May 8, 2020
Dr Santos is engaging and honest. This course was a very helpful and productive way for me to spend some long pandemic days. I honestly feel that I will carry what I have learned through out my life.
Aug 22, 2020
Amazing course and amazing instructor. The environment and vibes throughout were positive and helped me feel much happier and understand much more about looking at life through different perspectives.
By Kirsten P
•Apr 2, 2021
This was so worthwhile doing. I have learned so much that I can keep using day to day and reflect back on when times are hard. Well done Laurie and everyone involved with the course. Just wish there was a part two that I could plan to do next.
By Amy C
•Dec 10, 2020
Professor Santos was a true pleasure to learn from, and to learn with. Since taking this course, I have become so much more mindful about the things that will truly bring happiness, and to be more intentional in my behaviors. Thank you so much!
By Clarissa S
•Sep 8, 2020
It's truly life-changing. Everybody should check it out, it's surprisingly simple to be happier, it's all about good choices. All the science behind it makes it true. Thanks for letting people access it for free. Amazing content, congratulations!
By Ana M O
•Aug 10, 2020
This course is really good. It shows with real data how someone can improve significanlly their well-being. When you see with data the real effect, then you start to think that you may need to do some changes in your life, so you can feel better.
By Deleted A
•Jul 14, 2020
I learned effective and fruitful ways that will ultimately make me happier. It gave me a lot of clarity and guided me on how I can really take care of myself. I highly recommend this course because I think it's a necessary thing to learn in life.
By Thomas M
•May 25, 2020
This is an excellent class. It includes the right amount of video learning, reading, and practical learning. I highly recommend it. The lectures are engaging as are the activities. I learned a lot. More importantly, I'm practicing what I learned!
By Ingrid M J M
•May 25, 2020
Es un curso maravilloso. Fomenta la inclusión de actividades que, basados en evidencia científica, mejorarán diversos aspectos de nuestra vida diaria. La profesora Laurie es muy agradable y facilita el apego a las clases. Se los recomiendo mucho.
By Matilde N H
•Apr 29, 2020
el curso se escucha muy interesante, desafortunadamente no tengo como traducir los textos y algunos vídeos en facebook al español. si fuese posible me ayudasen en encontrar la forma de poder cursarlo en español les agradecería su atencion.
By Sara C
•Sep 12, 2019
This was a great course, explaining the science behind various ways to increase happiness. As a data driven person, it was interesting to see the data that supported various techniques, such as meditation and exercise as ways to boost happiness.
By Cavett R
•Aug 7, 2018
This Course is can be a "Game-Changer" in your own Happiness. It is presented by a delightful Professor Laurie Santos who makes her videos engaging, and presented with Peer-Reviewed-Scientific-Articles that are convincing.
Try IT! You'll Like It!
By John M
•Jul 31, 2018
A fantastic course, easily the best I've taken here. Just remember though: you get out of it what you put into it. You'll be rewarded if you put in the work, but if you just view passively I can't swear it'll be more than just really interesting.
By Jennifer G
•Nov 5, 2021
I think this course was amazing. She really put alot of thought into this course and the layout. It was very easy to navigagte and understand what the assignments to do.
Thank you for your time putting this course together for us online learners.
By Henrique C
•Nov 3, 2021
Curso excelente e muito prático, extremamente necessário nos dias do hoje. Seria bom se todas as pessoas, independente de formação, condição financeira, localização, pudesse ter condições e acesso a essas informações. O mundo seria mais feliz !!
By Martyna W
•Jun 14, 2021
What an amazing 10 weeks it's been :) Loved every moment of it. Easy to follow for foreigners (like me) and really teaches you how to be happier, which I think we all need! I wish there was a part 2. Thank you Laurie for teaching and inspiring.
By Cristina V
•Feb 3, 2021
Exceeded my expectations. Sometimes we think we know everything but we don't know how to use the "tools" we already have, to our benefit. It was good to learn that in this course. is in our hand, we improve our well-being and that of the others.
By Mukuntan S M
•Jan 4, 2021
It was a course that taught about the psychology of being happy and how to make our every day lives better. The course was also very informative and taught how to change specific negatives emotions we feel on a daily basis, rewiring our mindset.
By Eva A
•Sep 23, 2020
A well-balanced and well-structured course that presents very interesting scientific information from various fields in an easy-to-understand way. Great videos. A very nice combination of theory and practise. Excellent array of further readings.
By Karla S
•Sep 15, 2020
I highly recommend this course! You will walk away with a deeper understanding of yourself and you will have developed tools and habits that can support you in your life. Wonderful experience and I can't wait for young kids to experience this!
By Sarah G
•Jul 19, 2020
This course is really well put-together and a really compelling experience. I really enjoyed how everything was research-based, and I liked experimenting with the different requirements and really practicing putting these strategies into effect.
By Janine M D
•Jul 13, 2020
People always say they want to be happy, but usually struggle to answer the "Hows" and "Whys". The human mind does some annoying things that actually get in the way of our happiness. This course is a great self-help, but the work is yours to do.
By Erin N P
•May 31, 2020
I really loved this course. It was the perfect timing to take a course like this and I learned so much. I have integrated daily meditation in my life, I practice gratitude and savoring much more and am overall just much more aware. Thank you!
By Debasis R
•May 18, 2020
A really educational video and intriguingly interesting as well. Interactive exercises and tips really help internalise the theory into practicality. Thank you for the team at Yale to come up with this course. Much needed in this age of busyness
By Federico L
•May 13, 2019
Finally a valid and evidence (journals, book, articles, etc.) based course on well-being. Engaging and easy to understand, regardless the extensive amount of academic literature existing on the topic and the references provided. Congratulations!
By Paula M V d C
•Sep 3, 2018
This is the greatest course I have done! So much I learned!
Great lecturers, interviews and wonderful references lead to a full understanding of the subjects proposed. I surely will apply the knowledge gotten professionally and in my daily life.
By Binh A T
•Dec 7, 2021
One of the very helpful courses I have taken. The rewirement I practice daily is social connection. Although I am only able to partly implement it, It has already helped make me feel a lot better about myself. I highly recommend this course.