the professor or the course material; both are excellent. It is the music itself. I simply do not enjoy most of disco and pop artists like Madonna, Janet Jackson, Brittney etc. I hope I do not sound snobbish (or sound like my parents), but mentioning the Beatles and former mousketeers in the same sentence or course is laughable.
By Kristina M
•Jun 20, 2020
I thought the course was fascinating and the professor kept the material interesting. Since for copyright reasons he couldn't play the music for the class, I just had spotify open and would pause the video occasionally to play the songs. My one complaint was that a lot of the test questions involve being able to remember which artist did which album; I found that really difficult.
By Ashish G
•May 21, 2017
excellent summary of the the period from the late 60s to the 90s. A course like this can never be comprehensive but there has been a lot of thoughtfulness in the sampling process as well as in drawing some threads for the student to mull over and make up his/her own mind.
By Abellot a
•Jun 30, 2018
El curso está muy bien, lástima sea todo en inglés. Lo que hago es abrir una nueva ventana con los subtitulos y traducidos automáticamente al español, de esta manera el ordenador me queda en 2 ventanas, el video y los subtitulos .
By Brian A
•May 31, 2020
Very interesting as i t covered different genres and time periods well. Learned a lot about the types of music and found myself interested in listening to artists outside of my personal interests.
By Angelina W
•Feb 22, 2016
Similar to Part One, but continues with the history of rock into more recent times (1990s). Very short course compared to the other one. Pros and cons from Part One apply to Part Two.
By Amy S
•Oct 30, 2023
Great course. I really enjoyed both part one and two and I would have put five star but experienced video glitches at times. I highly recommend for anyone who likes this sort of thing.
By Jeanine D
•Sep 8, 2017
Fun topic although having only a person talking can make the course tedious at times. Would be good if there was a Spotify playlist for the course.
By Barbara " A W
•Jan 22, 2021
Great information, but the instructor's delivery is offputting....he talks so fast, there's alot of inaudible words, etc.
By alejandro a
•Apr 8, 2022
estado muy bien, aunque me se ha hecho un poco pesada la ultima parte de la electronica y los idolos adolescentes
By Ben B
•Feb 18, 2020
Good course but too much focus on US and UK and too much on racial and gender issues - focus on the music
By Baczo Z
•Oct 9, 2018
Focused too much on non-rock styles, such as disco, rap, etc., but en large, pretty nice course.
By Virginia C
•Jul 23, 2017
Interesting survey of rock music. Lectures are well organized and flow smoothly.
By Lucio L G
•Jul 1, 2024
not as good ans the first one
By Thomas T
•Oct 18, 2016
Very Good
By Luc L
•Nov 2, 2016
•Jan 11, 2021
The teacher tries desperatly to sell his book. The course is too long, with too many questions. I took a lesson about music and i did not hear any music at all.