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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Science of Well-Being by Yale University

38,930 ratings

About the Course

NEW TEEN VERSION AVAILABLE HERE: In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life. THE SCIENCE OF WELL BEING WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING....

Top reviews


May 18, 2020

This course is well worth the time and commitment and came out of this course with some valuable information and tools. I feel the more people that take the course, the better we can be as a society.


Jun 3, 2019

I have taken a dozen courses online. This is the most challenging and fulfilling course I have taken so far. And I believe that the course shall be beneficial to all people in different walks of life.

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651 - 675 of 10,000 Reviews for The Science of Well-Being

By Sarah W

Oct 3, 2020

I absolutely loved this course. It was engaging and very manageable. My favourite part I think was the variety of studies done to show the claims. For example, in my opinion, it’s pretty obvious that healthy eating and exercise make you happier, but I loved that Dr. Santos showed experiments and studies about foods in offices and how meditation can improve brain function, etc. I was particularly impressed with the statistics about money and how there’s a “cap” on happiness and money. I would definitely recommend this course. Thank you.

By Carole j

May 13, 2020

A pleasure to get to know a little about you. Thank you for offering the course for free, especially during the corona virus. In the begninng- I needed something to do- as I am not able to go to work (teacher). I really looked forward to the lessons and found a new skill: mediation- something that had been on my bucket list for a long time, but through avoidance and procrastination- never completed. Today, four weeks later, I mediate daily for 20 minutes and it has completely reset my morning in the best way possible. Thank you.

By Lisa A G

Jul 6, 2023

I really enjoyed this course. There is so much incredible information contained in the modules. It has been a few weeks since I completed the course and I continue to put into daily practice some of the things learned therefrom. I refer back to the course now and again as there is a variety of Ted Talks, interviews, reading suggestions, etc. to re-watch and continue to refresh. Highly recommend this. Dr Santos is fantastic. Love her down to earth personality. Her delivery of the materials and her interviews are very enjoyable.


Jun 8, 2020

This was my first experience with a Coursera course and I wasn't disappointed. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and found it quite fulfilling...very rewarding and insightful, especially during these particular days. The timing couldn't have been better for me and I'm grateful that it was available for free, too.

Dr. Laurie Santos is a knowledgeable and engaging professor and I appreciate the fresh perspective and practical application that I can use in my everyday living.

Thanks so much to Dr. Santos, Yale University and Coursera.

By Natalia

Aug 22, 2024

Курс допоміг мені дати відповідь, для себе, що таке щасття, які його складові. Я змогла структурувати свої цінності та бажання, також зрозуміла як опираючись на сильні сторони (чесність - в першу чергу з собою) можна запустити перезавантаження і починати новий етап в житті. Також для мене було відкриттям у менеджменті своїх цілей - це подвійний план (План Бажання Результат Перешкоди і План "якщо-то..." Ця техніка підсилює мою впевненість та зменшує прокрастинацію. Дякую професорці Лорі Сантос та команді за чудовий курс. Він діє.

By Elizabeth J S

Sep 24, 2020

I signed up for the class as a professional development opportunity and to measure my current knowledge. I cam e away with so much more than I expected including personal breakthroughs. Laurie's authenticity, meticulous course preparation, credible research and methodical, simple approach to learning and applying new thinking and skills are a perfect positive storm. I highly recommend it to professional life coaches, trainers, teachers, students, and anyone else who is ready to take more ownership of their own happiness and get it!

By Joe N

Jun 2, 2020

This class was great. It has given me more confidence and sure-sightedness in moving towards the things in life that will really make me happier. It has also helped me quiet and ignore some of the things that we so often mistakenly think will make us happy. The connections this class helped me to begin making consistently turned out to be more positive than I could have ever expected. If you are looking to really take action towards creating a happier life and perspective, this is a great course and will help you do just that!


