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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Principles of Real Estate by Keller Williams

101 ratings

About the Course

This course is the first in a series of five courses designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills for achieving a successful career in real estate. In the Principles of Real Estate course, you will discover the day-to-day tasks of a real estate agent and how those tasks translate into successfully closed real estate transactions. You will also learn how a real estate agent gets paid, finds homes to sell, and identifies prospective buyers. Additionally, you will learn the importance of establishing and maintaining relationships that can impact a real estate business. By the end of this course, you'll be able to explain how real estate agents: 1. Define their job tasks and duties. 2. Receive payment for real estate services. 3. Identify and prioritize day-to-day tasks. 4. Analyze, interpret, and reframe market data and communicate its story to potential clients. 5. Generate leads through a variety of methods to grow their business. 6. Build, use and manage a database....

Top reviews


Apr 26, 2024

Very informative and I believe all the information covered will be vital in assisting with passing the real estate course needed to become a full fledged agent


Dec 16, 2024

excellent beginners Course to gain understanding of Real Estate and to help you start practicing strategies and techniques before you get your license

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26 - 28 of 28 Reviews for The Principles of Real Estate

By Ethan L

Aug 28, 2024

Interesting course, but maybe less time on hearing from the experts if they're reading off a script.

By Amanda B

Dec 4, 2024

Great course but Do not love that you get stuck due to peer reviews

By Paola S S

Jan 5, 2025

No pierdan su tiempo y dedicación haciendo un curso el cuál después de tanto esfuerzo va a ser calificado "por sus compañeros ",unas personas que no tienen idea de lo que hacen ya que están al mismo nivel estudiante.",.Te pasas las horas generando respuestas y apegandote al las reglas y el lenguaje técnico para el sector y un pelmazo te califica con un 1 jaja .Un curso de tres meses tirado a la basura y el dinero también. Estudiar para que un navo te califique, que gracioso.