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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Gamification by University of Pennsylvania

2,433 ratings

About the Course

Gamification is the application of game elements and digital game design techniques to non-game problems, such as business and social impact challenges. This course will teach you the mechanisms of gamification, why it has such tremendous potential, and how to use it effectively. For additional information on the concepts described in the course, you can purchase Professor Werbach's book For the Win: How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business in print or ebook format in several languages....

Top reviews


Jan 17, 2016

Este es un curso básico de Gamification que abarca los conceptos al detalle y mediante ejemplos practico de la teoría se facilita el aprendizaje. Felicito al profesor y agradezco el tiempo brindado.


May 23, 2019

Excellent course! I found it very useful. It really builds a super strong foundation to think about this User Motivation and UX. The word Gamification is something that some people like and some hate.

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176 - 200 of 759 Reviews for Gamification

By Tammy M

Apr 1, 2018

I really enjoyed this course and ended up buying the book also. The combination of lecture, interviews, reading and activities was a great way to understand gaming fundamentals.

By Onur Ş

Oct 16, 2020

I think this course is essential to comprehensively understand and apply gamification. Also pretty helpful for understanding game design, game mechanics, and player psychology.

By Erez M

Jul 4, 2019

At last a course that get provide interesting twist to way companies think. I'm taking this course to understand how I can enhance our agile implementation in the organization.

By Kelly M

Jul 26, 2021

The instructor is knowledgeable, presents details and examples of opposing viewpoints and viable solutions. This course was interesting and stocked with valuable information.

By Nicolás A B

Apr 4, 2017

Very good course. Well structured, easy to absorb lectures and great examples make's you want to devour it in days, while powerful concepts leave you thinking for a good time.

By Anish B

Feb 10, 2016

This is a course for someone who is absolutely serious about learning Gamification for business. The lecture videos are very thorough and the interviews are very informative.

By Andrew R

Jan 14, 2016

Extremely useful and informative. Is everything you will need to begin gamifying any system right away! Professor covers full range of topics in the perfect level of depth.

By Cansın A

Dec 15, 2015

I enjoyed the course (in general) and find the materials appropriate, if you are a beginner or an intermediate on such topic and interested in, it will probably help you out.

By evitha s

Mar 6, 2022

Thoroughly enjoyed this fun, well structured and very informative course. have to say compliments to Kevin Werbach for keeping it so engaging and interesting!! thank you !

By Libor Z

Sep 26, 2016

I really liked the course, its range and complexity and how engagingly it was presented. Thanks and congratulations to the team around Professor Kevin Werbach for good work!

By Liddi R

Aug 25, 2016

This is an exceptional course that gives a deep dive into the good, the bad and the ugly of gamification. A well balanced view of benefits and risk. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

By Laura B

Apr 17, 2017

This course provided me with great insides about gamification and explained in a really simple but powerful way how to implement gamification in your activities / business.

By Claudia A M E

Sep 19, 2022

Excelente curso para conocer los fundamentos de la gamificación, las actividades prácticas de las tareas son convenientes para la elaboración de aprendizajes gamificados.

By Hector A I

Mar 13, 2017

It's the second time I watch this course. That's how great it is. Prof. Werbach is a master with gamification and the way it explains the course it's just awesome. THANKS!

By Ryan W

Feb 23, 2020

I have learned so much from this course! It has been very useful and given me a better understanding of how Gamification works and can be adapted to real-like scenarios.

By Elena N

Oct 22, 2017

I got great pleasure of this course! He is wonderful! Thanks to Kevin Verbah for his efforts, an interesting presentation of the material and very interesting interviews!

By Alexandrine A

Feb 4, 2017

Absolutely loves this class. Learned a lot and will apply all those gamification concepts in my daily job which is build products as a UX designer. Thanks for this class.

By Iris W

Sep 22, 2016

Awesome trainer and great videos which are easy to follow. The assignments where just right and helped reflect the learning Content and gain a deeper knowledge. Thank you

By Rita V

Aug 29, 2017

Curso Excelente! Ampliou muito meu horizonte de estudo! Me surpreendeu bastante a qualidade do curso! Parabéns Coursera e Universidade da Pensylvania pela oportunidade!

By Ducournau O

Jan 15, 2016

very interesting subject, well explained with a perfect use of the mooc format.

Final exam actually appears to be quite tough (so imply s***** fun according to ... ;-)

By Maribel P

Mar 13, 2016

Thanks a lot.

I find in this course a useful base of knowledge about the fast-growing practice of gamification.

I hope research in this area that is still developing

By Paula A

Sep 6, 2022

El curso es dictado en un lenguaje claro y sencilo, pensado para cualquier tipo de estudiane. Los contenidos son de excelente calidad y se hace entretenido aprender.


Mar 3, 2019

I learned about the basic concepts of gamification. The content of the subjects was easy to learn. The examples and exercises facilitate the practice of the theory.

By Richard I

Jan 5, 2016

Excellent course material and presentation. I've taken it before and earned a certification. I'm now taking the course again to refresh my knowledge on the subject.

By David M

Jun 24, 2018

Very well explained, structured, detailed. I had a gamification project but didn't know how to start. The course helped me a lot. Exactly what I was looking for.