By Aziza S

May 31, 2024

Я публично заявляю о своей приверженности перепрограммированию своего режима сна и здорового образа жизни. После окончания курса я буду продолжать работать над улучшением качества моего сна и поддержанием регулярной физической активности. Для этого я буду придерживаться установленного расписания сна, создавать расслабляющую атмосферу перед сном и регулярно заниматься спортом. Я также буду стремиться к постоянному самосовершенствованию и развитию, чтобы сохранять свое физическое и эмоциональное благополучие на протяжении всей жизни.

By Hulya A

Jun 3, 2020

Thank you, this was such a great course. It was precise but detailed, full of facts but not boring, educating but not exhausting. I wish I had teachers at University like the Laurie Santos. I think I am happy with myself for completing this course and have recommended it to my friends whom I think will benefit from learning how to become happier. I also think that its a great course for uni students ( although I did my bachelor degree 10 years ago) as it helps you figure out what you want to get out of life and university as well.

By Dusanka L

May 10, 2021

I am grateful to Dr Santos for organizing and offering this course. It is very useful, easy to follow. The availability of on-line mode and free access makes it user friendly. The tasks and the examples are clearly defined. The way of presenting it offers relaxed atmosphere what is a great plus for a “course”. It definitely improved my life (well-being). I am very happy that I could be a part of this journey.

Excellent job! Keep on going with improvement of well-being through teaching!

My best regards and a warm hug

Dusanka Ljumovic

By Terri A

Dec 28, 2020

I have benefited greatly from this course and enjoyed it thoroughly. That being said, my only criticism is that I would have liked to have an outline. It seemed a bit scattered. It started out taking on a few individual rewirements, going off on great topics and articles on what really makes us happy, and the meaning of "flow" and winds up with a 4 week rewirement. Oh, and the professor spoke too fast. Thankfully I was able to read the transcript below. Never the less, it truly improved my understanding and feelings of happiness.

By Meeta

Jun 8, 2020

An excellent course . Thanks a ton dear Laurie Santros for so well knitted course , well explained by both audio and video methods ,it actually covered all the aspects of life that are required for ones well-being .. This course has made a positive impact on my Vision and am determined to follow my goals as per the guidelines learned .

Thank you again and wish you good health and happiness in times to come .

A big Thanks to Coursera for such a good learning Platform . Looking up to do many other courses over here.

By Mirela T

Nov 3, 2019

It's been brilliant. I love the mixed approach. It is the first course on Coursera that I'm actually going to finish and that is because I can see the applicability of what I am learning in my day-to-day life. That being said, it mixes up with academic rigour and it opened up a whole new area of psychology which speaks to me much more than the clinical one. I'm following this up with the Positive psychology specialisation and let's see where this takes me. Have recommended it to friends who are also taking the course :) Thank you!

By baboo r b

Jul 1, 2022

This was a very good course on well-being. Annoying features of the mind and certain misconceptions were delts scientifically. Retwrement features of the course to implement the learning from the course have been very useful to understand the various concept. WOOP framework to develop the habits was well explained by psychologist Gabriele Oettingen. Exercise and meditation rewirement taken by many learners including myself has been helpful to increase wellness scores. I am grateful to Prof. Laurie Santos for conducting the course

By Nathalie F

Jun 10, 2020

This was a truly mind blowing course full with fascinating new research and plenty of practical ways we could apply that knowledge into our every day lives. I learned quite a few new things here! Additionally, the course had integrated a scientific tracking system so you could actually track the difference it was making in your very own life. It seems that all the information provided in this delightfully designed course was the final push I needed to take a risk and put myself out there. Happiness apparently gives me confidence.

By Katherine C

May 26, 2020

I love everything this course taught me. It has really helped rewire my thinking and I find myself often taking the time to be grateful for little things like the bird singing outside right now and the beauty in nature. If you knew me at all, you'd know this is crazy talk coming from me. I needed this course before the lockdown because I had moved to a foreign country a year ago and have not been able to find my footing here. This course has helped me ease up on myself and appreciate what I do have. Where's the master's class?!?!

