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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Coaching Conversations by University of California, Davis

305 ratings

About the Course

Throughout the Coaching Skills for Managers specialization, we’ve discussed many topics for improving coaching conversations with our employees. It is now time to put all of that theory and discussion into practice and examine great examples of common coaching conversations! Note: This course builds on all previous courses in the Coaching Skills for Managers specialization. It is highly recommended that students complete or be familiar with the topics covered in those courses before taking this course. In particular, you should be familiar with the coaching strategies and tools discussed in previous courses (such as the 5 whys technique, resisting what is, among others), and should have a full understanding of the Thought model and the various components of it: circumstances, thoughts, feelings, actions, and results. By the end of this course, you will be able to demonstrate appropriate and effective strategies when engaging in coaching conversations with those that you lead. By exploring and analyzing common coaching scenarios that are acted out in this course, you will have a great sense of what works well and not so well during such a conversation. Specifically, you'll be able to better differentiate between a developmental coaching approach and a directive management style, discuss new strategies and techniques for dealing with both mind set and skill set gaps, describe how to use the feedback loop effectively in a conversation, and demonstrate the use of good questioning techniques and the thought model to not only help an employee identify issues, but help the employee really change their thinking. The final assignment is all about actually having a coaching conversation with another person where you can apply everything you've learned in this course and throughout the Coaching Skills for Managers specialization. Again, it is highly recommended students complete the other courses in the specialization before taking this one. This peer review assignment, in particular, will be difficult to complete without knowledge of the topics covered in these courses. After going through the course materials and completing the assessments, you will be able to have more effective one-on one-coaching meetings with those you manage and deepen your understanding of the essential practice of coaching conversations....

Top reviews


Aug 30, 2016

Very good course. Specially the assignment where in the participant gets to record the coaching conversation and shares for review. Also, gets a chance to review the assignment of fellow partici


Jul 10, 2017

this is "MUST DONE" course.We do not learn how to get the best out of our employees. I should have done this course before and I would have avoided a lot of mistakesThank you very much !

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1 - 25 of 86 Reviews for Coaching Conversations

By Jeff C

Jan 16, 2020

No though given as to the legalities of the final assignment. No mention of a waiver to be signed of the person you are interviewing. Even though the assignment maybe marked as private so the public may not be able to hear it. It is accessible by fellow students and it involves an employees work performance and trying to coach and counsel them. No thought was given to the possible embarrassment of the employee interviewed or recorded. Also many states have statutes in regards to recording a private conversation. This was a bad idea for an assignment.

By Bruno R

May 5, 2020

Ask for a recording of a 1:1 is, to say the least, prohibitive and inappropriate.

By Betraaj K N

Apr 22, 2020

Excellent way of coaching. Very simple yet powerful coaching Tools and techniques.

Thanks to Ms Plaschy for her life stories and learnings to become even for more effective.

By Carine R L

Oct 31, 2018

Some really useful concepts - a lot of trouble recording the conversations with non-English speaking staff!

By Sarah F

Mar 18, 2020

There is no easy way to contact the instructor

By Gagan D S B

Aug 30, 2016

Very good course. Specially the assignment where in the participant gets to record the coaching conversation and shares for review. Also, gets a chance to review the assignment of fellow partici

By Bashar H S

Mar 29, 2020

Dear Kris: I would like to thank you for your kind efforts, really it was a great course, valuable information, that motivates us to do more effective performance, my best regards

By Ma. A T

Nov 24, 2020

Excellent course! You'll really get to practice what you've learned through the required assignment. It was truly helpful and insightful. Thanks to Kris and her team!

By Sarah M

Mar 26, 2017

Good examples...a little hokey pokey, but still good to see a good example of the coach in action. The fact that you are required to do a video of your own is not comfortable, but necessary to actually do it and not be intimidated by it!

By Bobby A

Aug 3, 2020

The peer reviews did NOTHING to help me learn.

I think it would have been better to give a scenario and then have us coach that. Make it more personal and relatable.

By Giada P

Mar 12, 2022

Good content, but the final project is unachievable.

By Jordi R C

Aug 31, 2016

Excelente. Ha sido un curso, no solo instructivo, sino muy estimulante. Aprender y practicar como utilizar las herramientas de coaching y ver sus resultados, ha sido muy motivador. Los video son muy clarificadores y los materiales extra don una estupenda ayuda y complemento a lo aprendido. Mi enhorabuena y mi agradecimiento a los promotores de este curso. Muchas gracias.

By Michael F

Aug 10, 2016

I've enjoyed the material/ideas in this course and the way Kris Plachy presented the information. I do like her Introductions before content, and then ending each lecture with her Summary. And definitely enjoy her Podcasts during the course, they are very valuable and reinforcing. (I also appreciate her 'signature chuckle' ... gotta love it.) .... M

By Mireille N

Aug 5, 2022

An EYE OPENER! The content is very rich and gives practical methods to put at work. The coach is very knowledgeable, professional, and insightful. Highy Recommended. How I wish she caould have given feedback to one of the assignmnets to learn more but that is not doable; I know:)

By Dr. M Z

Nov 18, 2018

Its an excellent effort and really appreciate it. A lot of qualities have been proposed to develop if practised properly and tapped properly int he right context. This not only enhances the skills abut also provides greater hope and will to do better in life and profession.

By Martyn M

Jun 10, 2017

Every course in this series was excellent ... so practical ... so oriented to those of us who are not professional coaches, but rather those of us who oversee daily operations and are helped by learning coaching and many of the other helpful components of this course.

By Kerry T

Jul 5, 2019

Excellent - the milestone exercise was incredibly useful as it forces practicing of actual coaching conversations. I can say that my confidence as a coach has gone through the roof, and it's showing my team's satisfaction with my leadership!


Nov 15, 2020

The lessons were very informative, comprehensive and attractive. I would be much grateful to beloved Madam Kris and all the support staff, for their endless efforts in making this course a success. Thank you very much.

By Jonathon H

Sep 4, 2016

This was a fantastic course as it brings to fulfillment all the learnings of the previous courses. There are practical components which challenge the learner in a good way and bring to the fore reflective learning.

By Silvana L K

Sep 14, 2020

I've found really useful the techniques provided for coaching different type of employees and level of performers and I also loved the different scenario examples provided by the instructor. Thank you!

By Peter J P

Jul 10, 2017

this is "MUST DONE" course.

We do not learn how to get the best out of our employees. I should have done this course before and I would have avoided a lot of mistakes

Thank you very much !


May 27, 2022

muy bien, felicidades buen curso, he aprendido a como ineractuar con mis colaboradores a dar una buena retroalimentacion sin que ellos se sientan mal u ofendidos.Gracias


Jul 5, 2022

En mi opinion un de los mejores cursos de coaching que he recibido , ya he puesto en practica el modelo de pensamiento en mis conversaciones de coaching actuales

By فرحان ج م ا

May 8, 2023

Wonderful, distinguished, may God bless you and grant you success for all good and happiness

رائع متميز بارك الله فيك ووفقك الله لكل خير ومسرة

By Bernard D V

Apr 10, 2020

Great course, you will have a reminder of some principles of the first course and have a real assignment in order to practice your new skills