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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Gamification by University of Pennsylvania

2,433 ratings

About the Course

Gamification is the application of game elements and digital game design techniques to non-game problems, such as business and social impact challenges. This course will teach you the mechanisms of gamification, why it has such tremendous potential, and how to use it effectively. For additional information on the concepts described in the course, you can purchase Professor Werbach's book For the Win: How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business in print or ebook format in several languages....

Top reviews


Jan 17, 2016

Este es un curso básico de Gamification que abarca los conceptos al detalle y mediante ejemplos practico de la teoría se facilita el aprendizaje. Felicito al profesor y agradezco el tiempo brindado.


May 23, 2019

Excellent course! I found it very useful. It really builds a super strong foundation to think about this User Motivation and UX. The word Gamification is something that some people like and some hate.

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1 - 25 of 759 Reviews for Gamification

By Connor L

May 29, 2019

Enjoy your $95 pay-wall at the end (*before* the end, I mean) of the section 1 quiz. The material so far was hardly insightful, and they want learners to pay for $95 of value they can't even see after only getting through mayyyybe $3 worth of value. The first two sections re-hash the same points over and over "What is gamification? What is gamification not? for 30+ minutes and then section 2: "What is gamification? What is gamification not?" The course was, from the looks of it, filmed in 2008 and not update one bit since then, and therefore has a ton of outdated information, statistics, etc. They're always talking about things being "new and emerging" when, by now, they're from a prior decade. Gag me with a spoon. Why would I or anyone else pay $95 just to see the rest of this course when the first section or two of it is utterly incompetent except for referencing a few factoids about the concept of a game from ancient philosophers which anyone could Google to grasp the same concept of. Definitely insulted that this course is asking twice the price of game design courses and music production courses I've taken on Coursera for not even a third of the quality of content. I'd pay $25 tops for this course if the rest of it is anything like the pre-paywall portion of it. And that's the problem: how could I know? I can't see beyond the first quiz. I'll just have to assume it's all trash and move in and lament the time I wasted being led to a surprise pay-wall. Coursera, this has severely tarnished my impression of your platform. Do not let this course continue to exist in the ways I've described here any longer.

By Víctor F M R

Feb 14, 2019

The course itself is not bad, if you do not have previous knowledge in gamification. It's a good introduction that covers a few important aspects of this relatively new discipline. But you can feel many times that many of the lessons are already out of date (just take a look at the examples the teacher provides) and the situation of the market the teacher describes is gone. There are new issues and new challenges. Another important flaw, from my point of view is that he doesn't delve into the analysis of the examples, which would be much more practical, useful and interesting than trying to cover the course with this kind of pseudo-academic patina.

By Karen S

Aug 30, 2020

This was the most awful course I have ever taken. I don't know why he didn't "GAMIFY" a gamification class to show what a gamified class actually looks like. The class was more of a boring business model course with a lot of plugs to his and friend's products. I gained nothing of value. Total waste of time and money. Not to mention it is completely outdated. Don't waste your time or money.

By Eduardo P

Nov 21, 2015

to much theoric, i was expecting for something more technical. With more examples, infographic, maybe tools and design schemas showing how how to implement gamification, I saw another gamification courses that was much better than this.

By E. C C

Aug 14, 2017

Some outdated material, but overall a good introduction to the concepts of Gamification.

By Thomas B

Jun 29, 2016

Very little that you can actually bring to the proces of using gamification in your studies or work. Each video is trying to sell you either the professors own book, or the course. The tests too are very low-skilled. The worst course i have ever taken on coursera. I dont want to pay for it, even i have completed the entire course and all the test questions. It's a waste of bot time and money.

By Anshuman G

Jul 2, 2017

It was an interesting learning session - it gave me a more structured approach to gamification concepts which I can further use in Human Computer Interaction / User Centered Design approach in UX.

By iHappy

Nov 5, 2018

Lost interest halfway trough the Week One.

This course is a bit too long and it doesn't get to the point right away. I mean, I came here because I wanted to learn the basis and actually apply it to my life. I am not interested in listening to all the history about gamfication... it's not like I will ever need that in my life, and it won't help me at applying this to my life.

Tried skimming trough the rest of the course but I have found more of the same.

Honestly, it was fun at the begging but than you went overboard with all the unnecessary talks about the stuff that's useless.

So, for anyone reading this, if you are look for in depth description of Gamfication, this course is for you. On the other hand, if you are interested in only the basics, save yourself some time and just googl "Gamification", you will find many useful articles which might help you to get started.

By Dotan F

Jan 8, 2016

Could not go beyond the 3rd lecture.

I have been taking some courses on Coursera lately, so I have some references, and this one is somewhat problematic.

After about 30 min. I felt it is not going anywhere.

If that 30 min. was suppose to be an introduction -it is a bit long.

By Martin C

Feb 13, 2017

Assignments have been thought as open questions in a multiple choice formats.

By Susan M

Jun 23, 2016


By Adriano L V

Apr 30, 2020

Great course, many insights, great examples and case studies. Full of interesting and motivating elements. A bit too long, on my opinion, maybe splitting in two easier and faster sessions could help.

