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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Visual Elements of User Interface Design by California Institute of the Arts

6,237 ratings

About the Course

This design-centric course examines the broad question of what an interface is and what role a designer plays in creating a user interface. Learning how to design and articulate meaning using color, type, and imagery is essential to making interfaces function clearly and seamlessly. Through a series of lectures and visual exercises, you will focus on the many individual elements and components that make up the skillset of an interface designer. By the end of this course, you will be able to describe the key formal elements of clear, consistent, and intuitive UI design, and apply your learned skills to the design of a static screen-based interface. This is the first course in the UI/UX Design Specialization, which brings a design-centric approach to user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design, and offers practical, skill-based instruction centered around a visual communications perspective, rather than on one focused on marketing or programming alone. These courses are ideal for anyone with some experience in graphic or visual design and who would like to build their skill set in UI or UX for app and web design. It would also be ideal for anyone with experience in front- or back-end web development or human-computer interaction and want to sharpen their visual design and analysis skills for UI or UX....

Top reviews


Nov 21, 2018

I never thought this is possible. I am very grateful to Coursera and Calarts. This is a starting milestone to changing my career life for better. I am ready to pursue more and more with your support.


May 24, 2021

This course is very useful for a beginner who is looking for the basics of UI/UX course.

This course will give you the basic idea of interface design which very important for its advanced studies.

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351 - 375 of 1,547 Reviews for Visual Elements of User Interface Design

By Ankit S (


Aug 30, 2023

Brilliant Teacher. Great pace great study materials. Opened my eyes to new prespectives of designing digital content.

By jatin s


Feb 20, 2021

very informative for basic understanding, loved the whole experience moving to the next course in the specialization.

By Thelma T d S


Jun 10, 2020

I think so interesting and amazing course. I learned so many things and for me the best one is very practical course.

By Musagala K


Feb 9, 2022

Peer reviews, some are biased therefore there should be some neutral person to give a final grade after peer reviews

By Dan M


Aug 9, 2021

The information is great for anyone looking to get into UX design. I especially like the exercises a peer critiques.

By Disha


Jun 19, 2021

overall some help with the softwares that students need to use such as illustrator settings, would help a great deal



Jun 2, 2020

Es un curso muy bien explicado, los temas vistos son concisos y creo que son buena base para seguir aprendiendo mas.

By Carlos A R


Jan 2, 2021

Great course! I have no experience in graphic design and i managed to complete this course with no struggle at all.

By Yi W


Nov 11, 2019

It's a good course to start with to know about uiux. Just hope to have more tutorial resource for designing tools.

By Janet X


Feb 10, 2022

A helpful, zoomed-out overview of UI. I enjoyed the specific examples provided and the design of the assignments.

By Dhenada Y


Aug 5, 2021

This course is really useful. The instructors explain the materi clearly. As a beginner, these are really helpful.

By Valentina R


May 10, 2021

Simple explanations and practical work. Very useful for a first step into the world of UI/UX and interface design.

By Briana B


Oct 20, 2020

Was a great introduction to the field. The class prodject was really cool to work on and enjoyed the peer reviews.

By Lyuba R


May 30, 2020

Excellent, comprehensive and thorough class covering the basic fundamentals of UI/UX, with a concentration on UI.

By Layo R


Nov 11, 2019

A great and insightful approach and very inline for people with a graphic design/ visual communication background.

By John M


Sep 29, 2019

Michael is a gifted sherpa, leading us through the precarious terrain of graphic design in its sundry expressions.

By Muhammad A


Feb 23, 2021

it covers basic stuff very nicely. Has changed the way i used to look at the stuff!! awesome job Mr. Worthington.

By Kwok Y X N


May 30, 2020

Good instructor, enjoyable hands-on activities. Learnt a lot about UI in this course, would definitely recommend!

By Lauren P


May 18, 2020

This was a really nice course for beginners. I really enjoyed the project and getting to see other students work.

By Mayank A


Aug 28, 2019

The course was amazing I got to learn many new things about UI/ UX Design which will help me in future endeavors.

By Laura J


Sep 20, 2023

It was so informative. I actually loved the course. I would recommend to anyone who is interested in this field.

By Ricardo M


Feb 23, 2022

Very good course, it has a good pace and even though it is for beginners, doesn 't feel like it is for dummies.

By Dariia S


Mar 18, 2021

It was very helpful course! We did a lot of practice but in same time it was not to much complicated! I love it!

By Dominika C


May 4, 2020

Very good for beginners, a great way to understand what UI/UX Design is and to try a simple hands-on assignment.

By Melissa


Jun 8, 2024

Es excelente el curso! Dinámico, completo y brinda herramientas interesantes para iniciar en el mundo del UX/UI