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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Project Initiation: Starting a Successful Project by Google

22,388 ratings

About the Course

This is the second course in the Google Project Management Certificate program. In this course, you will discover how to set a project up for success in the first phase of the project life cycle: the project initiation phase. As you explore the key components of this phase, you will learn how to determine a project’s benefits and costs, create measurable project goals and deliverables, manage project scope, and measure a project’s success criteria. You will learn how to define project roles and responsibilities, complete a stakeholder analysis, and utilize RACI charts. You will also learn the typical resources needed to manage a project, practice developing a project charter, and evaluate various project management tools. Current Google project managers will continue to instruct you in how to accomplish all of these tasks, describing the right tools and resources for the job at hand. Learners who complete this program should be equipped to apply for introductory-level jobs as project managers. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, you will be able to: - Understand the significance of the project initiation phase of the project life cycle. - Describe the key components of the project initiation phase. - Determine a project’s benefits and costs. - Define and create measurable project goals and deliverables. - Define project scope and differentiate among tasks that are in-scope and out-of-scope. - Understand how to manage scope creep to avoid impacting project goals. - Define and measure a project’s success criteria. - Complete a stakeholder analysis and explain its significance. - Utilize RACI charts to define and communicate project team member responsibilities. - Understand the key components of project charters and develop a project charter for project initiation. - Evaluate various project management tools to meet project needs....

Top reviews


Feb 15, 2022

This has been a good learning experience. I now know the different project management tools available. I have a good understanding of project initiation and how to determine the success of a project.


Feb 8, 2022

everything is excellent. but i am facing the problem that says 'upgrade to submit' when i traied to submit the peer graded assignment. and it is been 3 weeks i stucked on this module. please help me.

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4176 - 4200 of 4,445 Reviews for Project Initiation: Starting a Successful Project

By Seipati M


May 26, 2023


By alwalid k


Feb 14, 2023


By didier m


Nov 2, 2022




Aug 16, 2022


By Siddarth R


Aug 11, 2022


By A A B


Aug 10, 2022


By Opeyemi W A


Aug 10, 2022


By Barenkala B S


Aug 9, 2022


By B J R B


Aug 3, 2022


By Alakananda D


Jul 27, 2022


By Rohit N K


Jul 2, 2022


By Anil G


Mar 30, 2022


By M L A


Dec 14, 2023


By Zeng Y


Aug 1, 2023




Sep 5, 2022


By Megha V S


Aug 21, 2024


By Rafael G


Oct 14, 2021


By Louis W


Feb 13, 2025

It's a nice course to get started on project management. However, it is wordy and full of fluff. I wish it would get straight to the point and shorten the whole learning curve. PROS: 1. It's designed to ease you into learning a bit each day. With a focus on not overwhelming you with too much information 2. The experience / story sharing of real project managers is useful. I would like to see more case studies in which the concepts were more practiced in real life. Say for example, a project manager talked about "building a community of engineers". How did it happen? What were the obstacles? More often than not, buzzwords were being thrown around with the sole purpose of mentioning it. Without a concrete example, I believe these fluff parts could be cut out of the course, making it overall a more efficient experience. CONS: 1. Going at it at nearly full time. It was almost infuriating how slow some of the concepts were rolling in. It was "we'll get into X" later, and when later the concept shows up it's only briefly talked about. 2. The quizzes are somewhat more about memorizing and categorizing each scenario to a concept. I believe real life is a bit different than this. Remembering that "X equals Y" and that S means specific in SMART goals, but what about the deeper question of how do you WANT to set a goal in a project? Do you set it lower (making it easier to reach, and therefore, explain to the stakeholders at the end)? Or do you set it a bit higher to be "Inspirational"? What happens when key resources are being taken out of your project to work on another? What happens when a client expects a deliverable that wasn't exactly spelled out in the signed project charter (vague wording, go figure!), but refuses to give more time or budget for this? How do you get stakeholder buy-in when there are conflicts of interests, and not everybody who sits on the meetings are on the same page? Real life PM-ing is a lot more challenging and I would like to learn something handy quick, when my back is being held to the flames.

By Lawrence S


Jul 14, 2022

My rating is more like 3.5 stars, and my concerns are (also) around the peer review portion of this course. I personally "reviewed" several submissions that were clearly plagarized, and in one instance they were given to me back-to-back. Since these same people are responsible for reviewing my work, I am left not entirely sure if I am understanding the course material or just the recipient of a passing grade from someone who is trying to cut as many corners as possible to get to their certificate.

As a whole, I walked away from the course feeling relatively confident that I understood the material presented but if someone asked me whether or not they should take this course, it would come with several caveats.

By Artem B


Feb 8, 2022

I have mixed impressions about this particular class. It provides a good amount of information, however, I find the presentation of the topis not up to the standards of course 1 and 3. This one is very contrsating. Many definiotins are not clear or insuficient. Sometimes, the definitions change as you progress thought the course, sometimes even within the same video. This causes confusion. I beleive that the eleven question quizes conains a questions that is not covered in the class. I reviwed the vidoe and the transcript three times and I could not find an answer. I did not experience such an issue in courses 1 or 3. This peresentation and organization are not as solid as in corses 1 and 3.

By Morningstar A


Sep 18, 2022

Peer-reviewed graded assignments portion is flawed. Others and myself included, have had instances, where when submitting the assignment, someone "grades" it, by giving zero scores, but then leaving feedback, such as "great work" or "good project charter", etc., and then you don't pass the course because of this. Clearly there are people out there who either aren't paying attention to what they're clicking when grading, or purposefully sabatoging participant's scores.

Other than the flawed peer-graded assignment, the rest of the course itself was very helpful/insightful, and I thoroughly enjoyed this course.

By Andres V


Nov 17, 2023

The certificate aside, there's a lot of good stuff in here if you actually want to learn. It does seem that a lot of the participants are making minimum effort to speed run through it when it comes to peer assignments and group discussion which I find really discouraging. It devalues the certificate and makes me feel like perhaps I'm wasting my time. But like I say, if you want to get into the coursework it's really helpful. The only thin part of the course was in familiarity with tools. They basically give you a list of websites and say to check them out in your spare time.

By Marta P


Apr 15, 2024

I have many feelings about this course. I've learnt much but there were sooo much to learn just to pass modules. In 1 and 2 courses this was normal to find out the reading is kinda in the same topic we've just watched and its purpose was to fundamentalize your knowledge (or slightly expand it) but on that course readings were some completely new topics and then your knowledge of them were checked by quizes. Our instructor feels like she was reading all the time and doesn't have that flow. There were too much material and I think I didn't adopt my knowledge well.

By Kamaludeen i


May 19, 2022

I have completed all the study materials in advance but it is showing 97% for last 3 days and I could not move to next course. peer reveiw time line is showing as would be completed befor June 6.

I could not complete my course with my first payment as I was not well and made the second time payment. I have selected one month time to complete whereas last 3 days are wasted and still I dont know when 3rd part will enable or ask for next payment.

Courseera will give mail support for this kind of issues to understand where we are having constraints.

By Jenifer E


Jan 15, 2022

I am doing this certificate in conjunction with my work and I think it is ridiculous that the peer review assignments are required to complete the course. I am not going to do them because they are a waste of my time. I am already a manager and have real-world experience. I don't need some random person evaluating my work. If it keeps me from getting my official certificate, then so be it. So ridiculous. If they continue to be a requirement, I will take my money elsewhere.

Also, the videos in week 1 have terrible sound and should be fixed.