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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Gamification by University of Pennsylvania

2,433 ratings

About the Course

Gamification is the application of game elements and digital game design techniques to non-game problems, such as business and social impact challenges. This course will teach you the mechanisms of gamification, why it has such tremendous potential, and how to use it effectively. For additional information on the concepts described in the course, you can purchase Professor Werbach's book For the Win: How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business in print or ebook format in several languages....

Top reviews


Jan 17, 2016

Este es un curso básico de Gamification que abarca los conceptos al detalle y mediante ejemplos practico de la teoría se facilita el aprendizaje. Felicito al profesor y agradezco el tiempo brindado.


May 23, 2019

Excellent course! I found it very useful. It really builds a super strong foundation to think about this User Motivation and UX. The word Gamification is something that some people like and some hate.

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651 - 675 of 759 Reviews for Gamification

By Manuel M

Jul 29, 2018

The course is really well done and gives an excellent overview over gamification.

If you are already familiar with Game Design, be aware that around 50% of the course talks about Game Design basics. (Which is fundamentally important to understand Gamification).

My only critique is, that sometimes the assignment-rating-cards did not leave much room to distinguish a really good submission from one that only "checked all boxes".

By Wei C

Jun 17, 2021

First the course has a lot of good information and helps me a lot, while the content was devleoped 10 years ago. I wish there was some newer information added to the course. Gamification has changed a lot and there are a lot of more good newer examples to add to the course. Also, I do not like there are so many multiple-responses questions in the final quiz and cannot get point if I didn't select all.

By Kenny S

Jan 14, 2016

I liked the content and the way is was presented with simple drawings. I like the real live examples. I think about the game of zombies and flowers to analyze onboarding.

I felt that behaviorism and dopamine was not put in context with the rest of psychology and neurotransmitters. It made me feel disappointed.

The interviews were great ! Love them, great question, great answers. BRAVO !

By Sonya B

Jan 19, 2016

Kevin's course delivery & explanation brings the kind of clarity in concepts & application, a learner truly desires. Very well explained. Thanks, Kevin.

I wish,

1. there was an advanced course to deep dive into areas of choice

2. there were ways to directly interact & work on a real life project with Kevin & other selected classmates/others learners/practitioners from offline world

By Ildikó W

Jul 27, 2019

I really liked the course, the professor, the book and the issues it's discussing. It's a super interesting topic!

The course itself could use some updating (it's already a couple of years old) and some of the links in the final exams don't seem to work anymore (they direct you to the same concepts, but the video's referred are not there anymore).

By Francis P

May 11, 2020

This course was helpful in introducing gamification to me in a manner beyond the surface level of it, and it provides a well-rounded view of it's potential short-comings. There is also a lot of useful extra resources mentioned in the lectures and other experts' work you can take a deeper dive in explore more gamification related concepts.

By emre s

Sep 24, 2017

Should be a 4-weeks course. Universities offer 4 weeks courses for teaching R Programming, a six 6 weeks course for gamification? The final exam should be easier and less time consuming. "Check all that apply" obsession unnecessarily makes passing harder. Time is scarce, we want to learn in little time breaks we create for yourself.

By Micael J

Dec 11, 2015

It is a good but also basic course. Well structured, good ideas, good exercises. But there is not much things to say about this subject in general. Unless you get specific on building gamification for sales force, or for students, etc... Conclusion: It's a great course, but could be more objective and maybe more focused on an area.

By Ana V

Nov 9, 2020

I would have preferred to apply in the last assignment (#3) the concepts on a personal project/experience I want to improve through gamification, not on a generic case study.

It would be useful to update some data to 2020. The course was developed in 2011 and since then gamification evolved, as well as the data presented.

By Liudmila N

Mar 8, 2017

Great course, but I didn't like assignments - what is the reason to make it over complicated - for instance, when you are given multiple choice questions with the only one correct answers. Almost all questions had long descriptions, which together with multiple unswers was a nightmare for not native English speaker.

By Nicholas S

May 5, 2016

This course is a fantastic introduction to gamification concepts and how they may apply to business or even learning. My only criticism is that the critiques of gamification came at the end of the course, which did not lend a nuanced view of gamification as you are learning about it. Otherwise, great course!

By Stephan C

Mar 14, 2017

Very interesting course. Very in depth teachings, like the behaviorism, psychology etc.

Didn't much like the peer reviews. Not everybody is giving the needed feedback and it was not easy to follow the schedule. If it's a course I do on the side, I find it more appealing if I can do it on my own tempo.

By Zoltán S

Mar 12, 2016

I really appreciated the assignment tasks and the interviews, the material itself was ok as well, although was not intensive enough for me. I really missed nice, structured and illustrated transcripts of lessons, such kind of written material could be useful for a reader-type learner as me.

By Naoise G

Mar 11, 2017

Thorough and well structured. It's a bit dated and could benefit by updating some of the examples, but it has many interesting examples from where to see practical applications of what is taught. The interviews are also valuable although they could be recommended as side material.

By Tiberiu G

Feb 16, 2017

This was a great course!

The only draw back that I have is that at the end of each video I would have liked a short (less than 1 minute) summary of the ideas discussed in that video. Just a few bullets with the main ideas presented in order to memorize them better.

By Daniel

May 19, 2019

The course uses traditional methods of reports and lecture, making the course not as innovative as it should. Gamification should be more involved in its approach and showing more in-depth tools for the users to apply the gamification tools that is so widely used.

By Hernan M

May 6, 2016

I really enjoyed the course, and learned a lot from it.

Lessons are clearly explained and I believe the course covers a lot of the key concepts to enter the world of gamification.

I would have appreciate more contact with the professor through the discussion boards.

By Ivan K

Jul 4, 2021

The material in quite important for me at the moment, and I feel like the course itself is pretty good. The main place to improve for my point of view will be add some information regarding how to apply frameworks course provide in a best way to practical cases.

By Eugene " C

Feb 28, 2017

It's a very good course. Truly recommend to everyone related to marketing and business development.

4 stars for one reasons - some cases (most actually) are already out-dated. I think that renewing this program, making it more 2017 - would help it greatly.

By James G

Sep 13, 2019

I enjoyed this course, the instructor, and believe the course content met all of the objectives presented at the beginning. I do think this would be a more impactful course if it was recreated now, as a lot has changed in gamification in the last 7 years.

By Alejandra C V

Jun 7, 2017

Creo que es un curso que te da un panorama y sustento de la ludificación, se utilizan buenos ejemplos y las tareas son pertinentes. Sin embargo, por motivos de que mi inglés no es bueno y que algunos de los videos no están subtitulados en español.

By Nathan M

May 7, 2021

Fun and interesting course. Not a fan of tieing completion of the course with reviewing a set amount of other students submissions. Had to wait a while after completing all assignments just because no submissions were available to review

By Dimitris P

Sep 22, 2016

A good and thorough analysis of the aspects of gamification

(+) Professor talked a lot about psychology, motivation

(-) I missed an example of how to make a gamified system from scratch instead than looking at examples from webpages.

By Bruno T B

Feb 22, 2017

Seeing we had a gamification course, we could have a better "gamified" course itself! I was really hoping (and even making a list) with all the stuff the professor had in it's video.

The course is very good, tho.

By Michael

Feb 19, 2019

I like it! It is clear, love the examples, and the interviews.

*Perhaps the only thing I'd add it more highlighting in items to keep in mind at the end of the lectures: Like a summary... That's usually helpful.*