May 18, 2020
This course is well worth the time and commitment and came out of this course with some valuable information and tools. I feel the more people that take the course, the better we can be as a society.
Jun 3, 2019
I have taken a dozen courses online. This is the most challenging and fulfilling course I have taken so far. And I believe that the course shall be beneficial to all people in different walks of life.
By Linda H
•Feb 21, 2020
This course was amazing! Super informational. I highly recommend it. This course taught me more about happiness and I considered myself a pretty happy person already so that's saying something! It gave more insight to life, goals, and the little things about us that might seem like nothing but make the most of who we are. This sets the prompt for you to question your actions and then get to know yourself a little bit better. Thank you, Laurie Santos! I appreciate you!
By Helen T
•Sep 2, 2021
An excellent course very well structured. The data points definitely helped to back up the theory and make it all make sense. Whilst a lot of the course content is material we know we should be following for our own Well-Being it is good to be reminded about it and just how powerful the impact can be on our lives if we actually put it into practice. The rewirement assignment was then the perfect opportunity to try and change ones habits in a supportive and safe way.
By Jacqueline K
•Sep 8, 2020
Dieser Kurs ist unglaublich lehrreich und unterhaltsam. Ich habe mich immer auf die Einheiten gefreut. Laurie Santos schafft es, die Lerninhalte in angenehmen Umfang und eingehend zu erklären.
Die praktischen Übungen haben Spaß gemacht und oft einen Perspektivwechsel bewirkt.
Besonders hilfreich war die WOOP- Methode! Hiermit konnte ich leicht mein Ziel erreichen und diese Methode oft in meiner praktischen Beratungsarbeit anwenden!
Danke vielmals für diesen tollen Kurs!
By Dorothy B
•Jun 9, 2020
This course is an interesting, fun, and eye opening experience. I enjoyed it very much and gained knowledge of how the mind works in different settings. It was the perfect course to take during quarantine time, however, I recommend taking it anytime. Your involvement is not overwhelming and you end it having learned something you did not know when you began. Professor Santos's way of teaching is down to earth and it was great to see her smiling face once a week.
By Phuoc H A N
•Sep 28, 2020
Thank you Professor Laurie Santos for this course! When we understand miswanting things in life & real good habits that contribute to our well-being, we can shift our focus on things that matter more, such as: using signature strengths, savoring, gratitude, kindness, social connection, meditation, sleep & exercise. Happiness is not to buy, but to practice everyday via those good habits. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to live a happy healthy life.
By Christie G
•Jun 26, 2020
I would recommend this class to everyone. I started this class 10-weeks ago when I had a job. My happiness scores were horrible! During the course, I lost my job due to COVID. Every week I looked forward to the next video and what Dr. Santos and team had discovered about what real happiness is. After the 10-week course, my happiness score improved that even I was surprised. I now know what real happiness is and you can too! You just need to sign up to find out ;)
By Kathleen E
•Jun 8, 2020
Great for people who love to know the how to behind human happiness. Dr. Laurie Santos is easy to listen to, well spoke, clearly intelligent and feels humble. I thoroughly enjoyed the time spent listening to the lectures and doing the homework as I felt like I was seeing things very clearly for the first time on this topic. Happiness is not something you have by being lucky, it's a goal you will move the needle in the right direction by knowing these great insights.
By Caz J
•Nov 18, 2024
This course provided such a variety of information to support the key concepts of Wellbeing. The instructors recordings were engaging and delivered in a way that encouraged students to reflect on their perceptions. The value of this course far outweighs its cost and the content along with the assignments lead to a lasting improvement in your happiness. Thank you, I really enjoyed and appreciated the work put into this and have taken some key concepts away with me.
By Gemma H
•Mar 31, 2021
Fantastic course full of amazing and insightful lectures. I learnt so much, so much more than I thought! The rewirements were great, reinforcing the idea that it's so much more than about learning but about putting these important things into practice. It was great to end with a peer review to see other people's progress and know others are making a positive difference to their lives. I have told so many people about this course and about the things I have learnt!
By Aedrian A
•Jan 18, 2021
This is a very insightful course on a topic that hits close to everyone's home. The recommendations for a life of wellness enclosed in this material are presented excellently and practical/feasible. The content will be helpful for everyone, regardless of their psychosocial status. With the uncertainties in the world today and, perhaps, in the foreseeable long-term future, investing in yourself by heeding the lessons from this course is a great way to move forward.
By César N
•Jul 11, 2020
I definitely love this course and recommend to anyone who want to improve happiness, well being, personal development. Thanks you I am definitely an other person after these 10 week course. Une excellente formation même si votre niveau d'anglais n'est pas excellent Dr Santos est très facile à comprendre et je vous encourage fortement à suivre cette excellente formation j'ai appris beaucoup et pris énormément de plaisir à suivre cette formation. Merci
By Lourdes A
•Jun 18, 2020
Loved this course so much! I had been having a hard time during the COVID-19 pandemic and this course helped get me on my feet. I've learned many things and it was fun to listen to the lectures, too, because everything made so much sense. There were things I already knew but I didn't know had scientific terms to. I am also convinced everybody should be taking this course in order to get an inkling of what it really means to live a life of happiness and well-being.
