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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Mechanics of Materials II: Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels and Torsion by Georgia Institute of Technology

1,011 ratings

About the Course

This course explores the analysis and design of thin-walled pressure vessels and engineering structures subjected to torsion. ------------------------------------------------ The copyright of all content and materials in this course are owned by either the Georgia Tech Research Corporation or Dr. Wayne Whiteman. By participating in the course or using the content or materials, whether in whole or in part, you agree that you may download and use any content and/or material in this course for your own personal, non-commercial use only in a manner consistent with a student of any academic course. Any other use of the content and materials, including use by other academic universities or entities, is prohibited without express written permission of the Georgia Tech Research Corporation. Interested parties may contact Dr. Wayne Whiteman directly for information regarding the procedure to obtain a non-exclusive license....

Top reviews


Aug 2, 2019

Very well taught. The instructor has an excellent understanding of the subject and explains concepts clearly. Routinely connects theoretical concepts to real-world examples.


Mar 2, 2019

Best mentor, crystal clear explanations. I strongly recommend for any mechanical graduate.Solving problems in this course can be related to real life applications.

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1 - 25 of 163 Reviews for Mechanics of Materials II: Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels and Torsion

By Abhishek S


Jan 14, 2020

i have gained an in-depth knowledge about how some mechanical components like turbines, shafts, pressure vessels etc. are being analysed during their operation.

By Anvesh K


Mar 2, 2019

Best mentor, crystal clear explanations. I strongly recommend for any mechanical graduate.

Solving problems in this course can be related to real life applications.



Apr 10, 2020

This is excellent online course,I have learned more critical problems and easy to understand the composite shaft problems.

Thanks to coursera team

By Umair A S


Mar 27, 2018

I am a Mechanical Engineer and like most of them engineers, I had very weak concepts of basics of Mechanical Engineering. Then I came across this series of courses from Dr. Whiteman and believe me or not, I have learned more from him than my 4 years at an engineering university. He has this amazing quality of delivering the concepts in a very easy, understandable way. I really want to thank Dr. Whiteman for designing this amazing course and Coursera for providing us the platform to learn. They are really serving the humanity and mankind.

As for Dr. Whiteman. I would say Thank you, Sir!!!!

You have my respect for the lifetime.

By Ben R


Aug 2, 2019

Very well taught. The instructor has an excellent understanding of the subject and explains concepts clearly. Routinely connects theoretical concepts to real-world examples.



Sep 23, 2020

He taught the pressure vessel very nicely and Inelastic torsion marvelously.

Large content and best presentation.


By Jain P H


May 9, 2020

Very nicely designed course for the design mechanical engineers to understand the concepts of stresses, strains, principal stresses in thin cylinders and shafts. Sound foundation of these concepts really help in designing of mechanical components like pressure vessels and machine shafts. Dr. Wayne Whiteman explained all these concepts in very simple and lucid manner. Thank you Sir.

By Hemant K


Jan 22, 2022

This is really a very good course for civil, mechanical, aerospace, and other working professional and students who work with physical structure. The concepts are explained so beautifully with real-world examples. I think this can be extended to torsion in the thin cell and all using the shear flow which is most important in aerospace. Thanks, Coursera and professor.

By Fazla Z A


Aug 29, 2020

Best mentor, crystal clear explanations. I strongly recommend for any mechanical graduate. Solving problems in this course can be related to real life applications. i have gained an in-depth knowledge about how some mechanical components like turbines, shafts, pressure vessels etc. are being analysed during their operation.

By Paul V


Aug 17, 2018

Dear Prof. The course is very useful for a Stress Analyst. Learned the relationship used in the analysis and design of inelastic torsion of shafts.

By Lam T


Aug 13, 2021

Thank you Georgia Institute Of Technology for providing free education resources and I also want to say thank you to Dr Whiteman for his mechanics courses. Currently, I am attending mechanics courses in University and Dr Whiteman's lessons help me gain more understanding of the subjects.



Jul 10, 2020

Greetings from Guatemala!

This course explains effectively the principles of torsion and thin-walled pressure vessels. The examples are very clear and well-thought. It is a great way to refresh some knowledge or strengthen concepts, specially for civil or mechanical engineers.

By Matthew R


Apr 20, 2017

The Mechanics of Materials course series is a must for any engineer. The material is presented in a logical and straight forward manner with applications to the real world. Dr. Whiteman is truly a a great teaching Professor!

By Fharaz S


Jun 22, 2020

In this course, I learnt about a new concept called the inelastic torsion of straight cylindrical shafts which is awesome. I enjoyed this course a lot and all lectures were amazing. Thanks to George tech and thanks to coursera.

By Mohammad P


Apr 7, 2023

Greetings, don't be tired, thank you dear professor for your efforts in the courses of one, two, three and four Strength of Materials. I hope you are healthy and happy. Mohammad Pakzad from Iran

thank you for read my text

By Mohd S


Apr 5, 2020

Very helpful in understanding the stressed in shaft subjected to torsional load. Content is very precise and concepts are explained in a very simple way. Examples covered are based on real physical situations.

By Akhil G


Jun 21, 2016

I love the way Dr. Wayne Whiteman teaches . Has created immense interest in the subject which I felt really boring. Thanks a lot. Has helped me improving my grades and understanding the concept so easily.

By Vigneshwaran S


Jun 23, 2020

Its very useful to revise the fundamentals to engage ourselves technically with the academics.

As a design engineer i really love this coursework to practice quiz and improve our problem solving skills.



Aug 30, 2020

It's an amazing course, you are going to learn torsion stress and concentrated load in an axis on circular elements. I hope you want to enroll it. I really recommend it.

By Roger.Qea


Jun 30, 2017

The course is great. While I think its pace could be slower, as sometimes I need to repeat the video to completely understand the mathematic process.

By Dr. M R T


May 18, 2020

Excellent teaching skills of Tutor made us to learn good concepts & earn a certificate too.

Credit goes to Tutor first.

Thanks a lot sir.

By Kasuntha M


Jan 31, 2021

Great course to learn about Mechanics of Materials. I highly recommend this course. Thank you for offering this valuable course to me.

By Arup D


May 19, 2020

I haven taken the previous course and also taken it. Nothing to say. Dr. Wayne Whiteman is amazing with his great teaching capacity.

By Madhur


Jun 3, 2019

The course was very well presented and covered complete theory along with practical applications. It really increased my knowledge.

By Md A


Apr 21, 2021

awesome course learning strength of material in a sequence way thanks georgia tech universty for providing a quality of education