By Janet B

May 26, 2017

1) Transcripts are not accurate and do not meet ADA standards. There are LOTS of spelling errors, such as"GEMIFICATION" or "GAMEIFICATION" and not even close on Theory names or multiple personal and business names. Without accuracy, it is impossible to find key terms in the transcripts for a quick review or to study content in more details - at my own pace.

2) Seems odd that a course on gamification does not use some of those principles.

3) Course seems a bit dated - with several references to things popular 5 -8 years ago - and lacks recently revised references to newer content. More history than the cutting edge of current trends.

4) Ok as an introductory course but its description does not clearly indicate it as such.

5) has a better (and sorter) overview of Gamification for Learning (with Karl Kapp) which is more specific to what I truly need to know.

By Daryl P

May 10, 2021

As someone who has specialized in Gamification, specifically its use in Higher Education, and produced celebrated learning design content throughout Europe for the last 10 years, I am heavily disappointed in this course.

The videos are pretty dull, to the point were I found it a struggle to force myself through them. The content itself is also dubious and I wouldn't rely on it for information regarding Gamification. I also find it worrying that the lecturer constantly talks about the amazing benefits of Gamification in work, education and a whole tirade of social situations but cant seem to use it in their own course, which feels quite frustrating to work through.

The quizzes are also badly made and worded. If you require a learner to choose one option then only give them one option, using multiple tick boxes is confusing and unhelpful... not challenging.

I've seen Kevin talk on a number of subjects from Blockchain, Bitcoin and Business Ethics, and he is incredibly knowledgeable and informative, but this is a big let down. Much better to do Yu-Kai Chou Octalysis course if you're interested in Gamification.

By Zhichao Z

Dec 25, 2015












By Fabrice L

May 24, 2019

Excellent course! I found it very useful. It really builds a super strong foundation to think about this User Motivation and UX. The word Gamification is something that some people like and some hate.

By Blanka M

Jun 17, 2017

Very structured and interesting class about gamification. Kevin is a very engaging teacher and this course was perfect introduction to gamification. I highly recommend the course. Thank you very much!

By Shailesh S

Dec 14, 2015

Awesome course. Contents, format, presentation, examples, narrative, depth. Learned a lot. Absolutely appreciate the knowledge shared by Professor and the efforts of all the people involved. One of the best courses I have taken so far and I'd highly recommend it to others. Some things which will make it even better - 1) maybe the whole course (learning/participation) itself could have been gamified 2) providing slide deck and notes for us to refer to 3) more involvement in discussion forums 4) some changes in language of questions and choices offered 5) direct involvement by CommunityTA etc for answering questions or clarifying things 6) Assignment #3 should have been in the week of Design (not application). 7) Providing summary points at the end of each lecture 8) maybe reduce # of video lectures per week. 9) Last but not least - offering "Certificate of Accomplishment" (free), not just paid ! We'd have felt nice to see the certificate and showing it off to our friends/colleagues (actual use of the things we learned in this course !). Thank you !!

By Marina A

Jul 21, 2019

One of the best courses I've ever had online. The topic of gamification is still new, so this course was the first and the only place where I could find all the necessary information. Every lecture contains a lot of data, so my strong advice is to follow carefully and make notes - you will definitely want ot get back to them. You will find articles, videos and books, advised by professor, if you want to dive deeper into the topic. This was also valuable to me, because there are a lot of books on game design, but you never know which ones are worth reading.

I work at the educational market, and I have already started implementing the principles of the course at my own course programs. I feel this is what I was looking for to make a boost for my business.

By Dzulhafiez I

Nov 11, 2020

Hi , thank you for the course. I did received a lot of bad insults and experiences during my course of study especially by Pro Chinese Groups and Companies. As quoted by Trump "China has the Covid unleashed and has to be accountable" which I think it is true. However , I am joining companies like Ubisoft and EA games and so sad that they are being controlled by mainly hostile Pro China people. However , the course was very good.

By Bokang M

Sep 27, 2021

This course is enough to prepare you for being a gamification consultant. It is very detailed and comprehensive. You're given most if not all tools, frameworks and theories that can be applied in different scenarios depending on your gamification project's context. Every theory and framework is presented with pros and cons so that you are equipped to make informed decision bases on your use case. This is a great course!!!

By Fleur Y

Nov 1, 2021

J'ai adoré le cours du professeur Werbach ! Le contenu est très dense. L'approche est ludique (quelle mise en abyme !). Les exemples concrets sont nombreux. Les références sont accessibles. Qu'on soit novice en marketing ou en management ou expert, ce cours donne des pistes de réflexions intéressantes et un cadre formel pour construire des systèmes gamifié. Merci et Bravo !

By Tamari K

Oct 10, 2021

Course is very good with great content and informative sessions. It gives you knowledge and useful sources to prepare theoretical basis and the assignments give you opportunity to transfer all the information in the 'real world' context.

By sapna j

Jan 4, 2016

Insightful course, widens your horizon of thinking. After completion of this course I was able to understand and create many engagement activities in my profession of a Human Resource Officer.

By Behzad M

Sep 10, 2021

a useful course that was full of case studies. the best syllabus that developed for gamification and behavior design. thanks coursera for this gamified course about gamification.