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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Hardware Description Languages for FPGA Design by University of Colorado Boulder

590 ratings

About the Course

This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5361, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. Hardware Description Languages for Logic Design enables students to design circuits using VHDL and Verilog, the most widespread design methods for FPGA Design. It uses natural learning processes to make learning the languages easy. Simple first examples are presented, then language rules and syntax, followed by more complex examples, and then finally use of test bench simulations to verify correctness of the designs. Lecture presentations are reinforced by many programming example problems so that skill in the languages is obtained. After completing this course, each student will have fundamental proficiency in both languages, and more importantly enough knowledge to continue learning and gaining expertise in Verilog and VHDL on their own....

Top reviews


Sep 5, 2024

The course has been incredibly informative, and I’ve gained a lot from it. The assignments were very helpful in strengthening my practical skills in both VHDL and Verilog. Many thanks to the team!


Jul 27, 2023

Absolutely the best course I've taken! It was incredibly comprehensive, and I learned so much from it. Highly recommended for anyone looking to delve into FPGA and hardware design.

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126 - 150 of 163 Reviews for Hardware Description Languages for FPGA Design

By harsh

May 15, 2020

The Programming Assignments need to be more elaborate, things like reset is active low or active high and more details should be mentioned.

By Rishi J

Sep 4, 2020

The course is good. It will enhance your vhdl and verilog skills but there are some places where i found insufficient details.

By Aishwarya S

May 7, 2020

FIFO assignments in both Verilog and VHDL should define purpose of all the internal nets and registers listed in the problem.

By Julio T A

Apr 2, 2021

Siento que faltan mas ejemplos y practicas, y en cuanto al apartado de lenguaje Verilog falta explicar aun mas sintaxis

By Erik I

Jun 6, 2024

The lecturers explain the concepts very well, but there are some things that are just assumed to be easily understood.

By Raghul R

Jun 25, 2020

Teaching methodology requires a lot more improvement. Assignments are challenging and its nice to try.


May 14, 2020

this course is given good idea of Hardware Description Language and i understood the concepts well.

By Muhammad Z Y

Apr 8, 2020

Course content is moderate. But also have complexity level higher for a beginner.

By Uzair A

Oct 9, 2020

its a very nice course. Its help me a lot to understand the basic of fpga.

By Apoorva S

May 25, 2020

A very engaging course to do for beginners having fundamentals strong.

By Yuvraj S R

May 18, 2020

Explanations are not that good for some circuits like memory

By Sourav N

Sep 18, 2020

There should have been more examples of problems.

By Diego C C

Apr 7, 2024

Good course, but some exercises need corrections

By Mohamed C

Apr 30, 2020

a big thank you to all the professiors

By Engels M

Dec 3, 2021

Concise, practical and useful

By Prakash K R

Jun 24, 2020

It should be more elaborative

By Arun L

Jul 13, 2023

Valuable and Informative

By Anas A I

Sep 29, 2022

cours très intéressant

By عبدالرحمن خ ا

Sep 17, 2022

i love this course


Jun 7, 2020


By Sai D

Aug 4, 2023


By J S

Aug 5, 2020


By Artur K

Oct 10, 2022

The course is split into 2 weeks of VHDL and 2 weeks of Verilog, with two different instructors. Unfortunately, the first 2 weeks are really dragging down the quality of the course. They are riddled with bad explanations, omissions, and plain errors throughout. I'd go as far as to say the student learns the contents of those weeks because of the reading materials (which do a good job explaining what's actually going on), and despite the instructor video lectures , which are just leading the student astray.

The programming assignments in both parts of the course leave a lot to be desired with regard to the quality of specifications. They frequently don't explain how the list of control signals is supposed to interact, which signals are active high vs. active low, whether they are assumed to be synchronous or async etc.

I'm missing coverage of how exactly different subtle choices of writing the code affects the synthesis of the FPGAs in various ways, by way of examples that show what happens in those cases.

By Adriel K

Mar 16, 2022

The course is OK, but the videos are terrible. The presenters do nothing more than just read the slides as they appear, which are sometimes just a page of code. In the VHDL section, I believe the presenter is seeing the material for the first time. I ended up just turning the audio off and treating the videos as a slide deck, which worked quite well. The assignments were fun.

By Julien T

Dec 7, 2021

Interesting course but exercises shall be reworked as sometimes it's not clear what is the expected output so we end up guessing via the testbench. Another issue is that some half backed quizzes prevent you from practicing the exercises until you pass even though practicing is key to understand the concepts...