Sep 14, 2022
This course can be life changing if you implement the concepts. I loved the professor and also loved the podcast that further goes into more detail about the things that actually bring us happiness.
May 8, 2020
Dr Santos is engaging and honest. This course was a very helpful and productive way for me to spend some long pandemic days. I honestly feel that I will carry what I have learned through out my life.
By Suzy F
•Mar 15, 2022
Excelente! It was a very valuable experience to change some behaviors that bothered me. I am now on a new journey towards maintaining these learnings. I take the opportunity to ask how how to get the certificate? I thank , Suzy Fleury / Psychologist / São Paulo / Brasil
By Karla J
•Nov 21, 2020
It was a wonderful course that kept me fully engaged. I was in the hospital with COVID while taking the course and I know it helped me be in a better place mentally. I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone that wants to find a more positive, happier place in their life! Thank you for sharing!
By April P
•Jul 17, 2020
Everyone wants to be HAPPY! This course is a tangible way to increase your happiness and also possibly the happiness of others too! I enjoyed learning about the scientific research along with the practical suggestions given. My life is happier, due in part to this class and my effort to use what I learned.
By Vanessa R
•Jun 23, 2020
Laurie Santos has the easiest way to explain things better. She's such a good teacher, always was helpful and was able to solvee doubts and concerns about the topics revised it.
So glad she had this initiative, and more glad she decided to share with 1 million people around the world.
She's truly the best!!!
By Valerie
•Jun 15, 2020
Thank you for your outstanding course! I thoroughly enjoyed your engaging teaching style and learning more about the science of well-being. Your interactive assignments helped with forming new habits!
I'm grateful to have had the chance to participate. Especially during these crazy times. Well done!!
By Claudia R
•May 30, 2020
This was a FANTASTIC experience for me! I think much of the increase in my well-being I owe to this course. I was a little worried of the months ahead when we were asked to shelter at home. These past 10 weeks have been the richest, most fulfilling weeks of my life.
Thank you Laurie Santos. You inspired me!
By Mary G
•May 11, 2020
I really enjoyed the course and look forward to more from Dr. Santos. The design of the course was perfect and blended the video lectures, the research and the interviews. The rewirements were helpful and the additional readings were valuable. The quick quizes were clever added to the course. All good!
By Payam I
•Feb 12, 2020
A very recommendable course! I have learned numerous strategies about how to implement (which) habits that lead to a happier and more satisfied life.
The science-backed theories are very helpful and insightful to understand the why's and also be able to explain to others.
Thank you for creating this course!
By Kaushik K G
•Sep 16, 2019
This a great course and keeps you engaged through out the course with the examples, exercises and quiz at various stages. Trainer has done a great job about creating the interest in the course. I am sure it is going to be of value in life and put in practice. I will be interested in Advance Course, if any.
By Dianne B
•Feb 5, 2022
Overall the experience was postive and enlightening. I think I got this and am more aware of the everyday environment around me. I think I will take a moment for me time and then start planning long term goals of enjoyment. Thank you to Laurie Stanos and her team. "Find a reason to smile everyday" :-)
By Naa K N
•Sep 16, 2020
This course was excellent. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone and everyone. the instructor is great and lays out all the information perfectly to bring you along in understanding how and why this subject is important, as well as giving you really tangible tools to make a different in your own life. Loved it.
By Lisa M
•Sep 9, 2020
I absolutely love this program. Laurie was inspiring, engaging and relatable. The real time examples were terrific as was the supporting research and the way it was presented. I loved the mode and the ability to take snapshot notes of relevant areas to be able to reflect on later. Thank you for this gift.
By Eszter B
•Aug 2, 2020
I truly enjoyed the lectures and the Q&A's. I always had the impression of YALE students being smart and well educated, but it was sometimes tough to hear the word "like" in so many students' vocabulary. Other than that, I felt the course material truly helped me mentally, emotionally and physically, too.
By Manuel H J
•Jul 13, 2020
Although I expected to develop a completely new set of skills that allowed me to achieve a greater level of happiness, my expectations fell short. This course has radically impacted my mindset and has allowed be to look forward, not only to become happier, but to help others on the way. Thank you so much!
By Tina C
•Jun 27, 2020
Learnt so much! The lecturer is engaging and guides you through the science and is made easy to understand. I love that you're shown the methods and the science behind why they're beneficial. There's so much I'll take from this course and will implement in my daily life, this should be taught to everyone.
By Michelle S
•Jun 16, 2020
I thoroughly enjoyed the course. And, having been in the course during the start and duration of COVID and shelter-at-home, I think it was even more impactful.
I've learned to shift my reference points and implement daily tools that keep me more at peace and create a higher sense of well-being. Thank you!
By Prabhu S
•Jun 3, 2020
Excellent course to know human happiness in their life to achieve all things to be effective with a meaningful life. The course teacher has done well her course work to the learners. She is excellent in explaining the concept effectively which gave 100% satisfaction about life and the science behind life.
By Mircea N
•May 25, 2020
I really don't like self-help stuff and people who say things like "be positive". What I feel this course does very well is it brings rigor to well-being and I couldn't be happier about it. Take the course. You'll learn a bunch of evidence-based strategies for living a better life. You can thank me later.
By Julie S
•Feb 19, 2022
This course really opened my eyes to the importance of doing small things to bring improved happiness to my life. Thank you for creating this! It was sometime difficult to know where I was at in the course. It took me a long time to wrap it up. However, I am glad I was able to complet it eventually!
By Jean L W S
•Apr 19, 2021
This course was an eye-opener! I loved how achievable the methods were in order for us to try and live happier healthier lives. It was delivered in a clear, concise manner and the suggested practices were great in integrating what we learned in the classroom into real-life experiences. Thank you, Laurie!
By Tanya M S C
•Feb 3, 2021
I loved it. It was a wonderful experience. Learning techniques supported by reaserch has made all the difference. I will apply the things I learned in different aspects of my personal growth and I have already recomended this course to my teenage daughters so they have all this resources eariier in life.
By Lisa C
•Oct 13, 2020
We all want to be happy, but it's easy to lose sight of what behaviors and values would truly lead to that result. Seeing the science, and being offered alternatives and insights was a great reframe. And being able to measure my well-being at the beginning and end gave me the perspective I was seeking.
By The M N
•Nov 6, 2019
This class has taught me so much. I love the teacher because she is so down to earth. I was shocked when she said that she did not pass every test. When I heard that I was at ease. Because of that, she has helped me to pass my testes. I wish that she taught on other things because I would sign right up.
By Barbara S
•Aug 20, 2018
I found this course very helpful to learn more about the science of well-being. For sure it does help to better know yourself and improve the ability to relate to others. It is a great support to work on the ;level of happiness you wish to achieve. had a great impact on personal life and therefore on the
By Kelly I S
•Jul 3, 2021
Great Course! Took it in the ending of 2020 with the chaos of the pandemic. Learned a lot about wellness and the surprising ways we can actually achieve it. One of the courses I think deserves a refresher course I.e quick reminders of what was taught. Professor Santos was a warm face to come to as well!