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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Science of Well-Being by Yale University

38,930 ratings

About the Course

NEW TEEN VERSION AVAILABLE HERE: In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life. THE SCIENCE OF WELL BEING WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING....

Top reviews


May 18, 2020

This course is well worth the time and commitment and came out of this course with some valuable information and tools. I feel the more people that take the course, the better we can be as a society.


Jun 3, 2019

I have taken a dozen courses online. This is the most challenging and fulfilling course I have taken so far. And I believe that the course shall be beneficial to all people in different walks of life.

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426 - 450 of 10,000 Reviews for The Science of Well-Being

By Steve P

Jun 8, 2020

This course is an excellent, 10-week road to a better understanding of the many actions we can take to make ourselves happier. It is taught in a straighforward, honest language with a nurturing tone that is relatable and doesn't talk down to the students. I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in exploring their own happiness and how it fits into the society in which we live today. I have always (naively) thought that in a life where you put happiness as your top priority, you will find the most fulfillment. It turns out, I wasn't wrong, I just wasn't able to fully see my happiness as it fits into a bigger picture when it comes to socialization, relationships, wellness, mindset, time management, and my own selfish needs and wants.

By David L G

Jun 14, 2018

I really enjoyed this course! I had quite a few ah-ha moments. I would recommend this course to anyone that has been "chasing" happiness and wellness and is looking for research proven strategies to finally achieve some form of wellness in their life. Surprisingly, I was already on track with many of the strategies the course recommended but did learn some new things, which I have begun incorporating in my life. I also can't tell you how terrific it is to have access to all of the books, Ted Talks, and research articles that support the videos and other instructions, along with the surveys you can take for free to gain a little insight into who you are, how happy you are currently, and what your strengths are. This was just a terrific course!

By Sherryn M

Sep 30, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed this course & appreciated the way Dr Santos delivered each lesson with clear and easy to understand information, achievable activities and an engaging demeanour. I got so much out of this course and would like to continue learning more about Positive Psychology as a result of it. Her podcast is also very informative, reiterating many of the concepts discussed in the course. I will certainly refer back to my notes regularly and use these practices in my everyday life seeing as I have already noticed a huge improvement in my mental well-being. Thank you Dr Santos, I hope every school in Australia implements this course into their curriculum to provide the next generation with these tools to help them flourish & thrive.

By Zahid B

May 14, 2020

To summarize this course: The most impactful lessons in life are often the most simplest!

The content in this course has been thought provoking and life changing. I wish this course could reach the younger generation, as they can develop these productive and positive habits before they enter further education and the world of work! The leaders in our society/media organisations have a duty to showcase a purposeful and productive life, whilst promoting positive well-being in work places if they want to see a happier society. Courses like this are a priceless way of helping people to find solutions to their low mood, negative health habits and ungratefulness. Dr Laurie Santos is a remarkable and inspiring woman who is a role model for many!

By Maria O

Jul 16, 2020

Really great course, thank you. It was delivered very well and I learned so much on how I can make small changes to improve my happiness. The last 4 weeks of rewirement was great too, it was tough and not as successful as I was hoping but I have continued to try and implement some of the teachings in my life. Two big successes for me were meditating and gratitude.. When I feel like I may not be as happy or tired or stressed, I stop and take a few breaths and think about what I am grateful for, this has truly made the biggest difference in my life.....

Thanks so much!! Also, the professor was amazing... Very knowledgeable, realistic and practicing what she teaches in her own life. I really liked how she shared her successes and set backs..

By Angela C

Jul 7, 2020

I would recommend The Science of Well-Being course to anyone who seeks to challenge their own belief systems, mindsets, and patterns of thinking that create inhibition to their personal growth. You are provided with weekly rewirement challenges that help the student attain a higher level of thinking and ultimately a more functional state of 'being.' I've read and partaken in self-development courses and all are valuable when incorporated, and each serves to justify the principles shared in the previous courses. Even if you enroll in this course as a singular methodology or to supplement other training and personal development courses, you will find your thinking challenged and your behaviors modified for your own betterment in society.

By Nathalia P d M

Sep 21, 2020

Aprendi nesse curso que nossos pensamentos e ações são os maiores responsáveis pela nossa felicidade. Não se compare com os outros, não crie expectativas demais, não busque só pelos prazeres momentâneos que vão te dar uma alegria naquela hora, mas depois não vai lhe significar mais nada. É importante invetir tempo em nossa saúde, se alimentar bem, ter boas conexões sociais saudáveis, ser gentil, generoso, e sempre sempre agradecer por todas as coisas que a vida nos trás, sempre se recordar do porquê estamos aqui e qual é nosso propósito, Sou muito grata à Coursera e a instituição Yale terem proporcionado a nós a oportunidade de aprender com esse curso da prof. Laurie Santos. Foi muito legal, recomendo a todos! Atenciosamente, Nathalia

By Leighann B

Jul 11, 2020

I loved this course and genuinely wanted to share it with everyone I know. One study I found particularly relevant in today's political climate was the one which demonstrated that people would rather take a pay cut in order to have a greater lead against their peers instead of raising everyone's pay and having a higher overall salary but be more equitable (have a smaller lead) against their peers.

