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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Global Health at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface by University of Geneva

352 ratings

About the Course

The University of Geneva, Institute Pasteur, University of Montreal and Centre Virchow-Villermé/University Paris Descartes welcome you to this MOOC on "Global Health at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface"! Over the next 8 weeks, you will explore and learn about some of the major and current Global Health Challenges at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface: zoonotic emerging infections (e.g. Ebola, Nipah, MERS, Avian Influenza), antimicrobial resistance, neglected tropical diseases (e.g. rabies, leishmaniasis, zoonotic TB), snakebite and other human-animal conflicts etc. You will learn new concepts from the field of epidemiology, social anthropology, disease ecology, veterinary sciences, global health policy etc. and approaches such as One Health, Eco-Health and Planetary Health. Also, you will learn about innovative tools and frameworks used to study and tackle some of these Global Health challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals era. This MOOC proposes you a dynamic, international and interdisciplinary programme based on the One Health approach (human-animal-environmental dimensions) and involving more than 30 top experts from more than 20 academic and research institutions and international organisations based in Geneva, Paris, Montreal and the world. Policy makers from the World Health Organisation, clinicians from the University Hospitals of Geneva, epidemiologists from Institut Pasteur etc. will share with you their knowledge and experiences all along this MOOC. Video-lectures have been filmed in different parts of the world and settings (from the field to the lab and office) and will be combined with the latest open readings and interactive activities in the discussion forum, video-conferences etc. This MOOC keeps evolving and enriching actively over time and two new sections on "Health Benefits at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface" and "Management of Ecosystems under Global Changes: Implication for Human Health" have been added in May 2018. This latter section was developed in close collaboration with experts from World Health Organisation and the Convention on Biological Diversity and is introduced by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. The development of this MOOC was led by Dr. Rafael Ruiz de Castañeda, Dr. Isabelle Bolon and Prof. Antoine Flahault from the Institute of Global Health of the University of Geneva. The list of instructors is completed by Prof. Arnaud Fontanet (Institut Pasteur) and Prof. André Ravel (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Montreal). Watch our teaser here and let’s get started! (with subtitles in French and in Chinese)...

Top reviews


Mar 20, 2021

I has covered a wide range of topics. it effectively demonstrated the links between the many actors on the global scale. It is important to keep building on these linkages to improve world health.


Jul 13, 2023

A very well structured, well organized and up to date course. Every topic is well structured. Study material is very dynamic and up to date. I have learn a lot from the course.

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101 - 104 of 104 Reviews for Global Health at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface

By Ayla N


Jun 9, 2020

A good overview of the challenges from our global health system at this current stage. Nice coverage of global issues, and good articles to read.

Questions sometimes came across ambiguous, but otherwise well set out.

By Saula C


Jul 12, 2018

Very interesting course, big picture about One Health. Recommended!

By Viola B


Mar 15, 2021


I'm facing some difficulties related to the course:

Lessons given in franglish and incapability to look at the "errors" after the quiz. Incapability to deal with deadlines. Impossibility to progress with the material.

Would it be possible to find the 3rd way to improve both the content and my outcomes correcting the wrong answers?

Kind regards,

Viola Banaj

By Suresh G


Aug 24, 2021

Poorly designed. Not having a lead instructor or someone who contextualizes the content is not expected. Not everyone is a scientist to do own research and learn. Having a large number of speakers is not helpful. Sorry to abandon this course that otherwise did look promising,