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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to TCP/IP by Yonsei University

2,765 ratings

About the Course

You use the Internet through your PC (Personal Computer), laptop, tablet, smartpad, and smartphone every day in everything you do. Through your own PC/laptop, you can easily learn everything about the Internet, and that is what this course is focused on. In this course ‘Introduction to TCP/IP,’ you will learn the operational functions of Internet technologies (which include IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP, addressing, routing, domain names, etc.) and your PC/laptop's security and gateway Internet setup and basic principles. In addition, through a simple Wireshark experiment, you will see the TCP/IP packets and security systems in action that are serving your PC/laptop, that serves you....

Top reviews


Mar 21, 2021

Very good class, not difficult, doesn't take long and doesn't require any background knowledge. I would recommend it to anyone wanting to learn more about how the Internet and their computers work.


Aug 24, 2021

Fantastic introductory course to the fundamentals in TCP/IP. Great course for those new to computer networks and would like to gain a high-level to intermediate overview of how the Internet works.

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801 - 825 of 828 Reviews for Introduction to TCP/IP

By Yashvardhan U

Dec 21, 2017

elementary approach

By Weerachai Y

Jun 22, 2020



May 16, 2020


By Louis G

Dec 29, 2022

Some of the content provided was valuable, especially during the first week, but unfortunately most of the course is just a video of someone reading bullet points from a slide deck. Most critically, too many technical terms are used but not defined, in an attempt to quickly cover everything, without providing enough information to retain substantial knowledge. Someone who already understands those technical terms will probably not need this course, and someone who does not will very quickly feel lost.

I am leaving two stars for the part about LAN and IP routing tables, which I thought was good.

By Drew P

May 18, 2020

This course felt like a compilation of summaries of chapters from a book. While the word "Introduction" is included and the course indicated it is for beginners, there were many terms and concepts that were brought up in the video lectures that were not described or explained and that one would need to google on the side. At a minimum, I would recommend including reading sections to provide details on the terminology or concepts before each video lecture.

At the conclusion of this course, I feel like I only learned a handful of things and would recommend a more robust training environment.

By Elia P

Nov 24, 2020

This is definitely not a beginners' course: many concepts and technical terms are assumed to be alredy known, and no in depth explaination is too often given for the more difficult concepts. I learnt a lot but i also had to constantly google for the missing explainations. This course would work much better as a sort of support course to wrap up the necessary concepts for the CCNA certificate test.

By Qaiser K B

Aug 25, 2022

This course is made up of only slides. The instructor is not prepared very well. He uses abstract explainations, such as during the dijkstra algorithm and wireshark demonstration. Overall, the course material is good but not the lectures. The instructor read slides only. Therefore, there is no concept in his lecturing.

By Aditya S

Apr 26, 2024

It was very theoretical, and little emphasis was given on explaining the ins and outs of TCP/UDP. It felt like I was back in college, where professors read out what was written on the slide, without putting any effort to actually explain the concepts involved.

By Johnny D

Aug 30, 2020

Retention is minimum because there were to many materials and yet so little explanation or deep-dive to the topics and relevant to topics. Instructor basically just reads out loud what he prepared, no interactive feeling at all. Somewhat boring.

By rverker

Nov 13, 2023

The title says it all: this is just an introduction. It's just an overview that barely allows you to discover or refresh your memory. The course is far too theoretical, with too few examples. Another shortcoming: there's no pdf support.

By Caleb

Dec 8, 2022

The lectures were extremely dry and felt like someone reading a textbook. Concepts were not always explained well. Wikipedia was often cited as a source. This course did not meet my expectations.

By Angel C G

May 20, 2021

Contenido bastante pobre. No ayuda gran cosa a entender TCP/IP pero te marea en un mar de acronimos muy pobremente explicados.

Le encuentro una utilidad francamente baja.

By Mai T P

May 24, 2020

Quite easy and not informative course. There are no more material for reading. All the information can easy get from Google.

By Shaah t

Aug 12, 2024

It was disappointed for me to not receiving certificate anyways it's the great full opportunity that you provided me.

By Yaroslav S

Apr 6, 2021

After the 2nd week, the depth of material was just disappointing.

By Sidney B

Nov 9, 2020

High level, not great for indepth learning. Just a survey course

By Deleted A

Jul 29, 2020

More of a memorization than a learning course.

By Daniel M

Sep 19, 2017

Too easy and shallow.


Dec 15, 2021


By Kriss F

May 21, 2018

Wouldn't recommend this course to anyone who actually wants to learn something, grab any book and you can learn 1000 times more than with this course :/

By Carole R

Jan 17, 2021

This course is not in line with my learning needs and I tried to "un-enrol" but the system will not accept the command.

Please update your system.

By Terry F

Sep 26, 2021

This course does not give much of an explanation of how TCP/IP or networking works. I would not recommend this course.

By Sushil K G

Nov 19, 2021

The lectures only list out the terminology and names. None of the topics is ever explained in any detail.

By Mohammad H B

Dec 20, 2022


By Bilal H

Sep 13, 2024

no certification for poor people