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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Advanced Manufacturing Process Analysis by University at Buffalo

1,192 ratings

About the Course

Variability is a fact of life in manufacturing environments, impacting product quality and yield. Through this course, students will learn why
performing advanced analysis of manufacturing processes is integral for diagnosing and correcting operational flaws in order to improve yields
and reduce costs. Gain insights into the best ways to collect, prepare and analyze data, as well as computational platforms that can be
leveraged to collect and process data over sustained periods of time. Become better prepared to participate as a member of an advanced
analysis team and share valuable inputs on effective implementation. Main concepts of this course will be delivered throu...

Top reviews


Jan 5, 2019

Thank you for the training course. This course will be very helpful in analyzing & improving stamping process in Press shop, that will help us to deliver superior quality product to our customer.


Jun 30, 2020

The videos are very satisfying and seems to be the kind of work I like to do. But I think the teacher should make everyone let know that computer or laptop is a necessity for the course.

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1 - 25 of 294 Reviews for Advanced Manufacturing Process Analysis

By Upamanyu R

May 26, 2019

Mostly tells what happens and what might happen with Advanced Manufacturing Process Analysis application in the Industry, but very less about How it actually happens and what are the exact procedures.

A very basic understanding course, and honestly I expected much more from it.

By Eliav S

Oct 8, 2020


This is my first course on coursera. I'm an electrical engineer. This was not what I have expected.

Essentially, this is a bunch of links to sources for you to read. The lecturer is not lecturing at all. All he does is give 2-5 minutes transition videos with really basic and trivial content.

If I wanted to read by myself I would not pay for a "course" with a "lecture".

This is at most, Consolidated links arranged by subjects.

Stay off.

By Binu M

May 29, 2018

Most of the Links for further infromations to the topics are not working or leading to some product or software selling sites. bis scam!

By Кудинов А В

Jul 3, 2018

Nothing advanced in this course

By Johnson D

Mar 4, 2018

Could have been better, concepts explained in the videos are mostly obvious. This course is mainly a collection of external links.

By Yogesh S

Jan 25, 2019

This 4 week course of Advance Manufacturing Process Analysis is wonderful and recommendable to all. Content is very good and easy to understand. It helps in my current role as well.

By Umang M

Aug 27, 2018

Extremely basic one these quiz can be answered without studying videos in a single attempt this is an basic knowledge that an mechanical engineer has. pls improve quality of education

By Muhammad U

May 22, 2019

Learn Nothing specifically. just introductions

By Alireza Z

Jul 27, 2018

So elementary and monotone

By Vancho D

Jan 14, 2018

The deeper I go with the specialization the more interesting it gets. Frankly, it's a great specialization program and the Advanced Manufacturing Analysis give you an in debt knowledge of the topic.

A must for mechanical and industrial engineers and technicians


Jan 5, 2019

Thank you for the training course. This course will be very helpful in analyzing & improving stamping process in Press shop, that will help us to deliver superior quality product to our customer.

By Hari A C

Jun 30, 2020

The videos are very satisfying and seems to be the kind of work I like to do. But I think the teacher should make everyone let know that computer or laptop is a necessity for the course.

By Michelle D P

Feb 11, 2023

The course open my mind to a different way of thinking. And it was presented in a way where I could apply it to my own job role and see possibilities of how we could adapt to new world.

By Cesar C

Jan 6, 2023

Excellent and well paced. Highly Recommended for beginners in the subject

By Vladimir M

Nov 1, 2019

Lot of the course material is extermely basic. Further, the voice really could be much better. With a professional voice-over it would have been easier to listen and follow.

By Robert E

Feb 3, 2020

Quizzes poorly constructed, with incorrect answers, incorrect grading, and simplistic questions.

By Parva S

Jun 9, 2020

Not very mathematical. Just description of concepts with a lot of readings

By Vinaykumar S

May 23, 2020

the content should be explained properly in deep

By Pasquale G

Jul 18, 2023

Basic concepts and very poor explanation

By Vikas K

Jun 16, 2022

It is a well-framed course and it considers all those modules, pre-requisite data, study material, and future applications which are needed to completely understand this course. It has also connected the learners with other techniques or methodologies needed to excel in the area of Digital Manufacturing and Design. I also acknowledge the hard work and knowledge of the trainer of this course Mr. Rahul Rai. A warm thank you to Coursera to provide this great platform, to AICTE for this great initiative, and to NIET, Greater Noida for such a great help. Thank you all

By Praveen K J L

Jan 5, 2020

The course has helped me to understand the significance of data analytics in manufacturing and design. Having experience as a maintenance engineer in not so advanced steel manufacturing firm, I was quite unaware of the tremendous possibilities that the data can bring in to improve the performance of various functions involved in manufacturing. The course also helped me to gain insights into the various aspects linked to the data analysis.

An important addition in the course could be to provide a simple data-oriented case study for practical exercise. Thank You!

By Jay S

Nov 5, 2017

This was my first Coursera course, but I was more than pleasantly surprised at the quality of material and presentations. It is a true mixed media platform that lives up to what I always hoped online learning would be. I have had many online, asynchronous courses from traditional universities, but I suspect I will never do another as long as Coursera is around. I look forward to this sort of learning and dabbling in a variety of subjects in my lifetime of learning.


Apr 26, 2020

Avery deep and accurate knowledge of the Advanced manufacturing Processes and the type of designing importance and new advanced techniques from data accusation ,IOT and till final product is formed ,and also the problems faced during it and the solutions to that. Also got the advantage of SORT techiques to improve performance.

By Praveen k y

Apr 20, 2020

I got to analyze and streamline complex processes, thereby improving productivity, increasing quality, and becoming more agile and effective. It will help for diagnosing and correcting operational flaws in order to improve yields and reduce costs.

By Lalit N K

Jun 13, 2020

Gave an insight to Advance Manufacturing analysis like Sensors on IOT Platform, Discrete and Continuous Manufacturing,, Big Data, Anomaly,High performance Computing, Sensitivity analysis, Predictive Maintenance and Technical convergence