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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Game Design by California Institute of the Arts

2,858 ratings

About the Course

Welcome! This course is an introduction to the primary concepts of gaming, and an exploration of how these basic concepts affect the way gamers interact with our games. In this course you will understand what defines a “game” and the mechanics and rules behind different types of games. Through four linked assignments you'll learn ways to create and describe a game concept, and specifically what makes a compelling game. This course focuses on the conceptual underpinnings of games, and all assignments can be completed with a pencil and paper – no previous programming knowledge is required....

Top reviews


Apr 13, 2020

I really loved doing this course. Learnt how to make a simple game and make it really interesting! I loved how the easily the instructor was able to teach us and make us curious throughout the course.


Feb 13, 2020

The lecture videos from Professor Fran and his old friend were surprisingly entertaining. Kudos to the team because they were able to make it fun, informative, and engaging throughout the four weeks.

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1 - 25 of 842 Reviews for Introduction to Game Design

By Annie S

May 6, 2020

The course content (videos, mini quizzes, assignments) were really great. Fran explained things in a really accessible way, and used useful examples. The course was in nice bitesize segments and the pace was nicely balanced to make steady progress each week while still challenging you and pushing you creatively.

The only disappointing thing was the community/peer feedback. Unfortunately many people just give a one word answer (presumably to just get their credit) and I feel this is unfair to those of us who take the time to actually review others' work properly. It takes a lot of work to "promote" your assignment in the forum to ask for more feedback so you can hope to get something useful. It also seems that Coursera just takes the first 2 reviews submitted on your assignment, and it's unclear if any more people can even submit feedback (or if they do, whether you'll see it), so I'm not even sure if trying to ask more people for feedback would even work. Across the 4 weeks I probably only got 2 real peer reviews, the rest were "Nice" or "Great" or non-specific. It's a shame because feedback is so important.

I completed this course on a free trial. I might consider paying to continue with the rest of the specialisation as I really got value from the content and assignments, and I would definitely consider paying for it if there was better guarantee around quality feedback. Perhaps pairing people (that way you can see how your buddy and their work evolves over the course), or having a way to request mentor feedback. I would even probably pay for mentor/staff feedback specifically.

By Miguel A

Nov 5, 2015

Quite useless. I didnt feel that I learned anything at all. Assingments seem to be dessinged by someone very lazy. The limitations of the assingments do not allow the students to practice what its been tought, but it is asked in the peer assingment from the students to evaluate it!. I understand that when calling it "Introduction", it is supposed to be aimed for people totally starting from 0. But still, I cant see how this course is of any use. It is short and does not cover anything. I am very surpirsed that getting the certificate for this course costs the same (in $) than getting the certificate of the Introduction to Principles of Game Design. Principles of Game Design has more than double hours of classes and in the assingments you actually create a game and practice new stuff. This course was very dissappointing.

By Ruaan G

Jul 12, 2018

Incredibly basic and lean. I was hoping to learn more and the whole 'The faster you go the more money you save' slogan is rubbish because you constantly need to wait for dates to submit assignments. Peers don't give feedback or the UX is bad because I can't find it, and I know I'm not alone. Slightly unimpressed with Coursera thus far, but I will persist and hopefully the rest of this specialization is better. There's also a mistake on the banner of the specialization, saying 'Create Imaginative Games. Design a video game for independent distribution in just four courses. ' - when it's actually five. Poor. Really poor. I feel I might have been better off learning for free on youtube and I know $50 p/m is not a lot for someone in the USA but for those of us from third world hurts a little, especially when we are held back by peer review systems and fixed dates. I've bought training off Udemy for MUCH cheaper (discount specials) and it is vastly superior at the moment, but I must confess this was my first Coursera course. I'm also doing the Gamification one and it seems much better.

By Light s

Jun 16, 2020

It was helpful as it showed me several tricks and tips on how to create a story and properly balance a game. While also showing me see how other people could complete something with different ideas.

By Tiffany X

Dec 6, 2015

This course inspire me a lot. It is not easy, but with tons of fun. I spent a long time to think out the idea and make it and improve it. I did progress in gaming making as a fresh man. Thank you!

By Olwen J

Nov 7, 2015

I really enjoyed this course. It was a lot of fun designing and redesigning a game, as well as getting to play other people's games. I enjoyed the lectures and found the peer reviews very helpful.

By José Á

Oct 15, 2015

Fran Krause is the best teacher. He really knows what are games, what we use them for and How make them fun!

In simply steps he tought me that game designing is what i want to do in my life

By Emi S

Sep 9, 2020

Feedback was very poor. Instruction is generally minimal and there is not a lot to learn from this course. The reason why this course works so poorly is the reliance on other enrolled individuals to provide important feedback. An alarming amount of student work I peer reviewed showed very little consideration for the project goals and one sentence descriptions. In addition, my work would sometimes receive one sentence feedback. There was absolutely no assurance that I would get constructive feedback. It's also possible to resubmit my work for a regrade, which can very easily be exploited. The worst students could complete this course in a single afternoon. This course needs an overhaul on evaluation.

By Ivan D

Dec 1, 2015

I went in this course with high expectations. After I watched all of the videos for the first week and saw the hilarious homework I quickly checked what this is about.

LESS THAN 3 HOURS OF VIDEOS! Not to mention paying, you will be better off with Extra Credits...

By Anamaria K

Apr 17, 2017

The teacher is wonderful, the course is very fun and wonderfully structured - I would highly recommend it! It is in itself like a multiplayer game that I enjoyed playing! :) The peer-reviewed assignments were really allowing me to learn by doing and to gradually learn from my and others' mistakes. All together, it was great!

By Don R G

Feb 13, 2020

The lecture videos from Professor Fran and his old friend were surprisingly entertaining. Kudos to the team because they were able to make it fun, informative, and engaging throughout the four weeks.

