Apr 20, 2019
An interesting and thought-provoking course on how self-reflective meditation can help achieve life's goals such as peace and contentment. My thanks to the educator and course organisers.
May 19, 2022
This course is deceptive because you approach it through your false mind and learning and implementing the self reflection methods you come out a better person. Just to note: I am 67 yrs old
By Sukhbir D
•Jul 8, 2020
Self Reflection via Mediation was A-1 Course which not only let the stress out but also relaxes and makes our mind comfortable. Every Video Clip from all eight weeks of course were meaningful and did made logic to our life. Even-though the Eight Weeks Course with many sub-sections were kind of long but had flexibility of completing it at our own pace of time.
By Oleg C
•Jul 23, 2019
Thank you very much, this course answered to many of my questions and gave me an insight of a better understanding of how my mind works. I think the professor Lee presented and structured the course perfectly. I would like to be part of such topic for research in the future because this is the way to help people discover themselves, respect and love themselves
By El C
•Oct 10, 2019
Following Dr. Lee's self-reflection Subtraction Method has really helped me in my day to day life. I am so much more patient and calmer than before. And I no longer "sweat the small stuff." I would say over all I am much happier since when I started the course and I am now doing the Self-Reflection daily. Thank you so much for offering this course!!
By Ann C
•Nov 6, 2021
|This course is very interesting, Applying the substraction method thru self reflection will be added to my daily routine so I can achieve completeness. Thank you for this course. I appreciated the format of the course and thank Professor Dock-Joo Lee for the lectures and his offer to answer all the questions I had or might have in the future.
By Tiago H F d L
•Feb 2, 2021
Exceptional course, exceeded my expectations. I recommend that everyone on the planet do it. I feel more serene, light, happy. I realize now that I have achieved almost all of my goals and that it is possible to be a complete human being. I am practicing the mind of the universe, in order to transform myself and the world for the better.
By Karl D
•May 21, 2020
Excellent course. I chose the course to learn more abut general meditation. I feel as if I learned level II information vice basic information that I was initially seeking. This was awesome. I have tools that i have begun to use daily and feel as if they will be with me for the rest of my life. Please develop more courses like this one!
By Monika M
•Jun 12, 2018
As long as following the course step by step, I can grab the idea that meditation is practically the key for my true happiness and success. It is not any more vague to me. And I am getting more interested in my inner self. Thank you for the systematic lecture. I would like to recommend this course to my collesges and friends.
By Vinita J
•Oct 16, 2020
Excellent course conducted by Prof.Duck-Joo Lee [KAIST]. The way medication techniques describes from childhood to 1000 years, I never imagine before taking up this course. However , I have learned lot of mediation practice like vippassana, chakra healing but this spiritual techniques is worth controlling our mind and body.
By Avie N
•Sep 28, 2020
This is an excellent course with practical examples of how you can breakaway from you past and start living the way people are meant to. If one sticks to the practices provided by Dr Lee, you will achieve your goals of peace, tranquility and happiness. I would consider this course an endearing gift to humanity from Dr Lee.
By Ruchika A
•Jun 10, 2020
I am grateful to this course for enabling me to view my past and the world differently, for showing the true meaning of happiness and for helping me look back on my childhood, school days, stress and worries in order to know myself better. My habits have become positive, and I am peaceful and happy now. Thank you so much!
By Pietro G
•May 9, 2020
Well done. I have been interested in meditation for long time but, despite reading different books and theories, I have never been able to understand it thoroughly and never been able to be persistant. I think this course offers a practical method to get results and therefore keep practicing and get better and better.
By Deleted A
•Sep 18, 2019
Es un curso para el que no necesitas conocimiento previo. Avanzas y te vas conociendo sin darte cuenta, pero al final notas una diferencia, por muy pequeña que sea. Te da las herramientas necesarias para aplicar este método, tan útil, todas las veces que quieres a lo largo de tu vida. Vale totalmente la pena.
By Odile V
•Jul 20, 2020
The course was very amazing on the whole, I have learnt a lot of useful knowledge on how to become happier and more peaceful through self-reflection ! It will certainly practice this method all my life ! A special thank to Pr. Duck-Joo Lee for his very intelligent, subtle approach and his sense of humour !
By Christina P
•Mar 18, 2020
I loved the course because it felt like the professor released a secret to the world. The secret of happiness. The astonishing thing is, this secret actually works. Obviously, the older or more burdened you are, the more practce you need. But isn't it that real life achievements need effort?
By Deleted A
•Dec 27, 2020
Interesting course. Love it. A good way to clear our minds usually full of noise and unseful images. I've been practising meditation for 2 years, not with this method, and I can say that I notice more peace after I do it, even if I practice for a short time. Thank you Dr. Lee and Coursera!
By Lizelle L
•Sep 5, 2020
I enrolled in this course, expecting to learn the reasons for meditating, according to the eastern philosophies. I did not expect it to change my whole outlook on life! I used to think my self-perception skills were good, but now I see with clear eyes. Thank you Professor Duck-Joo Lee
By Hyecheong C
•Jun 7, 2018
I'm very much satisfied with this course. I always needed such an academic and scientific approach about meditation and mind process. This course is making all my questions clear as for now. I'm really looking forward to completing this course and trying self-reflection in meditation.
By Maria L M
•May 18, 2021
Excelente curso! Aprendi muitas coisas e vou usar a meditação de auto reflexão para mudar muitas coisas na minha vida e como o professor diz no curso: alcançar minha felicidade! Tremendamente feliz de conquistar um certificado num curso de uma instituto tão renomado. Muito obrigada!
By Prabir S
•Sep 21, 2022
An excellent, thoughtfully crafted and delivered course. This was one of the most enjoyable time I had invested and learnt. Thanks to Dr Duck- Joo Lee for his calm and composed way of conducting the course. I recommend this course for all seekers of truth. With profound regards.
By suzann s
•Sep 4, 2020
I have taken many different meditation courses and they all serve their purpose, however this is by far the most effective. Professor Dr. Lee did an excellent job. I could not find where I could email Dr. Lee with any questions I had. Thank you very much for offering this course.
By Saranya D O M
•Dec 22, 2019
This is the only course in which I felt like "Oh! It's over already!" I got a missing feeling at the end of the course as there won't be any more lectures. So informative and so helpful, it created a new perspective, a new eye and a new me. Always thankful to this amazing course!
By Jongsuk l
•Apr 5, 2020
Finishing this course, which makes me happier and more peaceful than before. This is why it has a simple and unique method through subtraction meditation. So everyday I am practicing this meditatiom, I get closer to my goal without stress. Thank professor Lee for this course
By Peter J
•May 27, 2018
I am usually interested in meditation. This course tells us why we should meditate. Professor Lee was very kind and helpful in explaining meditation in an easy to understand way. I would like to try it if it can become human completion through self reflection meditation.
By Ha M
•Jan 16, 2025
It was absolutely amazing. The course provided practical insights and techniques that helped me connect deeply with myself and focus on my goals. I truly appreciate the clarity and wisdom shared by the instructor. Thank you for creating such a transformative experience!
By Encarnación T M
•May 20, 2020
It was a surprise for me because at the Beginning ( during first week ) I thought: this is a little boring but when I started to pay attention, focusing and practicing his advices I realised that it is very interesting and practical for our life. I liked it a lot.