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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to C# Programming and Unity by University of Colorado System

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About the Course

This course is all about starting to learn how to develop video games using the C# programming language and the Unity game engine on Windows or Mac. Why use C# and Unity instead of some other language and game engine? Well, C# is a really good language for learning how to program and then programming professionally. Also, the Unity game engine is very popular with indie game developers; Unity games were downloaded 16,000,000,000 times in 2016! Finally, C# is one of the programming languages you can use in the Unity environment. This course doesn't assume you have any previous programming experience. Don't worry if you've never written code before; we'll start at the very beginning and work our way up to building small games by the end of the course. Throughout the course you'll learn core programming concepts that apply to lots of programming languages, including C#, and you'll also learn how to apply those concepts when you develop games. Computer programming is really fun in general, and programming games is even better! Caution: Beginning (assuming no prior programming knowledge) is not the same as easy (not hard to do). Learning to program IS hard to do, especially since this course is essentially the first half of a freshman-level college course. Meeting the course challenges while you master the material will be rewarding to you, but doing that will require hard work and maybe even a few expletives along the way. Module 1: Write your first C# console application and Unity script Module 2: Learn how we store data in our programs Module 3: Learn how we use classes and objects to implement our code Module 4: Learn the basics of Unity 2D games and take "Final Exam" “Unity” is a trademark or registered trademark of Unity Technologies or its affiliates in the U.S. and elsewhere. This course is an independent work and is not sponsored by, authorized by, or affiliated with Unity Technologies or its affiliates...

Top reviews


Jul 30, 2020

The instructor extremely enthusiastic and passion which is really rare to see but amazing. Thank you so much for teaching this course it really helped to kick start my interest in game development :)


Jan 26, 2022

I took up this course as a refresher after a long hiatus, but this would be amazing if I was an absolute beginner too! Kudos to Dr. T and I'm excited to complete the rest of the specialization! 😍😍🤩🤩

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1 - 25 of 699 Reviews for Introduction to C# Programming and Unity

By John f

Apr 3, 2019

None of the HTML links for documentation lead anywhere. This is a distinct problem because all of the assignments reference the help documentations. The zip files do not load properly. i found a go around for this, but it is useless without the help files. The teacher leapfrogs through material teaching you how to use a class but not how to construct them. this is supposed to be a beginner level course, which in a sense it is, that being said however i do not recommend it. The teacher leaves to much out, self promotes a book he wrote..(Which i bought.. big waste of money) and tries to rush through material teaching just enough of the subject mater to allow for limited functionality. if you want to take a beginners level course to truly learn C#, THIS IS NOT IT. Im just glad Coursera has the free week trial period so i did not waste any more money on this course. To qualify my statements i should say i just finished taking Two courses on Coursera learning Python from rice university. All of the necessary foundation work is either taught or provided for with a FUNCTIONAL LINK. I will be looking through coursera for another course/specialization to learn C# from a different provider. I recommend you do the same.

By Shivam G

Jul 5, 2020

An excellent course for beginners who want to get into unity game development. Dr T is an amazing teacher and learning from him is surprisingly fun. Will definitely recommend this course.

By Mikhailova A

Mar 28, 2019

The teacher is nice and all in all the course is useful. Nevertheless I wanted to warn those students, that just starting this course. Actually you do need some additional knowledge on Math. The first two weeks were quite easy to understand and if not after watching videos for several times you finally got the idea. But after, it become difficult. It would be easier if the teacher explained everything like at the beginning so you understand what every line of code means. But instead you just get a brief explanation as if you already know the topic. That makes things too complicated. I did the last assignment without any clue of what am I doing and why. Just wanted to finish the course.

It would be better, to my mind, if all the explanation was slow so that you understand what are you doing in your code (not just following instructions like "put this line of code here and see the result" I want to understand why I am doing this). This course is not worth 49$. It is easier to buy book on C# and try to learn it like this. That is what I am doing now.

By Alex G

Aug 19, 2019

The course would be way better if there was less time with the instructor on screen and more time looking at the components of the code within the program/script while discussing those elements.



By Justin T

Jan 18, 2020

Very good instructor walks you through every step and then has assignments for you to do on your own to practice your coding skills. Emphasizes using documentation and practicing fundamentals.

By Anthony V

May 24, 2018

If you have never done any coding this is going to be a though be rewarding class. The lectures are given in an upbeat and quick tempo, which I enjoyed. I plan to take the next course.

By Hyobin K

Feb 27, 2018

I had no coding experience before

But I really like games and want to make my own

This course was a perfect start

even though well there was just one thing I had not expected, I thought I would study basic coding with C#

like step by step, but this was not like that

It's like "we are eager to create something in Unity with C#, so we do this"

so I spent a lot of time for referring other materials to make myself understand things clear

,which was challenging enough to realize I really like to do coding

now, I can't wait to go further in this specialization

By Adel A

Jan 25, 2021

The course itself is good, however I do have some gripes with it.

