Sep 24, 2019
As expected Martin is awesome in explaining principle of functional programming. I have started reading the book as well to make sure I keep up with the knowledge which I have gained from this course.
Oct 9, 2016
Really good explanation by the instructor. Good assignments. The assignments gave a good insights into functional programming. I loved the way the problems were decomposed into neat smaller functions.
By Krishna L
•Jul 9, 2019
Some of the lectures get into more detail than a beginner would be able to understand. Coming with 15+ years of traditional OOP in Java, I found myself getting lost in some of the content and had to supplement with other online tutorials. For many lectures, a good companion reading link with an option to try out the corresponding scala syntax (such as scala fiddle) would be beneficial.
By Eugene T
•Jan 10, 2017
This i believe is a very good introduction into Functional programming. This course was a lot harder to what I initially expected. If you are used to languages like Java or C# you have to completely rethink the way you are used to approach problems. I had to do a lot more extra work and reading and do extra examples to understand some of the new concepts - but it is worth the effort.
By Tim B
•Jun 11, 2020
Really good course. Only point of criticism would be that sometimes the level of detail in the explanation of the assignments is a little low. I would have benefitted from a step-by-step explanation of an ideal solution after submitting, so I could have understood the assignment in depth when I got stuck. This would be more helpful than the generic feedback provided after grading.
By Kyoung-Seop P
•Dec 28, 2016
Fascinating course. I've been studying scala with book and internet before I found this course. During that time I felt something not enough to get into scala programming. Because I can't really feel what is functional programming is. Now, after finish it, I think I can say what it is. It's broad my sight in programming world.
It was very helpful course. Thank you!
By Олег П
•Apr 15, 2018
The course is very hard and interesting even for programmers with Scala experience thanks to lots of advanced algorithms related assignments.
But the suggestions are sometimes misleading (e.g. in the assignment called objset it says to use tail-recursive helper funciton which you cannot do with trees because you have to recurse in two direcitons, unlike with lists)
By philip g
•Feb 26, 2018
very challenging if no former exposure to FP. I came from a Python / Fortran background. Some of the programming assignments ridiculously hard and sometimes feel the lecture material doesn't quite prepare you for it.
That being said, if you persevere you will learn a lot. Really interesting course, and I am fully sold to the principles of FP I have seen so far!
By Andy D
•Nov 13, 2016
Excellent introduction to Scala and the principles of functional programming, with lots of challenging and enjoyable exercises. My only minor complaint is the some of the exercises require knowledge that has not yet been covered in the course. However, it could be argued that this encourages active research by the students, which isn't necessarily a bad thing!
By Jakob W
•Jan 26, 2017
This course was great for developing new brain connections. It was sometimes frustrating - In particular with the very limited discussion threads available on the forum (I wonder if it would be possible to merge forum threads between some runs...). But it was great introduction to get the brain started with functional programming and related Scala syntax.
By Fred t
•Oct 13, 2018
Very interesting and thoughtful course !!
On week 3, most of the tests rely on a single method that really makes the result (all or nothing) as soon the the load all Tweets is called (15 min to get "It's not working"). Kinda discourage you to move forward.
Except that, the content is very good and the Exercises are very useful for learning !!
By Daniel Z
•Aug 5, 2019
I thought this course was really hard. The lectures are 1-2 hours of video every week and the assignments are very challenging. Some of the videos are in the wrong week. Wish case classes were better explained. I learned SO SO SO SO SO much though. This is NOT a course you can zip though. I thought I would do it in just 7 days...NOPE!!!!
By Eric M
•Aug 11, 2016
The material was fantastic, but the lectures seemed to be a bit basic in comparison to the actual coding assignments. Even after understanding the martial covered in the lectures it felt at times as if the coding assignments were drafted against an entirely unrelated topic (or at least by someone with a completely different approach).
By Leonhard R
•Apr 5, 2018
Great for getting started, all the assignments can be solved in reasonable time and help in really understanding the concepts.
Some parts of the course materials are a bit outdated though (e.g. the project files for the last assignments don't work out of the box, you have to fix the path to the text file containing the words)
By Zeb A
•Jun 13, 2017
The concepts in this course are essential to understanding scala. However, I feel as though the instructor (Dr.Odersky) doesnt properly prepare students for the assignments present in the course with his materials. FP in scala (red book) is far better at teaching these concepts once you learn the basics from the videos.
By Sean L
•May 27, 2017
Very good overall, although it gets too abstract too early with the material in Weeks 3 and 4, before become more concrete again in the final two weeks. I would have reordered that material, placing the Scala Collections API material before the discussions of how Scala's object-oriented and functional aspects interact.
By Deleted A
•Feb 5, 2018
It is a good course. However, what I find missing is having real world examples instead of trying to solve something libraries have solved. I understand the effort is to understand the concepts and data structures, but this could be done in a nicer way too. Including some real world examples could be quite helpful.
By Gonzalo R
•Nov 16, 2017
The pace of the course is greate anda the excercises are challenging yet affordable. A little more clarity in some aspects of the excercises would be appreciable. Also, I would have liked to get a "best" or "correct" result after I passed each excercise to check my solution against someones with more experience.
By Gerard k
•Sep 10, 2016
Good course, learnt quite a lot even as someone with some existing experience of Scala. The exercises were challenging but not too difficult and the estimated completion time is pretty much spot on. Just a shame that the automatic grader and verification systems are less than reliable on some of the exercises.
By Mark M
•Oct 28, 2017
Excellent class but feels (and is) cut and pasted from previous incarnations. Sometimes the professor will reference something covered "last time" that was not covered at all. Coursera, it would only take a minimal effort to clean up these inconsistencies!!!
Still an excellent class that I strongly recommend.
By Andrew P
•Nov 7, 2016
The course was good exercise, and Martin does a very thorough job of covering the topics of the course. I do wish the course focused a bit more on the assignment problems. There were some interesting problems to work on, and I don't think the discussion forums are a very helpful way of covering those topics.
By lu
•May 14, 2017
Good introduction to functional programming using Scala! FP is quite different to imperative programming, it has a higher level of abstraction. I think every programmer should have some knowledge of FP. However, this is just a course to tell you some principles and not a comprehensive Scala course.
By Christopher M P
•Jul 19, 2021
It's an interesting course, but it has a tough learning curve and skips the basics. For many of the assignments, I found it was best to go a few lessons ahead to understand how to do them. Also, needed to watch a few Scala videos on youtube to figure out terms they had glossed over or zoomed by.
By Yaroslav R
•Apr 5, 2020
Although I adore the use of SICP, gotta say that connections between some parts and lectures were a bit jumpy.
But overall it's a great intro into Scala and FP for those who knows nothing about both of them, and especially the latter: otherwise, this course might be a bit easy and boring to you.
By Gianfranco Y
•Jul 5, 2018
Really challenging course that demands a lot of thinking and reasoning. Even though I got to finish it I think there were times the assignments were kind of hard and not need to be it, since applying the learned concepts to slightly simpler problems will get the same result. TLDR Good course
By Pedro P
•Dec 8, 2016
In general is very good, but the assignments are sometimes extremely difficult. Also, assignments have questions that are ahead of the current week, they as things that were not included in the lectures, so you need to watch the lectures of the one week ahead to be able to understand them
By Nathan B
•Sep 5, 2016
This course is a great way to start learning Scala and functional programming. Would have given five stars, but the coding examples were sometimes boring and difficult to take in. I would suggest using smaller examples to present material and making the full coding examples optional.