My only technical feedback is that I found the peer-review form a little confusing: you should be able to post comments after submitting the grade (since grade submit button is higher on the page) OR you should put the comment section above the submit button so that people know to post their comments first before submitting the evaluation.

By Nakshatra s

May 4, 2020

This course is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I want to talk about the course in detail. The course is detailed and I am sure you will almost double your happiness levels once you finish this course. Laurie is so good at teaching that it feels like you are physically there in the class attending the lecture. All the extra material that is provided with the course just widens your perspective towards various things. It doesn't matter for whatever reason you are thinking to take this course, once you finish it you will have much more than that. Thank you so much Laurie for this, I can't wait to meet you some day. But Thanks for creating this I feel happy, excited & motivated to do things even while writing this.

By Kajari R

Mar 18, 2021

My happiness scores have shown a very definite upward trend. My PERMA and Authentic Happiness Scores underwent a 38% and 18% increase after the course. Subjectively, I am sleeping well, have been enjoying myself much more than before. I find myself breaking into a smile when I see the beautiful colours of sunset, and the course was responsible to a great extent for this. The overall experience was wonderful. Most importantly, it made me realise that happiness did not come automatically, but involved work, like everything else in life. The moment I realized this, I stopped blaming my genes and childhood, and took my life and my happiness into my own hands. It took me 44 years of my life to realize this, but better late than never!

By Zhumagali N

May 31, 2024

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By Page M

Dec 29, 2020

I have loved this course!

At first I though it might be too simplistic as you quickly learn that the things in life that make you actually happier are things you are already aware of (social connection, being kind, getting enough sleep etc.) but then I was pleaseantly surprised when the course took a very scientific and experiment-based turn, with data showing the results that those activities actually have on people's life and happiness levels.

I particularly enjoyed learning so many different practical strategies and how to implement them in my day-to-day life.

Professor Santos does a fantastic job at delivering such an interesting course with a balance of scientific data, everyday examples, strategies and tools to achieve them.

By Dana S

Aug 3, 2020

I have learned a lot from this course. I stuck with it even after she debunked something I have been using for 30 years in her first video. I used to use the idea that "knowing is half the battle" from GI Joe with people and I applied it to myself with being a mental health professional. I have since stopped doing that especially since I had a rough bout of anxiety in June, which reinforced it not working. I have also referred strangers and friends to this program and use all but one of the rewirement strategies regularly. It was very helpful to have these put in a practical context and explained how they help with joy/happiness/contentment. Make the time for it, you have nothing to lose but old strategies that do not work.

By Adriana A

Jun 6, 2020

Oh no it's over! :( I feel so lucky and grateful to have been able to access this course for free, especially during this time of quarantine and CO-VID 19. It was the perfect structured disciplined activity I needed to keep me going and feel productive and healthy. I loved having goals to complete each week be it: reading, writing/commenting, reflecting, and daily tracking my own progress. I highly recommend this course and that you share your insights with others. You will not be disappointed... well actually maybe a little once you find out the research but you'll quickly bounce back and truly implement what is needed that will actually bring your joy and happiness. It takes time so be patient with yourself. Peace and love!

By Heather M

Dec 2, 2022

I learned a lot from this course. I liked the instructor's presentation style, the good balance of scientific research and relatable human behaviors and the approachable yet effective exercises. The additional content -- lectures, Q&A, researcher 1-to-1 videos -- were all interesting and helpful, too. I did NOT expect to walk away an expert in human behavior or a deliriously happy human being; I believe my expectations were real and this course was an exploration of behavioral research, useful techniques and good habits for living. Above all, perhaps the best takeaway was the reminder that I have the power and choice to make myself happier, or not; it's in my hands. Thank you for the opportunity to take this course for free.

By Pamela M

Mar 30, 2021

This course was such an amazing support, especially during these last months of pandemic. The skills presented for bringing richness and wellness to ones life are important tools for living a life that will help ensure contentment and happiness to both the learner and those they will impact on their life journey. I appreciated the variety of resources provided in the self paced course syllabus. Lectures, videos, readings, research models and data, discussion forums, conversations with experts...all tied together by an exceptional professor. Laurie Santos clearly laid the groundwork for both success in the course, and in life, by sharing this well paced, well planned exploration in forming practices for a well and happy life.

By Diane M B

Jul 9, 2020

Laurie Santo's is a very engaging instructor. I loved her motivation. Everything seemed interesting to her, which made it interesting to me. Wonderful voice to listen too and I could tell she really cares about the students. Always putting a positive spin on things. Really made me want to keep coming to class. When I signed up for the class I didn't know what to expect. Laurie has helped me in many ways. I will continue to use her rewirements and use her positive methods of thinking. Regardless of how high school teaching will be in this COVID times I will be better prepared emotionally. Relieved stress, found ways to step back from issue and became more positive. Thank you so much for the enjoyable and knowledgeable class.