Firstly, the in-video quizzes, were rather pointless (in my opinion.) It's either an incredibly obvious answer, or some goofy joke-type answer. Either way, I feel like those quizzes were just an unwelcome interruption for me since they offered me nothing in terms of solidifying or checking the knowledge I was getting from the videos.

Secondly, I want to talk about the structure of the course itself. While I think the overall structure and pacing is good, I do have some criticism as to the speed at which the instructor would go through some of the code. It started out with the Dr. explaining every single line of code, which is great if you know absolutely nothing about coding(as the course is geared towards those who don't) but then starting from the Week 2 content, I felt as though the instructor sped through a lot of the content, and he stopped explaining as much of the base code, choosing to skip a lot of it. Now, I should say that I came to this course with some fundamental knowledge of C# and unity as I've done other courses before, so this was fine for me and I could keep up. However, if I HAD come to this course with 0 experience then I would have 100% been absolutely lost starting from week 2. For those reading this considering taking this course: this IS a good course, and you learn a lot from it, however do be ready to struggle quite a bit with the content and expect to sit there rewatching a lot of the videos in order to keep up.

Lastly, I'd like to talk about Assignment structure. This is, for me, the worst thing about this course. The assignments themselves are good assignments, and you learn a lot from doing them. that isn't the issue here. the issue is the way in which you have to do them and submit them. The automatic grader is made in such a way that penalizes you for so many things, that if you have even a simple formatting difference such as an extra space in your output (Ex. e -1 instead of e -1) then you are graded a 0 automatically. I realize that it's difficult to make an automatic grader respond to different kinds of output and I have no suggestions for how to make it better. I'm just saying that THIS is not so great and highly frustrating to deal with. In the first two weeks I found myself submitting the same solution multiple times, altering slight formatting everytime just to get the grade, even though I technically got the answers correct the first time.

TL;DR: The course is good, however if you are a true beginner then do expect to be rewatching a lot of the content multiple times, and having frustrating struggles with the automatic grader that makes you want to smash your keyboard everytime you submit the correct code and then receive a 0 because an extra space was added or removed somewhere in your code...

With all that being said, I will continue to the rest of the courses in this specialization.




Oct 2, 2020

Great on the first two and half weeks but then the rest feels rushed.

By James T H

Nov 9, 2019

This course goes from 0 to 1,000,000 over about two weeks and then proceeds to make demands it didn't actually teach. The teacher has a tendency to ramble and it can be confusing to keep up with. Dr. T definitely seems knowledgeable in his subject and has a good, upbeat personality, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's a great teacher. I would not recommend this course for anyone with a shred of neuro-devergence. I took it with two friends of mine, all of us at varying levels on the spectrum, and it took all three of us together to parse several of the lectures past the rambling, as well as figuring through very vague instructions for the assignments. Being that this course is apparently meant for absolute beginners per the first video, it should have given a lot more time to build up student skills. Maybe lengthening the course to spend more time on smaller chunks or dividing it up into two separate courses would have been a better option. In any case, I will not be continuing with Dr. T's classes and will find a different teacher.

By S. M K

Aug 11, 2020

I'm glad I took this course because it helped me a lot to understand the fundamentals of game develop.

Everything in this course is great. It has videos, it had exercises. It's awsome.

By Nicole A

Jul 2, 2020

I found this course uneven. On the one hand, Dr T gave some helpful explanations of aspects of Unity and C#, however, as the course progressed, the explanations were really quite inadequate. I came to this course as a beginner with some familiarity with Unity but the material on programming was not really enough to complete the last two assignments. Dr T just didn't explain but instead jumped around, writing code off screen with the note that anyone who wanted to "understand" should read the documentation on their own. Also the in-video quizzes are a total waste of time. They are meant as "jokes" even though the questions are good questions that I'd like to genuinely answer. Instead, sometimes the quizzes forced you to select the "joke" answers which are clearly wrong just to pass the quiz. The course can still be fun without these, and I'd recommend getting rid of them.

By Rebecca W

Aug 23, 2020

I feel like I didn't understand exactly what the math , methods, and fields were doing, and the Unity script reference was very confusing. Also, the in video quizzes were pointless.

By Tomas

Jul 3, 2018

Very well structured, very good balance between "fun" and "musts". Good way of easing into the harder parts. Short and higher number of lectures rather than long and just a few - this is essential.The semi-awkward teacher is awesome. He's just how he should be to grow an affection and a curiosity. He is also really really good at what he does. I really can't think of a way how he could be any better.Although I think it's a pretty steep course in terms of difficulty, which it should be if you actually wanna learn. This takes you straight into programming, forces you to learn things. I took, and finished, other courses that didn't really teach me much on programming as well. Big difference here.I'm already taking the next course from Dr T.On a whole I can't really give it a higher score. However if I were to add something specific for me it would be more exercises on each part, very simple repeat-challenges just to get the habit of the code and syntax you just learnt into the fingers and backbone. Atm I go to w3resource for that.Big thanks.BR, Tomas

By Michael D

Oct 17, 2019

This course has lots of practice exercises which is absolutely essential to learning to code. If you do all the exercises without looking at the answers you will succeed in this course.

