Apr 18, 2018
I really enjoyed learning about music production also discovered how fun it is to create from the heart!I will most surely be taking more from this class, in the next coming weeks!Thanks so Much !
Nov 26, 2023
I learned a lot and it will help me immensely recording as it is all new to me, I made my first ever recording of one of the many songs I have written. Now I am working towards an entire album!!!
By Al W F
•Jan 23, 2019
In this section I've learned a great deal about music as art form. I can now appreciate music much better and challenge myself while listening to a song or watching a singer or performance.
By Crys M
•Dec 13, 2018
Excellent! Congratulations to Coursera and Berklee for bringing us these practical tips that surpassed my expectations really worth it and I will share with everyone this great content.
By Yuriy G
•Feb 19, 2017
Очень интересный и познавательный курс. Stephen Webber сумел заинтересовать и передать интересные навыки, появилось много идей, которые я намерен реализовать. В общем - спасибо большое
By Wilmer P
•Dec 6, 2020
This course has helped me to be focus in what I want to convey with my music. Having that idea in my mind, I was able to achieve my goal and not to lose the direction of my production.
By Diogo A G
•Dec 14, 2018
A good course, though introductory and basic. It gives you great insights into the process of composition, production and post-production, and also give you some really helpful tools.
By Sanil L
•Feb 6, 2020
I'm really enjoyed The Art of Music Production Course and got lot of basic knowledge about Music Production terminology. I'm Highly recommend this essential guide for music producers
By Jan H
•Sep 12, 2024
Beautiful course that made me think more deeply about music and music production. I liked the way Stephen Webber described all the topics, must be cool to have a teacher like that!
By Farid A R
•Dec 15, 2016
Such an exciting course. If you struggle with finding more about yourself as an artist , I highly recommend taking this course. Stephen is articulate, engaging and knows his stuff.
By Fran
•Jan 22, 2018
Ha sido increible! Contenido muy buena y las explicaciones de las clases son realmente inspiradoras con muchas técnicas que ayudan a definir un mejor sonido para tus grabaciones.
By Nicholas A
•Jun 11, 2016
The course won't go deep into any subject, but it's a *great* intro. The teacher is just SO great, he keeps making you want to come back for the next lesson over and over again!
By Nicolás V
•Feb 17, 2018
It's amazing to read Music Production and then finally listen to a professor talk about what real music production is. Tons of useful concepts and resources. I LOVE this course!
By Danny P C
•Jun 2, 2020
Lo único es que algunos vídeos no están subtitulados al español.. Solo esa observación, de ahí, todo el contenido es muy bueno y de gran ayuda en todo sentido. Muchas gracias.
By Mark J R
•Oct 31, 2016
Extremely inspiring and empowering course. I loved the layout and assignment structure, and the instructor is very knowledgable and articulate. I wish I could take it again.
By Maxwell E
•Nov 4, 2019
The course is really very informative. It is a long story course summarized. It really helped in guiding me to discover my musical identity and a good guide on production.
By Jano L
•Nov 11, 2018
Excellent intro into the music production. Being a musician all my life, this course put me in perspective about the things I already knew and new ways of thinking of them.
By Abhinav B
•Apr 14, 2020
A very useful course to start off with Music Production. Professor Stephen made it very easy to understand and very easy to navigate around the basics of music production.
By Matt M
•May 26, 2020
Great opportunity to develop and practice an understanding of yourself as an artist, and use this understanding as a limitation for your music. Great introductory class
•Aug 8, 2018
good overview of the "forest" of music production. Mr. Webber is an excellent instructor, I was able to see an immediate improvement in my art by following his lessons.
By Krishna K V
•Mar 20, 2019
I have just started this! Judging from my past experiences doing courses from Berklee, this looks as good as the previous ones! I love Stephen Webber's teaching style.
By Jean C
•Nov 15, 2020
(ESP) Entendí aspectos musicales que no tenía claro en este curso, recomendado para todos los que desean tener un camino para producir su música y definir su estilo.
By Serdar O
•Aug 24, 2017
Why 5 stars, Because I believe that,this course will give me some points that I would like to do somethings with my heart. Thanks everyone who worked on this course.
By Russ B
•Sep 20, 2021
I’ll be honest, it turned in to more of a song writing study than I was expecting, but I love the way it made me re-evaluate the way I listen to, and write, music.
By Breno T P
•May 8, 2020
For those that want to stop being idle and start producing, this is the PERFECT start. Really, this is the ultimate goal of this course: to make us start recording.
By Camilo M
•Feb 19, 2019
Excelente curso para iniciarse en el mundo de la producción. Para aprender pequeños detalles que no sabías o para tener una buena base en caso de estar comenzando
By Ayla K
•Jan 13, 2018
This is a great introductory course for already-musicians who want a refresher on songwriting basics and tips, and a gentle first push into the production world.