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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Science of Well-Being by Yale University

38,940 ratings

About the Course

NEW TEEN VERSION AVAILABLE HERE: In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life. THE SCIENCE OF WELL BEING WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING....

Top reviews


May 12, 2022

I​ cannot believe that my happiness score has improved so much from these 10 weeks. The material was enjoyable and straightforward and I loved my weekly challenges. Thank you to Laurie & the team!


Nov 13, 2020

Awesome course. Many people suffer from depression and this course is great to understand and shift your state of mind. Can't solve a problem if you don't truly understand what's causing the problem.

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926 - 950 of 10,000 Reviews for The Science of Well-Being

By Ranjit L T

Sep 28, 2020

In this course I have engaged in a series of challenges designed to increase my own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. We will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into our life.

By Drew W

May 9, 2020

Excellent; 2 main benefits, for me:

1) Even if many of the learnings were intuitive, adding scientific rigor adds a valuable additional perspective that basic things are really good for our health!

2) You can never be reminded enough of these healthy habits. Even if you already know it all, I find myself in an improved mood just going through the course -- it has an impact on how likely I am to hold myself to these habits.

Thank you.

By Tracy G

Aug 5, 2022

This course was awesome! Laurie is an amazing professor and the content just keeps you interested and coming back every week. By the end of the class my scores had increased and I feel like I have a better understanding of what really does make me happy. I'm not a school educator but I share this information with everyone I know and would love to use it a study group like some do for a book club. Thank you for sharing this class!

By Holly S

Jun 3, 2020

The Science of Well-Being is an excellent class with a well laid-out curriculum. It was great to have a plethora of scientific evidence to support the various actions to increase happiness. The final rewirement, which we practiced for a month, was a helpful exercise and at the end of the course I was pleased to have such proven tools to use to keep up my practice and to extend it to other rewirements and other habits in my life.

By Paula A O

Jul 14, 2020

Thank You Professor Laurie Santos for sharing all your knowledge and making it so simple that we all want to take this class. It will definitely stay with me forever. Lots of gratitude, it came at the right time in my life. I really enjoyed all your videos, you made it fun!

This course is a must for everyone at any age, we all need to take kindness, gratitude and savoring to the next level, especially during these difficult times.

By Tricia D

Jun 6, 2022

This course was really eye opening ! The professor is engaging and intriguing with the reading course material . As well, as the discussions with other students.I absolutely excited about the course each time, I went online for the teachings! I am excited to use the skills I've learned for more goals within my life! In addition, to creating happiness in my life with less material possessions and explore more adventures in life!

By Deborah H

Sep 21, 2020

I'm so glad my niece suggested I take this course with her! We enjoyed chatting weekly about how the course was going, and the various things we learned about. Giving us 4 weeks at the end to really try out the rewirements we learned was GREAT. I'm shocked that my happiness scores actually went up, when all I made was a simple change. Thanks Dr. Santos for making this on-line course available, you're helping so many people!

By D'Arcy C

May 31, 2020

This has been my FIRST (!) online course. I very much enjoyed the professor's open mindedness and humility, including sharing her own challenges in meeting daily effort to apply the many areas of well-being development outlined in the course. Also, I found the Coursera platform and online technologies (the readings, videos and accompanying texts) and the general ease of use really greatly facilitated the experience. Thank you!

By Markéta M

May 14, 2020

I already knew (or hear about) the things that were discussed within this course, but as was said - knowing is NOT half the battle. I did not know how to apply it into my real life, not to just know it, but know how to use it, how to benefit from it. It helped me to realize things that can actually increase my everyday happiness, now it is up to me and only me to start using them. The course is very well prepared and fun to do.

By Rachel J H

Sep 18, 2020

Really enjoyed this. I've registered for quite a few MOOCs in the past that have been dull, but this felt really interactive and personal, and was packed with interesting information. I have a PhD in psychology, so I knew some of it, but still learnt lots, and as Laurie points out, even those of us with broad knowledge about research on wellbeing still don't implement it as much as we should. I think I've improved at doing so.

By Bernie S

Feb 6, 2020

This course allowed me to look into my soul and evaluate what I really needed to be happy and what I found out was that all I really needed was to stop comparing myself to others. I come from a family that showed little love and was taught from day 1 that "Little Girls were meant to be seen not heard." I realize now that this is me and I need to love me and love my life, it doesn't matter what other people think. Thank you.

By Luisa T

Aug 15, 2020

I was a little skeptical al the begining because I didn't inderstand how anyone could meassure your level of happiness without being in your own shoes. This course showed me, through Scientfic findings and Statistical Data, tha happiness can be achieved or improved by folliwing simple steps and stying comitted. Kudos to Lauri Santos and her collaborators, for making this course available for free during the covid-19 pandemic.