By Alejandra d l P L

Aug 26, 2020

This course was a fundamental part of a personal self-betterment journey that started five months ago and what I learned from it, will now be an ongoing part of my life. It gave me the foundations and necessary material to rewire myself into a healthier set of habits. I feel so grateful towards myself for taking it up and completing it! And getting to read about other people's experience and share our own added that beautiful human touch to it all. Thank you to Professor Laurie Santos and to everyone who made this course happen!

By Ewelina K

Dec 5, 2022

I found this course to be very interesting. Combination of videos, interviews, Q&A sessions, books and articles recommendations gives a lot of useful information in easy to digest format. Weekly rewirements are easy to accomplish and help to reflect on what is important. I believe that completing this course helped me to increase level of happiness and gave me tools to maintain it. Building new habits is not easy but much easier with what I have learnt from this course. I will recommend this course to my friends and co-workers.

By Philip H

Jul 23, 2019

This course was an excellent reminder to focus on what counts. I feel I had a slight advantage in knowing what makes me happy because I am likely older than most of the students and clearly a couple decades older than the Professor! It was nice to see the science and study behind everything I felt I had learned from my nearly six decades on this planet. At best this course will make you look at life with a much better perspective, at worst, you might be able to appreciate and savor more that which is truly important to you.

By Marly G

Aug 17, 2020

Its been such a great experience, an amazing and wonderful journey.

I'm very thankful to the teacher, who helped me just just so much(thank you so much teacher)

The best things is, that if in some random moment, i feel bad or stressed, i can always come back here, and reread or re listen, which for me is just amazing.

I totally recommend this to everybody.

I would love to give more stars, but unfortunately, i can't.

Thank you so much, miss Laurie Santos, i am deeply thankful to you , and i will always treasure this place,thanks.

By Daniel Y

May 28, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed the course. I was a good blend of lecture and planned work. I believe there were several key areas that a person could learn from and implement in their daily lives, to help them live happier ones. Dr. Santos is great. I like how she committed to some of the challenges herself, and was honest enough to admit they are not always easy to complete. I really liked the continue to learn sections, with additional resources. Because, even if the course is ending, our ability to learn doesn't necessarily have to.

By Jude h

Sep 2, 2021

The course has lead me on a journey of discovery and real interest on the topic of well being and happiness. During the course I ventured out to podcasts,and in particular "the happiness Lab",Meditative Story" and continue to really enjoy listening and learning.

I must admit I have become a follower of Laurie Santos - if I wasable to give her a gratitude letter in person I would BUT NZ is a long way away !!

I know I among millions who have done this course and that speaks for itself as far as review stars go>


By Rowena J S

May 16, 2019

Super informative and super inspiring. Plus, Prof. Laurie Santos explains everything in a really relatable way. Through this course, I've become more sensitive and conscious about my purchases, about how I spend my time, and how I take care of myself and the people around me. It helped me realize that being happy means being intentional in your goals and in your actions. I'd love to review over and over the lessons here because I know there is still so much I can take from them. Thank you, Prof. Laurie, Yale, and Coursera!!!

By Alua

May 5, 2020

Probably the best course I've taken in my life, both online and offline. The charming teacher explains the basics of how our brains are wired and provides tools to rewire them for our own good in an easy and digestible way.

Thank you so much for the course and the opportunity to finally believe I am capable of change :) Finally adopted all the habits I wanted to have for years. Certainly feeling myself way happier.

Good luck to all the students! And remember that knowing theory is one thing, but practise makes it all real <3

By history

May 27, 2020

Content: Wonderful, insightful material, very competently presented.

On communication: the instructor needs to do a careful assessment of her speech habits. They are thoroughly cliched in intonation and words, e.g., the word "like" is used ad nauseaum. A critically-minded professor should not be a mirror of all the cliches, verbal intonations and fill words used in her current social context. Divest yourself, as much as possible, of all contemporary speech habits that detract from clear, concise and effective communication.