Jun 2, 2021
The course was really fun and enjoyable. The course offered a lot of information in a very simple way. All the instructors were very fluent with their explanation and I thoroughly enjoyed this course!
Jan 29, 2017
Un curso muy completo y fácil de digerir sobre la cosmología y el principio antrópico, muy recomendable para la comprensión que se tiene sobre el universo actualmente y la razón de nuestra existencia.
By Jordan T
•Nov 29, 2020
It was very interesting to to understand the link between philosophy and science properly for the first time and raises good fundamental questions about reality such as the true origin of life in the universe.
By Aarn A
•Aug 21, 2020
Very informative + entertaining. The mathematics was over my head, but understanding not essential for this course. Provided me with a great refresher into concepts I couldn't understand 40 years ago. Cheers
By Nitin J
•Jun 2, 2021
The course was really fun and enjoyable. The course offered a lot of information in a very simple way. All the instructors were very fluent with their explanation and I thoroughly enjoyed this course!
By Azmi K
•Oct 5, 2020
Thx to the professors for a wonderful overivew in understanding our universe. Also the role of the anthropic principle and philosophical approaches in advancing scientific progress in cosmology.
By 로로롤롤
•Dec 31, 2024
한국어 자동번역이라 아쉬웠지만 강의의 질이 좋았어요. 주제의 철학적 문제를 짚고, 다음으로 물리학 설명을 해준 뒤 다시 종합하는 전형적인 철학의 방식으로 강의가 진행되는데 철학 전공자로서 물리학 설명이 쉽지는 않았어요. 그래도 재밌었어요. 해외생활로 스트레스 받는데 이걸로 풉니다...영어를 못해서 토론이나 에세이 작성에 애먹는게 너무 아쉬워요.
By Krishnamoorthy.R
•Jun 7, 2018
Nice slides.Lectures are well prepared .Quizzes are relevant to the subject and thoughtfully worded so that even wrong choices also contribute to the knowledge of the study material.
By Rodrigo d S R
•Aug 25, 2019
Amazingly mindblowing and interesting. Even though some of the explanations on dark energy and why it has an expanding effect on the universe are quite hard to understand and grasp.
By F. A
•Feb 12, 2018
Un curso muy útil para todos aquellos interesados en la relación entre física y filosofía. Entrega herramientas precisas para reconocer los problemas filosóficos de la cosmología.
By Carlos E D M
•Mar 2, 2023
I liked this course. Is a great opportunity by to learn into the one of the institutions more prestigies in the academic world as the University of Edinburgh joint to Coursera.
By Caroline T
•Oct 17, 2023
Extremely interesting topics made simple for us to understand and grasps the basic understanding of our Universe. Great contents delivered by passionate instructors.
By Luis J
•May 4, 2019
Excellent course, with the contribution of professionals,
that manage to transmit not only the knowledge but the questions to solve, Transmitted in excellent form.
By Ellasa S
•Dec 4, 2019
This was a beautiful overview and introduction to the philosophy of physical sciences. I am excited about taking more courses with/at The University of Edinburgh.
By Michaela K
•Mar 8, 2023
I do not want to repeat myself, but it is really a kind of dream for me to be able to listen to the professors at your University of Edinburgh in Scotland!
By angela f
•Apr 25, 2022
The material is challenging, but presented clearly enough and at just the right level to be understandable. The instructors and engaging and enjoyable.
By Vinod T P
•May 30, 2020
The course was fascinating and inspirational. It revealed to me the connection between science and philosophy in the context of cutting edge knowledge.
By Rulx N
•Apr 26, 2019
Important notions to learn for who is interested in science; this could help us better communicate with each other particularly with science opponents
By Robert M
•Dec 4, 2022
Cosmology is a science that talk about Dark energy and Dark matter about the horizon, the big bang theory, inflation and light years of the stars.
By Tunca Y
•Oct 23, 2023
Totally great instruction and instructioners, adhere to believe that this kind of work can only be from Edinburgh. Thanks to all contributors !
By Ahmad S
•Aug 29, 2017
Great course! Special thanks to Prof. John Peacock as he explained all the information in a very simplistic way. I liked his videos so much
By Csaba D
•Dec 24, 2019
I learned interesting ways of abording the subject of new theories. As a physics teacher, I will use some ideas in my everyday practice.
By Francisco A
•Sep 1, 2017
A remarkable experience. Great lectures, beautiful surroundings, well chosen readings. I guess I will sign up for the second part of it.
By Héctor R R M
•Jun 19, 2020
Curso muy interesante. El material se explica de forma clara, comprensible para cualquier audiencia y nivel de conocimiento previo.
By Jorge C
•Apr 20, 2021
Great professors and instructions. Very good notes and made the process of learning about Universe expansion very interesting.
By Atimukta M
•Dec 30, 2018
This course will let you dive into the depth of universe and see through the theories and reason for their existence till now.
By Malcolm C
•Oct 30, 2020
Some of the dark energy stuff was a bit above my head but overall it was interesting and simple (but challenging) to follow.