By Gianmarco D

Oct 11, 2017

The course is great and I had a lot of fun experimenting with the assignments and trying to come up with different ideas. There's a big problem though, and it revolves around the fact that the course is now followed by a small number of students and the teaching staff is absent, emerging from the shadows just to drop a few answers on the forum every now and then. The course need more love, as the assignments aren't always clear and some support could be of help to students. Anyway, the content is great and it is tuned well to the beginners level.

By Nathan J H

Mar 19, 2021

I'm giving this course 3 stars. I really enjoyed taking this course, but didn't care for the fact, of having to sit and wait for others to review my assignments. Had it not been for that, I would have given 5 stars instead. I feel that having students reviewing each others work is great, but ones grades shouldn't be based on their peers.

By Daniel D

Dec 3, 2018

The videos are excellent and the teacher demonstrate vast knowledge in the area. But, I miss a more professional feedback on our submissions, sometimes it doesn't help at all, we're basically doing it by our own all the time, I believe the results could be even better with a better guidance.


Apr 23, 2020

This course was my first footing on Game Design and it was truly interactive by actually giving its learners something to create in paper and post every week. I could have made some game designs myself but would have probably been somewhat stuck along the way wondering when to do what. Given that, perhaps this course linearly took things every step at a time. I hear this is the primary course of a five part series. Definitely looking forward to trying the rest whenever possible. The only thing that may have taken more time is waiting for your work to be reviewed which sometimes takes a couple of days longer. Rest assured this is one of those courses that really takes your time's worth and leaves you with some valuable contributions of your own. I rarely rate anything 5 stars so this one truly earned it.

By inanç k

Feb 20, 2016

It was an entertaining course which you can build things on paper. Which is nice if you are not friendly with computers. The only not-so-liked part was try to fit the assignments in a single side A4 page only. We had 4 assignments in each of the assignments except one, we are encouraged to build our assignments on previous assignments. So I needed more 2 papers in the last because I included graphics, a story, explanations on how to play, on multiplaying, etc. But it is fun, so it was worth trying it.

By Joshua B

Feb 5, 2017

I was surprised at how difficult at first people made their simple games for the first few weeks. It was cool to see some really creative games that inspired and helped me with my ideas as well. The teaching videos were great and immersive that I laughed out loud at sometimes. Like "don't touch that there's a bomb" and then just touching the bomb and the puppet exploding. (2 ways to explain something in a game)

I loved the course and look forward to the second course! Thank you CALARTS!!!!

By Kucherov A

Jun 22, 2020

It's fun, the course members gave some good feedback (some members didn't review my assignments at all though, they just left a blank comment). The staff of the course isn't active, but there are some mentors (not lecturers, just some volunteers). If you want to find some advice for making a game design document, this course is for you. It's short, but it's consistent. And you'll also have some practice in making a game design document.

By Tahseen M N

Apr 13, 2020

I really loved doing this course. Learnt how to make a simple game and make it really interesting! I loved how the easily the instructor was able to teach us and make us curious throughout the course.

By Enlik

Dec 23, 2015

My review is when i'm already in week 3 of this course. Really worthed to participate in this course, especially when you've finished your assignment and your classmate review your works! :)

By Alexis P C

May 28, 2020

The instructor showed a vast understanding on game design and the videos were useful resources to review when completing assignments. Because this course is based on my learning pace and dedication, I think I learned a good amount about game design and its basics. I personally enjoyed learning at my own pace and applying what I learned in the required weekly assignments. I also enjoyed interacting with others of the same interest and seeing what they created throughout this 4-weeks course.

However, there were times when reviewing videos weren't enough to answer my questions. As suggested by the course syllabus, I posted my question to the discussion forum where the course mentors would answer any questions. I was fortunate enough to complete all the assignments without any reply to my questions (it's been over a week) from any of the course mentors. An increase of course mentor(s) involvement would've been beneficial for many of the learners here including myself for any questions answers or feedback we might need. Perhaps decreasing the class size would benefit course mentor(s) to address questions or concerns from learners.

Although before taking this course there was a reminder that the professor wouldn't be involved in any of the grading or feedback on assignments, I wish there was a better feedback system that involved professional and more than 2 peers feedback required to complete assignments. Most of the feedback in the beginning were beneficial to my improvement in submitting future assignments but as the weeks progressed, the feedback weren't professional nor beneficial to my learning. Peer reviews could use a minimum text amount as well so that learners can gain a better understanding on a peer's feedback rather than reading a one word comment as feedback.

By John-Scott H

Feb 6, 2023

Course was well organized and fun. Instructors were good and the online interface was easy to access and use. However, the class was set up to be collaborative with other students and that part of the course was not very good. I get that this is an online course that is always available, but I think I would have gotten a lot more out of the class if I felt truly involved in it. Many of the peers’ projects on here were from past students (and were really bad), so clearly your feedback isn’t being actively received and discussed, and the low bar of other submissions was a bit uninspiring. I’d like to see more of an effort from Coursera to provide an easier to access and more consistently populated class community that keeps remote students more engaged and driven to collaborate.

By Samya B

Sep 4, 2020

Too many assignments getting reviewed by the peers. The instructors should check a few to give some criticism which we can use because peers are not specific and just doing it for the sake of formality.

Other than this the content is very less the videos are hardly 5 mins maximum are below 3 mins and there are like 7-8 videos a week. For a specialization course, this is way too less. But the content is of good quality. I learnt a lot and it was an enjoyable experience.

By 18020582 P Q H

Jan 22, 2022

The content is too general and the assignments are not challenging at all. It makes me feel like this course is for kids.

By Tülay T M

Jan 7, 2021

Course content is ok, but its hard to progress if all passing requirements are peer-grading only.