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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Real-Time Embedded Systems Theory and Analysis by University of Colorado Boulder

16 ratings

About the Course

This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5316, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. This
course provides an in-depth and full mathematical derivation and review of models for scheduling policies and feasibility determination by hand
and with rate monotonic tools along with comparison to actual performance for real-time scheduled threads running on a native Linux system.
By the end of this course the learner will be able to full derive the fixed priority rate monotonic least upper bound for feasibility as well as
justifying the rate monotonic policy and will be able to compare to dynamic priority scheduling including earliest deadline first...

Top reviews

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1 - 4 of 4 Reviews for Real-Time Embedded Systems Theory and Analysis

By Patrick W

Jun 22, 2022

There is a lot of helpful information in this course, but the professor often repeats himself, quizzes you on topics not covered, and is generally disorganized compared to other courses offered through the CU Boulder MSEE program.

By Georg P

Nov 18, 2024

It is with quite some regret that I have to rate this course "1" (failure). The contents are really interesting and relevant to my work. But the assignment are a total chaos, and many users have reported this, also for the first course of this specialization. Unfortunately, neither the course provider nor Coursera seem to care about this, which I find blatantly unprofessional. This leaves me no other choice than to give a bad rating. Will this wake up the responsible persons so that action is taken here?

By Ryan C

Jul 10, 2024

This couse is outdated and has dead links. No one graded my peer review assignment.


Apr 6, 2022

Very nice and interesting course. The Professor is an enthusiast and his lessons are very well structured. His preparation and knowledge can be clearly felt from its way of teaching.