By Melissa J

May 28, 2020

I really enjoyed this course and was amazed at the structure, content and references presented. The course helped me understand life is not as challenging as it may seem. COVID definitely threw a loop in everyone's responsibility as focus especially with life in general.

In my opinion, this course made me a happier non-negative person and taught positive techniques and ways to reflect on the personal well being of ones self.

By Melody L

Jun 22, 2020

I highly recommend this course! I couldn't have taken it at a better time as we've been facing stay-at-home orders due to Covid-19 and I'm also on a medical leave from work. Practicing my rewirements and intentionally doing things that support my well-being and happiness are vital at this time in my life. I would recommend this course to anyone who needs a gentle reminder of how to find the positives/happiness around you.

By Emily K

Jun 13, 2019

I really appreciated the opportunity to better understand the research behind what actually makes us happier, and what we think will make us happier but doesn't. So many of the lecture themes pop up in my head now day to day and prompt me to make different decisions than I was making before the course. Many thanks to Professor Santos for creating this course and sharing these strategies for well-being with more of the world!

By Dr. B P

Oct 12, 2020

I thought this was just like other basic courses, I thought I already knew all those things from "The subtle of not giving a fuck" . But this course is on another level. I highly recommend it to everyone. You all deserve to live a peaceful and happy life. You all badly need to get out of that stressful shell of yours and start living today. I wish everyone happiness and love. Thank you for designing such a beautiful course.

By Tiera M

May 12, 2020

This course allowed me to completely rewiring my definition of success and happiness. Rather than comparing myself to others who post their successes on social media, I can create my own sense of happiness through meditation and acts of kindness. My happiness isn't defined by the size of my house or the brand of my car, it is defined by the experiences I've created with my family, friends, and sometimes, complete strangers,

By Carolyn H

May 1, 2020

This course was both timely and interesting. The focus on positive behaviors and actively taking control of one's own happiness was incredibly life affirming, especially during these difficult times. I will use the strategies and rewirements taught in this class for the rest of my life. I am very grateful that I decided to participate in The Science of Well-Being. Thank you Dr. Santos. Thank you Yale. Thank you Coursera.

By Celri O

Feb 29, 2020

I loved the multi-layered approach of this course. The informal lectures made it accessible and using technology to track progress such as the ReWi app made it fun as well. Really took me back to my varsity days. I am still using my ReWi app to track Gratitude and Savoring and I found the peer feedback very helpful. I highly recommend this course. Thank you, Dr Santos, for making this course available to a larger audience.


Jul 31, 2020

This was an amazing reminder of the simplicity of wellbeing and happiness! Well done! I felt very well informed and loved the rationale behind 'hedonic adaptation' WOOP and so much more. THe lecture was very honest and delivered the course effectively that learning and knowledge sharing felt so easy...As an HR professional this helped immensely to impact engagement in my workplace. THank you Yale! Thank you Laurie Santos!

By Nicolas M

Mar 8, 2019

Amazing lessons to make your life a better life, yourself a better colleague, friend, spouse, well a better human. What is the most enjoyable is the mix of a lot of detailed studies by the best professors on the Positive psychology and practical daily routines to start implementing from day 1.

Do not hesitate a single second to get involved with Laurie Santos and all the YAle students who have followed these lessons.


By Giset C

Feb 16, 2021

absolutely amazing. just when you think knowing is half the battle, you go and find that there is just so much more you actually didn't know! ... and it's such a breath of fresh air knowing that although it seems like we are stuck that there is a whole world of possibilities and that we are able to move forward and be healthier and happier and more content... and stay that way... yes, i learned all of that in this course.

By Carla A A

Jun 21, 2020

The course is amazing and really helped me. The things happening around the wourld and this quarantine is not being easy with my anxious but with this course I actually could look inside myself, undertand so many things better and learn a lot. I wish that have this course in portuguese so I could indicate to my family and friends in Brazil because this course for sure opened my eyes for a lot of things and change my life.

By Hazel W

Jun 9, 2020

I truly enjoyed this course from start to finish, especially during the time of the pandemic. The content was interesting, impactful and valuable - I definitely shifted some of my thinking as a result of this course. Everything was presented in a clear and approachable manner and having the rewirements and final challenge formatted into the course really helped to drive the information home. I highly recommend this class!

By Marsia G

Jun 8, 2020

This course changed my life especially during these challenging times with COVID-19 and the Social Justice Crsis we are experiencing. And despite these turbulent times my well-being and happiness increased by using the tools and strategies I learned and un-learning things we have been told about achieving happiness. This course has given me the map I needed to continue this journey and sustain my happiness and well-being.