By Amlesh R

Apr 30, 2020

So very grateful to Prof. Laurie for navigating such a meaningful and life-enhancing course in such a lucid and convincing way. Her candid confessions of her own deficiencies in some aspects of happiness, was so disarming. I have learned so much about the fundamentals of well being and happiness and how and why our mind is often the biggest hurdle in our quest for happiness. Be it knowing, what really makes us happy and understanding why we keep making wrong choices for our happiness, in every aspect, this course is spot on. Not a surprise that The Science of Well-being course by Prof Laurie is the best ever at Yale. Hope, this course is done by many. many more across the world in every age group. I am ensuring that my wife

By Homa F

Jun 8, 2018

This was my first course on coursera and I enjoyed every bit of it. I have learnt so much by putting the knowledge into practice, with positive results. I didn't expect the course to take as much time as it did, but that could be due to my time schedule and not how much the course demanded. I paid for the course so I would take it seriously which helped me in being more disciplined and of course to also get a certificate. I would recommend this course if you are trying to lear how to rewire your mind and having a better understanding of 'Misconceptions about Happiness' - 'Why our expectations are so bad' -'What stuff really increases happiness' - 'Strategies to reset you expectations' and 'Putting strategies into practice'.

By Yazdan S

Jan 9, 2021

While there seem to be some elements and research in the course discussed that may need to be revisited and re-evaluated, the vast majority of the content and the way that it was presented was fantastic, particularly for a course that can be taken for free. Big thank you to Laurie Santos, Yale University and the students sharing their questions and experiences in the lectures, and my fellow learners in the course. I learned a lot from this course, had tangible benefits (my well-being scores went up after taking the course), and I will carry the science and the research from this course with me and apply it in my life as best as I can. Really grateful that a course like this exists and is so accessible. Highly recommended!

By Heather P

Jun 10, 2020

After completing this course, I am equipped with new skills to continue living a fuller, happier life. I appreciate the studies Dr. Santos shared with us throughout the course to support various theories, such as Miswanting, Flow, and Hedonistic Adaptation.

The weekly challenges helped me tune into myself further. The challenges helped guide my focus for what elements I wanted to truly implement for the Rewirement Challenge.

Because of my experience, I not only incorporated new healthy habits into my daily life, but their culmination helped me with a major life decision. I feel great about my decision and am grateful for this course and the guidance of Dr. Santos.

I wish success to all as we continue our Rewirement journeys.

By Kethaka S A

Jul 17, 2022

This is super valuable and interesting course. Professor Laurie Santos was very friendly and specially followed a more interactive teaching method. So it feels more natural and I like that. This course is more practical manner. I had learnt "Introduction to Psychology" course by Dr.Bloom from Yale before this. That course was more theoritical. So if this is your first step to psychology I suggest you to do that first and join this to second. It can give more meaning and sense what you'll learn here. But you can just start here first. No any big theories here.Just how to apply psychology to your day today life and how to be happy with the stuff which actually make us happy, not the things we think will make us happy. :)

By Amanda M

May 17, 2020

Dr. Santos does an excellent job to teach us the science behind well-being and seeking happiness. The timing of the class was fantastic as I needed the refocus on happiness and gratitude during the Covid-19 quarantine. Dr. Santos was intelligent and easy to understand. Her examples and lectures were interesting and helpful. I am very grateful that I took this online class as I was able to choose a rewirement that has made me more happy and is helping my well being. The videos and transcriptions were excellent to use on a laptop. The online class was not as user friendly on a cell phone. The quizzes were easy if you paid attention. The peer reviews and forums were amazing to learn from people from all over the world!

By Michael D

Aug 29, 2019

I have been lucky enough to have a couple of months of downtime as I consider a significant transition in my life. Serendipitously, I stumbled upon this course and engaged out of curiosity. It was the right medicine at the right time. I learnt a lot and was given the language and logic to articulate several matters of personal significance . Before the course, I was feeling relatively content. Upon completion of the course, I am in a very good place. I found the content well presented, engaging and fascinating. I enjoyed the intellectual stimulation of reading around the topic but I particularly enjoyed the experiential nature of the course. Undertaking this course has been time very well spent on a number of levels.

By Romona J W

Jul 10, 2019

The instructor for the course was exceptional. She made taking the course delightful. Her approach to teaching put me at ease and caused me to be open to learning things from a different perspective. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to help other's by being an example themselves and that doesn't mean that they should be perfect, but conscious enough that they soon can recover from any setback or mistake and move forward. We need more models such as this. Models that lead through relations with holding themselves accountable too. The instructor, presented herself as authentic and shared with us some of her vulnerabilities too. I am now developing new skills and I am the wiser. Thank you, Coursera.