Aug 29, 2020
This is was an incredible course. If you have a little bit of background on these topics you will be amazed by how the instructors present complex concepts in a very simple and understandable way.
Nov 26, 2020
Definitely not for people without economical and some math knowledge, but Great content, and fully recommend for anybody looking to improve their knowledge to better take care of your portfolio!
By Sam S
•Apr 15, 2018
A Great Shame
It's rather deplorable that at this stage of the Investment Specialisation, this course falls short of meeting the minimum requirements to be an academic, or academic-related course provided by the University of Geneva. As a matter of fact, Week 4 in its entirety was a sham and a disgrace. I plead with the course creators and academics to respect their titles and immediately intervene to do the following:
1- Completely overhaul Week 4 by improving the lectures, enrich with examples and give more elaborate explanations
2- Re-write the entire subtitles for this course
3- Incorporate parts of Week 4 with Week 1 to make the course more symmetrical
4- Pay special attention to providing new lectures on VaR, Expected Shortfall, and currency Hedging
By Stephen S
•Oct 1, 2016
This is very good. I am grateful for the mathematics at the base of the theoretical structure, but I for one need more drilling. I am looking forward to the rest of the courses.
By Gabriel
•Apr 27, 2017
This is a good introductory course to whom has never worked with or studied investing. Instructors are clear and didactical. In this review I will focus on three main points of improvement:
1) Not deepening in Portfolio’s Risk formulas/calculations: lots were said about how correlation and (co)variance of individual assets can influence the whole portfolio’s risk. Though, It was not taught how to calculate the whole portfolio’s risk (ex.: how to do a variance-covariance matrix).
2) Not applying what was taught in practical and holistic cases (considering multiple classes of assets and risk profile): I believe many of those who attended to this course want as output to conduct a Portfolio Optimization. Although we know all the concepts behind Modern Portfolio Theory’s and Diversification, none can apply it in an excel or to a given case. For that, I found a really interesting tutorial video from Dr. Colby Wright in YouTube that helped me on that. It was simple and would be a great conclusion if added to this course.
3) Debating Modern Portfolio Theory’s theoretical limitations, but not leading to new theories or more applicable one’s to surpass its limitations.
I do know this course is one of a series of other courses in a Specialization. Maybe some of those points of improvement is answered in another course. I hope instructors might consider the course design and review the points in order to improve attendant’s learning, event if we do not attend the whole specialization.
By Cindy M
•Oct 8, 2017
There were some instances where formulas were required on the quizzes that were not thoroughly explained in the lectures. There also appears to be some statistical background required that was not specified in the pre-reqs. However, I did find it really informative.
By Prashant N
•Jan 13, 2019
I am really impressed and have learnt a lot from the topics covered in this course. However, I believe the learning curve shot up very sharply from Week 3 to Week 4. There is a lot more that could have been talked about Options and Forwards, and I don't think the course did justice to the subject, and the pace at which it escalated makes me wonder how long I'll be able to retain it.
By Vinayak I
•Apr 17, 2020
A good course overall, although the last module was not upto the mark. Could've been more detailed about hedging of currency risk. Counterparty risk wasn't explained. Options and forward contract was just read out of the slides. However, the course held up its value due to Prof Michel and Prof Tony Barrada, and Prof Olivier.
By William M
•Sep 11, 2016
Thoroughly engaging presentation of a topic that was very much esoteric to me previously. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking for insight into portfolio and risk management.
•Mar 21, 2019
An excellent course in terms of learning a number of new concepts like the Modern Portfolio Theory, and its limitations. Profiling customers, constructing strategic and tactical portfolios, the pros and cons of investing across geographies and currencies, hedging risks and concepts like VaR and Expected Shortfall-these concepts were taught with great empathy and passion. Macroeconomic variables to help in market timings were also a revelation. The only suggestion I have is for a more balanced quanti-quali mix.
By Carlos F
•Nov 26, 2020
Definitely not for people without economical and some math knowledge, but Great content, and fully recommend for anybody looking to improve their knowledge to better take care of your portfolio!
By Mykola O
•Sep 21, 2021
The great course contains useful information and is not overwhelmed with complicated math. Professor Michel Girardin has a talent to give useful knowledge and combines it with a good sense of humor. I was mainly interested in the last part of the course (i.e. portfolio risk management). It gives me some useful answers for my questions, but not those I've expected for. Anyway, the course is worth to be learned if you're interested in finance/investments and/or portfolio management.
By Simarjeet S
•Jun 25, 2020
I am first time writing a review for any product or service. I am just writing this review to Professor Michel Girardin. Professor is great person with eminence amount of theoretical and practical knowledge. I got many valuable insights from this course like Shiller's CAPE, Homo oeconomicus vs Homo sapiens. In short, I will recommend this course to everyone whether novice or expert as this course offers something from everyone. Great thanks to all facility.