By Abhinav V

Nov 7, 2020

Going straight to the point, the course says it is for beginners, I have a couple of years of experience with programming (with other OOP languages too) but I really had to get into it to keep up with the rate the stuff was being taught. Also, after week 2 or so things get way too fast with some explanations skipped.

Would recommend this only if you have some experience with programming and/or want to/can give time to resources other than these lectures.

By Pavel K

Mar 23, 2018

I've enjoyed this course. For anyone with previous development experience this course will be very easy. Also Dr. T is very positive person. Lot's of fun in video quizzes :) Thank you!

By Avi

Apr 15, 2019

It was a very useful course. The professor taught in a way that even beginners to programming can understand. This is the 1st of 5 courses in this specialisation and I already know how to create characters and move them around using code.

I encountered a problem though, Students use the discussion forums to get their peer graded assignments graded and share those links on the forum. The forum is meant for discussions about the course and not to get your assignments graded or use it for personal purposes as such. Due to this, some of our assignments aren't being graded at all (Assignment 4 - ShipBuilding 101 for me). I would really appreciate if coursera took out the option of accessing the sharable link to our solutions or penalised those who use the Discussion Forums for this purpose.

Thank You.

By Adam E

Sep 29, 2020

I don't often give bad reviews, but this course falls flat. Don't take it until the problems are fixed. The instructor is very knowledgeable, but he fails to walk the learner to the final assignments for every week. The lecture just does not line up with the knowledge expected in the final exercise and the auto grader is very weak. Dr. Chuck Python Course is a model for how this should be done, but this course falls short. If Dr. Tim wants to make more money he needs to simplify because this is neither a beginning C# course or a beginning math course. You really need to have trig and calculus to take this class and understand the formulas requested. I'm pulling out before I lose too much money and frustrate myself to death.

By Omid

Jan 20, 2020

Very professional way of teaching Unity, C# and I say programming in general. Yes you need some basic understanding to begin coding but that shouldn't limit your journey to a cursory glance of topics. You need to push yourself and the course structure does this for you. This course is titled an "Introduction" course but that doesn't mean simple or superficial. You should be prepared for some useful and at some points relatively difficult assignments. But that's the best way to learn anything, immersing yourself in projects that stretch you to the limits of your abilities.

By Nicolás C E

Aug 10, 2020

It may be too difficult for beginner programmers.

By Jonathan p

Jun 7, 2023

As someone who has taken many introduction courses with Unity over a span of 5 years, this is not a course that I would recommend. The reason is because, although small, the amount of trigonometry used in these lectures is in my opinion, are discouraging for beginners, there are many ways to produce the same results with much simpler code. I know most beginners are not going to willingly read the text book materials and documentations, let alone search google, the reason is because they have little to no idea how, and this course provides a lot of reading material. My advice to anyone who wants to learn Game Development using Unity, I would suggest searching on YouTube, how to navigate through Unity, and then I would suggest searching how to Learn C# in Unity. This course, is way too rushed, introduces too much trigonometry (although it's only a little bit it's still too much), because it pulls the focus off of learning C#, and there's just too much reading material for a beginner, I think the instructor is great, and he did a great job. I just feel if someone were a complete noob with Unity, this course would only cause a lot of confusion for them. The course material I would definitely rate a 1, but I would give the instructor a 5, so I will give this course a 3.

By Isabella M R

Feb 26, 2021

Difficult in a bad way. Starting around week 3, you can't complete assignment due to a lack of knowledge/instruction. Dr, T expects you to know things you've never seen or heard before. Definitely not for beginners like me.

By Taylor E

Jun 24, 2019

Beginning the course, C# was quite difficult for me to wrap my head around, and the YouTube tutorials weren't cutting it. By the final programming assignment, I was able to actually analyze a problem and formulate a solution for things completely outside of the instructions, simply because of how well the fundamentals of C# in Unity had been laid out for me. I found myself coding new additions to the game, long after implementing the required functionality, just because it was fun to explore the possibilities.

Dr. T's goofy lectures kept things fun and gave me a few good laughs, while still presenting the appropriate material professionally and clearly. All in all, an excellent entry point for any aspiring game-designer.

By dommika

Mar 19, 2024

Great class! I am excited for the next one! While I have a little bit of experience with Unity and C# through learning on my own with youtube and what not, there was so much I didn't know! The teacher was very engaging and friendly seeming! Unfortunately I was not able to technically finish the class because I am unable to get VS on my older laptop (yes I tried several times to download older versions of VS) but I was still able to follow along no problem using a different IDE and an older version of Unity. :-) I just couldn't submit assignment files because they were written on that different IDE. So if that matters to you, definitely have a way to use VS. But I will be going on with the rest of this teacher's classes for sure! On to the next :-)