Jul 30, 2020
The instructor extremely enthusiastic and passion which is really rare to see but amazing. Thank you so much for teaching this course it really helped to kick start my interest in game development :)
Jan 26, 2022
I took up this course as a refresher after a long hiatus, but this would be amazing if I was an absolute beginner too! Kudos to Dr. T and I'm excited to complete the rest of the specialization! 😍😍🤩🤩
By Mohamed H M
•Sep 17, 2020
very good
By Smitha R
•Jul 29, 2021
•May 1, 2020
By Siddhant G
•May 1, 2020
By Jordi J
•Jul 17, 2018
It is a nice and interesting course to get started in C# and Unity, although in my opinion the last programming assignment should be remade because it does not make a lot of sense to have an assigment that requires a step by step guide to implement as the last assignement in the course.I would say that the contents of the course don´t quite prepare you for that las assignment, and therefore it kind of takes away a little bit of the achievement feeling for completing the course. Lectures are concise and to the point, which is a good thing. Overall, nice, but with room for improvement.
By Riccardo G
•Jan 21, 2021
I haven't done yet the successive courses, however, this course alone is pretty useless in my opinion. It goes fast on some very important concepts of both C# programming and Unity, as object oriented programming. I think that for people new to programming this must result very difficult. However, most of the concepts explained are clear enough and it gives a quick start if someone wants to approach Unity fast.
I think it deserve a try to evaluate if it suits each one needs and knowledge.
By Shaman C
•May 2, 2022
the course itself is alright. but this is not an introduction to c#. the teacher knows alot! but that also means you end up with alot that can be distracting if you dont really know the language. not to mention showing you how to do something wrong first happens often which leads to learning the wrong thing first.. and it takes much more time to work out untraining such information.
By Manon P
•Apr 25, 2021
I learned a lot following this course, but would not have been able to get through it without my husband to help me. I felt like some big knowledge leaps where made even though the course is supposed to be written/made for absolute beginners. The knowledge I do have after finishing however will be super useful as I start trying to program more games.
By Leonardo M
•Jan 4, 2021
Overall the course does a decent job of presenting programming principles in a simple way, but sometimes too simple. It feels like content was purposely cut out to avoid "scaring off" learners. Some assignments were poorly explained, and (as usual in Coursera) outdated, resulting in considerable time wasted.
By Muhammad S F
•Oct 13, 2021
The Course was Overall Good but it will be more better when Instructor should help us to just not to explain some prewritten codes but to do it in the video by writing them and give the reasons while he is studying. Means write code from scratch don't show us the prewritten code and explain.
By Amir
•May 3, 2020
A little outdated since MonoDevelop is now completely deprecated with the current version of Unity as well as Visual Studio being in the 2019 build instead of 2017.
By Fernando G
•Aug 31, 2018
Course was interesting and information useful but course projects were not the most compelling or engaging. Game projects excessively traditional.
By Eric A
•Nov 18, 2021
A bit basic, but it definitely teaches you the barebones of Unity and C#. Reccommended for people who have little experience with either.
By George M
•Apr 27, 2021
It is a good introduction, yet it could contain more topics to feel like a complete course.
By DaEpicFirestar
•May 11, 2021
At first, it was very well explained but after halfway through week 3 it gets too fast
By Deleted A
•Oct 1, 2020
This course is good. But it is difficult for me.
By plurzs1000
•Oct 25, 2023
need more help/tips on the assignments
By Imad E
•Jul 26, 2023
The course talk about C# not unity
By Ajay S P
•Aug 18, 2020
Could be more detailed....
By Nour M
•Sep 22, 2020
Try to learn code more
By Deleted A
•Apr 25, 2020
By Vaishnav P
•Feb 1, 2022
the course intructor knows his stuff but he uses these library without even telling what these library do if i wanna create a code from scratch i cannot, I m not even beginner in Coding I can write games in C++ but this course is just a blast of untold information which u have to find yourself it's just u r reading from a book and everytime looking at documentation and it's fuc**** hard to just make ur code from sratch, this course is not even worth watching because it's hardly teaching just like w** is string [] args or i donno i miss something during lectures
By Cory W
•Sep 27, 2021
Gave relevant information and taught some good pratices, But some aspects of the course are rushed and others no longer fuction quite as advertised. I think a more Integrative approach taught of a longer period of time with more detail and more assingments would have been better.
By Juan C G
•Aug 30, 2021
Good course but very unfriendly and little to no support for Linux. Had to confgiure a lot of files and settings and even had to use another computer which had WIndows to complete the assignments.