By Christa S
•Jun 16, 2020
This was a very eye-opening course & I am glad I took it. It unraveled previous incorrect assumptions & shed light on actual positive concepts & practices based in science. While not all topics discussed may be a right fit for everyone to implement, simply opening up your mind to possibilities & choosing a new, healthy habit to try to incorporate into daily life was positive & may have just actually made a convert out of me. Thank you for the opportunity to learn.
By Karen H
•Jun 8, 2020
I enjoyed the course; I appreciated that there was enough time built in that I was able to change my rewirement challenge after I realized that the one I chose was not something I could accomplish. Now at the end of the course, I am happier, more physically active, and more engaged in my daily activities than I was 3 months ago. "Savors" and "Gratitudes" are now part of my daily life. I am considering commiting to other rewirements now that I have had this sucess!
By Joanna M
•May 24, 2020
This course made me face the inevitable a d take the challenge head-on. I was able to overcome my obstacles to happiness and well-being. In the process I accomplished something more than just a psychology course certification - I began a nonprofit project to support expecting mothers during this pandemic. Giving is more rewarding than receiving and giving to more than one person without any expectation of reciprocation is extremely rewarding. Thank you, Professor!
By Erik W Y
•Aug 13, 2020
I appreciate the topic is covered in an academic setting with research, multiple references and opportunities to apply what we've learned. I was able to see my objective improvement on my happiness score and feel the principles discussed will continue to pay in dividends. I am very grateful for the opportunity to have participated and thank Laurie Santos and her colleagues for dedicating their work toward something incredibly meaningful and important in our time.
By Nolita M
•Jun 22, 2020
I really enjoyed listening to Laurie Santos' lectures and explanations. Her discussions with the class and guest speakers was very helpful in learning how to change habits (miswanting) and how to thwart hedontic adaptation and also how to grow more content in your life. Time affluence is where it's at, baby! And experiences over things. If Laurie and Marie Kondo could put a course to combine their wisdom, I'm almost certain we could attain world peace! Thank you!
By Debra D
•May 18, 2020
The course is broken done into manageable topics each week. I appreciated the research given as studies sited on the science of happiness. The interviews and discussions Dr. Santos had with other researchers was a nice enrichment to the course. I appreciated the weeks give to practice our rewirement, time to reflect. It helped make the rewirement at true life change. I also enjoyed giving peers feedback o their rewirement. I learned some things from them as well.
By Bethany M
•Jun 10, 2019
I loved this course! I looked forward to the videos and setting and accomplishing goals each week. I feel like I look at things from a different perspective than before. I now have the knowledge that there are things that will not make me happy long term so they really aren’t worth my time, effort or money. I have learned that I can be happy with what I have and have a better idea of the things I should strive for to help my mental wellness and overall happiness.
By Ryan D M
•Sep 7, 2022
This was an excellent course that I very much enjoyed. I have suffered with GAD, health anxiety and panic disorder for years. I have done a lot of personal research on things that can help with these issues as well as just living a more fullfilling life. I am happy to see many of the things I have begun focusing on mentioned in this course as it makes me believe I am on the right path. I did very much enjoy the lessons and would recommend this to anyone.
By Tahsina N K
•May 31, 2021
This course has made me feel much better and has encouraged me to stick to good habits. My salute to Dr. Laurie Santos for designing such a marvelous course. In my opinion, every adult human being who has an access to internet must get enrolled to this course for the well-being of own self and others. All the best wishes for Dr. Laurie Santos and the team, and for the Coursera community. Lots of love and respect from Bangladesh.
~ Tahsina Naz Khan (31 May 2021)
By Gina D L
•Jun 17, 2020
I thoroughly enjoyed this course for a few reasons: 1.I appreciated the research-based tenets for living well. Sometimes just knowing you “should” adopt a new habit like mediation or understanding that “money” and “stuff” doesn’t bring happiness is not enough. 2. The course is very well paced and easily digestible. You’re given a bit of time to adopt and try on each rewirement. 3. Dr. Santos’ Happiness Lab podcast is the perfect tool to bring it all together.
By Kim F G
•May 30, 2020
This is a great course that helped me understand and appreciate that my inability to maintain a happy state is in fact normal and that if I want to feel happier more often than I need to commit to continuing to work at it via the strategies I put in place the last four weeks and beyond including my use of the ReWi app. I'll continue to listen to the Happiness Lab podcasts to see what new information I can attain beyond that which I learned in this great course.
By Son-U M P
•Aug 20, 2023
I recommended this course to my Kids, my Brother and now, you, as well. It's wonderful. Concrete recommendations and practices on how to be happier, with scientific explanations, data and theories presented in a great format by an excellent instructor. It's no wonder that this is apparently the most popular undergrad course at Yale. Check it out, savor it. I enjoyed it immensely, and have already started benefiting from the practices recommended in the course.