By Marc T
•Feb 18, 2023
Really great. I have an MBA in Finance and Operations from the mid 90ies. But I never really used much of the Finance knowledge. This was a perfect reminder into Portfolio Management, CAPM, and the use of Options, Forwards, etc. I very much enjoyed the course.
By Kasidis S
•Sep 10, 2016
Great! This course will help you learn how to make a proper portfolio which optimally matched to your risk&return preference and how to manage your portfolio's risk level with financial instruments.
By Oleksandr D
•Jan 27, 2018
Good course. Highly recommended for Risk Managers who are looking for digging more into Efficient frontier, Value-at-Risk, Expected Shortfall, Variance-Covariance approach, etc.
By ahmed b
•Sep 17, 2016
i recommend this course for every one interested to understand the dynamics of financial markets and the future trends of financial markets and portfolio management
By shreeya g
•Nov 1, 2022
Excellent course providing good,high level and fundamental understanding on regression line, scatter plot,distribution of returns in numbers and graphical representation, strategic and tactical allocations, currency risk.
However in week 4 forward and options, managing risk can be explained in detail and with some additional example.
Video quality and execution of course is very subtle,professional and amazing.
However, it is recommended to have some basic quality understanding of finance before taking this course. Also, if given this course little much more time through finding additional and in depth details about topics it is worth understanding.
Professors and UBS guests are very informative and straightforward which makes course very splendid.
By Corlett N
•Mar 18, 2024
I really enjoyed this course. As someone planning a career in wealth management, this was my first exposure to financial knowledge and I learned a lot about risk management and portfolios. Modern Portfolio Theory, including efficient frontiers, mean-variance optimisation, as well as it's shortcomings. Derivatives, market timing, defining value at risk, managing risks associated to foreign currency exchange rates were all covered as well from experienced and effective professors from the University of Geneva as well as guest speakers from UBS. Many thanks!
By Javier v c
•Nov 1, 2020
Excellent course, it helped me to deepen how to approach risks in such a way that I achieve strategies such as the allocation of assets tactically and strategically. On the other hand, to apply coverage for eventual losses using the derivatives market, short operations, option sales. Also to minimize the risk of the exchange rate for example of international stocks from a US market to a Swiss market I can buy a fordward option to compensate for losses.
By Alexandre S
•May 5, 2021
I only have thanks and compliments to make about the Portfolio and Risk Management course. I had been waiting for a course like this to appear for a while and there was no opportunity. The UBS Professors and Guests enriched us with their content and their experiences, all very safe and convinced, great scholars and excellent professionals. Without a doubt, my goals have been achieved. I am very grateful to everyone at the University of Geneva.
By Tejaswini K
•Sep 13, 2020
it was highly informative and could revise my entire syllabus at once. i'm really happy with this course, for beginners it could be a little difficult to understand at once but its got a lot of easy concepts, but the once who have already been studying it can easily understand for them this could be like a revision. this course it something i'd like to recommend for people to take up.
By Matteo E
•Jun 19, 2017
Another 5* course from the University of Geneva team.. Great course to understand critical concepts on portfolio management and different ways to measure risk. It might do better with a few more practical examples (i.e. on how to effectively apply the theories with softwares like Excel or similar), but overall it gives all the basics upon which a student can build their own knowledge.
By Deokumar G
•Nov 11, 2019
Already in the second week of the Portfolio and Risk Management Module, Week 3, I am constantly being introduced to new concepts of evaluating the U.S. and Global equity markets! Thanks especially, especially, to Prof. Michel and Prof. Tony, as the clarity of their lessons allows me to grasp knowledge without being confused. Thanks again to University of Geneva! - deokumar gandharry
By Wesley A B
•Jul 17, 2019
Excellent course!!! I totally recommend this course. It's an amazing step to start and dive into Finance and Portfolio Management.
It also provide a complete wide-range view of Global Financial Market and Assets, by introducing Portfolio Modern Theory, going to investors profile, home bias and diversification and ending up at Monetary, Currency and Portfolio Risks.
Congrats to all.
By David A P C
•Sep 4, 2021
Un curso que maneja los temas de una forma clara y sencilla sin llegar a sacrificar el rigor de los mismos. Un detalle de gran valor son los videos realizados con profesionales que comparten su experiencia y forma de actuar dentro del campo laboral con los conceptos que se van a prendiendo. Muy buen curso, ideal para quienes están iniciando en temas de Riesgo financiero.
By Bhaskar C
•Mar 25, 2020
This course is really wonderful, the amount of insights one can get is really useful. Special thanks for adding the UBS speakers because they have also cleared our doubts regarding the application of the same in the real world. All the lecturers are great in their way of explaining the concepts. All the questions in between the video are really informative. Thank you.